
Vanquish - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Well there are plenty of reviews here already so not to rehash what everyone else has said, I will keep my review short and to the point. Overall, I personally love this game as there is nothing else on the market that covers the action genre so much as this game does. The graphics are excellent, no slow-down, detail is amazing etc. The cons are as everyone else has said regarding forgetful story, bad voice-acting, short, etc. I will say if you're looking for a deep adventure, look elsewhere. This game is all action. With that said, most of time the reason I read reviews is if it is worth spending the hard-earned funds to purchase the product. The game is short. I completed the game in a week on normal (about 7 hours). Now here is where the meat is, re-playability. If you are the type of person that likes to complete games over on higher difficulties than you are in the right place. I am attempting "godly hard" mode and am not able to pass the first section of the first level. There is some real difficulty here and it is something I have not experienced since the days of 2-D gaming. Beating this mode will give anyone serious bragging rights. Also, after beating the game the first time, there are 6 challenge modes to complete that are fun and difficult at the same time (challenge 6....yikes!!). This game should be played by everyone, no doubt about that. Should this game be purchased at full price by everyone? That's for you to decide. Just know what you are getting is a great action game that bets on replaying. No more, no less. If you need an idea of what you are getting into action wise, think Bayonetta and Mad World (same great developer). Now, how do I increase my gaming skill for this game on "godly-hard"....

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Attitude. This game screams ATIITUDE. I'm a college student, so I obviously don't have a lot of money to blow, but I decided to take a plunge and buy this game Day 1. I was not dissapointed. If you're looking for an engaging storyline with deep characters, look elsewhere. All you'll find here is a big ol' can of whoop ass. This is by no means a bad thing, in fact this is a good thing because this game knows it's an action game and it doesn't pretend to be anything else. Imagine, if you will, the best action movie you've ever seen. Now, multiply that by 10. Add a cigarette smoking badass in a battle suit that enhances his every ability. On top of that, add huge mechs who want your blood. Now add Russians to the mix. That's what Vanquish is in a nut shell. I'm positive that many people will give this game a bad review because it isn't an arty game. This game is unashamed to be ridiculous and over the top. In fact, it revels in it. And to be quite honest, once you start the game you can't help but feel like a badass who's shooting everything in sight. Is this game worth 60 bucks? Hell yes. If you have some extra cash in your bank account, buy this game. You will not regret it.

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First of if you're a fan of third person sci-fi action games then you should for sure pick Vanquish up you won't be disappointed, if you're new to the genre than this would be an excellent start too. The story is your typical good versus evil, mine's bigger than yours scenario so nothing major there. However the action is fast paced, the graphics are top notch and the controls are very intuitive and easy to pick up right from the start. As I said prior you don't play this game for the story you play it for the guns blazing, butt kicking nonstop action, which this game is packed with. However be warned, if you're looking for a deep plot or even a hide and snipe good time this may not be for you. Personally I have not been disappointed by the last few games Platinum Games released (MadWorld, Bayonetta), I do believe they are becoming a force to be reckoned with in the gaming world.

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A lot of people have been bashing this game saying it is a Gears of War clone. To set things straight, it was Shinji Mikami, director of Vanquish and Resident Evil 4, established third person shooter genre. While Gears of War are great games, but Vanquish is a different type of game in league of its own. After finishing the story on HARD difficulty and attempting couple of challenge rooms (you unlock by finishing campaign chapters), here is what I thought.


REVOLUTIONARY ACTION-PACKED GAMEPLAY: While majority of people will confuse this game with Gears clone, this game promotes you to do exactly the opposite of what is required in Gears. Gears of War promotes and rewards you cover and shoot type of gameplay. Now if you try really hard, you can probably get through this game using cover and shoot strategy, but chances are by staying in cover long enough, you will probably gate killed by either melee attacks of agile enemies, by mega lazer that bosses fire or simply by homing missiles. To get an edge over the enemies in this game, you have to be daring. You have to do crazy actions such as use your boosters, kick them on the face while jumping in the air, while in air slow down time and shoot the enemies around you. COOL, RIGHT? Honestly, the gameplay, rocket boosters, crazy melees, freeze time and shoot are BEST PART OF THIS GAME.

UPGRADE REWARD SYSTEM: Just like fasted pace gameplay, this is also something new and unique in this game. All of the weapons you get are upgradable. But to upgrade them you have to be strategic. There are two ways you will find upgrades for the weapons. One is simply by destroying enemies (or rather destroying multiple enemies in stylish manner). Other is by not using that weapon and them picking up one more of that weapon from destroyed enemies or from crate supplies which are found like every 7-10 minutes. This prevents you from overusing one weapon and exploring different weapons found in the game. Also, reckless shooting or staying in cover for too long will get you killed. If you get killed enough times (by playing recklessly), your weapons will be downgraded.

JOYS OF EXPERIMENTATION: So on one hand you have your abilities and on other hand you have at least 8 different types of weapons (maximally 4 at a time). The gameplay truly encourages you to experiment with them. I.e. use assult rifle and take out legs of big robot while you are in cover, jump out of the cover and slow down time, quickly take out the hands of the robot, boost your thrusters get close to the robot and finally melee its head off. LOVE IT JUST FREAKING LOVE IT.

YOUR SUIT, WEAPONS, ENVIRONMENTS AND ART: To me this is the coolest thing in this game. Your suit and weapons are created from "nucleus". So you will see each time the character relaxes, the helmet will be half gone and when you change weapons, one weapon will turn into another. Words simply can't describe it. Furthermore, depiction of near robotic future of America and designs of Marines and their commander Burns (with all the armor and heavy guns) is also pretty technical and to the details. I like it a lot.

