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Today's Bonus:
Along with the third game this is one of the few rpgs I consistently go back to playing every now and again. Unlike the other various atelier games, you aren't punished in this one by time constraints so you are welcome to farm as many materials for alchemy as you want to.
There isn't anything too amazing about the stories in either game, but it is the combat system that really hooks you. Not enough jrpgs have a fun turn based battle system. They use a battle gauge that fills up on regular attacks and you spend it for more powerful attacks or spells. On top of the decision making that requires, the turn order gauge also plays an important role. Higher speed determines how fast you move to the right side of the bar for your turn to be had. Pushing the enemies back to the far left side of the bar with a break attack stuns them and allows for an auto crit on them. Since break attacks cant build up the attack gauge, you have to balance out each players turn to figure out how best to beat each boss.
Since then i've enjoyed other games with this sort of shared system in place. I highly recommend arc rise fantasia if you like this combat style. It is another hidden gem with one of the best story lines i've ever played.Great game. I never had so much fun in my life. Everybody in my family loves it.
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