GREAT ENEMY A.I.: I loved the A.I. in this game. YOU CAN'T HIDE. The enemies and bosses will come and get you. Even the weakest enemies have deadliest melee attacks. While I played it on hard mode, even on normal mode, enemies can kill you with ONE HIT KILL. Don't worry though. This is no Demons Soul. There are frequent checkpoints in the game. And the opposite is also true. You can kill many of the enemies with one hit kill assuming you do things the right way. Even the bosses you may find difficult at first have weaknesses. You just have to experiment enough and find out how. Love how this game push you to try new things.

CHALLENGING BOSSES: There 6-8 different types of bosses (not including few main bosses) in the game that you may encounter more than one time. Some of these bosses are very unique. While you can shoot them over and over again and kill them, it will take long and chances are some of these bosses will kill you with one hit kill. To beat these bosses you will truly have to master your skills (dodging, thrusting, slowing time etc.) Again love how this game pushes you to experiment and be tactical.

DECENT STORY: While it is not one of the best, the story still makes sense and has certain degree of suspense and mystery to it. English voice acting, dialogues and character facial expressions are pretty good. I won't spoil the story, but if you follow politics (more importantly IF YOU ARE REPUBLICAN), you will enjoy the depiction of Hilary Clinton look a like depiction of US president.

CHALLENGE ROOMS: After finishing each chapter of the game, you will unlock Challenge rooms (equivalent to Horde Mode in other games). As stated above, you have lots of abilities and weapons and campaign is rather fast. So challenge rooms are one place you can experiment as much as you want with your weapons and abilities, create new moves and punish enemies. Now don't get me wrong that is not the only purpose of Challenge rooms. As their name states, it will be a true "challenge" to finish these challenge room levels as you will have one after another hordes of enemies attacking you from all the direction. These challenge room truly adds to the replayability of the game.

VARIETY IN MELEE: Equipping different weapons will have your character do different melee attacks. All of them are unique and look pretty cool looking. Some of them are quite devastating. However, there is also downside to the melees. See Cons. section.


RELATIVELY SHORT CAMPAIGN AND NO MULTIPLAYER: I know these days most games are 8-10hrs long, but I wish the campaign was longer. While multiplayer and co-op is not a requirement for this type of games, I truly wish it had it. It feels like one of the games that is designed for co-op. Never the less, it has challenge rooms, so it does add longetivity of the game. Plus, if you get hold of the action, I know you will play it more than once.

UNIQUE MELEE: Melee attacks in this game are SUPER AWESOME. Only drawback is they are quite tactical. Using them will deal great damage to enemies, but also leave you vulnerable to enemy attack if you don't kill them off with melee or melee weapon combo. I truly wish you don't have to be so tactical when using melee and could use it as much as you want.


This is a very unique game and certainly not a clone of Gears of War (which is also a great game). If you like crazy fast-paced action mixed with futuristic weapons this is a game for you. Any body who is a fan of action adventure and shooter games such as Resident Evil 4, Gears of War and even Devil May Cry should definitely this a try. THIS GAME IS UNLIKE ANYTHING OTHER YOU HAVE PLAYED. Trust me on that.

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This review is on the Single Player Campaign. VANQUISH is a game that wasn't talk about a lot, but should have been. I consider VANQUISH to be an instant classic hit. This game is so much fun to play. This game takes a little bit from the movies Star Wars, Aliens, War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Predator and mixes them all together to make one great game. This game is directed by Shinji Mikami, who in the gaming world is considered a gaming god and a genius for making great games. I think the AI in this game is very, very good.

Anybody who has played the VANQUISH demo will tell you that that the demo is very fun to play. There is a lot of action going on all the time. But the demo is just a small part of this game. The demo just covers the very first part of this game. You think the demo was great. Wait until you play the rest of the game.

I will give you some good examples of what to expect. You play the role of someone named Sam who wears a special armor suit who fights along side with other armed soldiers against a Russian Nationalist who has taken over a space station high up in space above earth. The Russian leader sends robotic like creatures to fight against you. I noticed right away the space station you are fighting in is huge. I thought the armored space ship I was in to approach the space station was huge until I saw how small it was compared to the actual size of the space station. You'll notice how big the space station really is when the heavily armed space ship you're in crashed lands on the space station. I think the graphics in this game are pretty good. The colors in this game are real vibrant and bright.

Anyway, on game play, I was fighting along with some other American soldiers in a fire fight with some robots and I caught some robots out in the open. Well another robot came along and actually formed what looked like a cement wall in front of the other robots so they could hide behind it. I thought that was so cool. In another area, I notice spider like robots that when you blew them up they actually turn into groups of smaller spider like robots. I thought that was cool too. I noticed the robots you fight against will constantly try to outflank you and try to get behind you. That is where your armor suit you are wearing comes into play. You have this special armor suit on that has booster rockets attached to it so you constantly slide really fast across the ground to your target. Well you can slide real fast to any targets that are trying to outflank you and take them out before they know what hits them. I like how you have all kind of different weapons to use throughout the game and you are constantly upgrading your weapons all the time. The sound effects in the game are really good.

If you are looking for really good shooting game that is fast paced, then I recommend trying out this game. This game seems to have a lot of replay value. This is one of my favorite games to play right now. I hope they make an expansion pack or a sequel to this game. Give this game a try. I don't think you will regret it.

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