Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $14.87
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Greatness is a word I want to stress regarding this game. Drake's Fortune was great fun, a welcome departure from the end of the world/futuristic shooters predominating at the time. Among Thieves was the ultimate sequel and built wonderfully on all aspects of the first. Drake's Deception, the third entry in the series, is something else altogether. This game sets a new precedent for how inclusive and engaging video games can be. There will be some who won't feel so strongly but most anybody who loved the first two is going to LOVE this.

>Graphics 5/5 As always, fantastic! They have managed to improve on the sequel. While the game still looks the same overall it is the details that ND continues to add that makes each game an improvement over the previous one. This entry specifically seems to push the already present cinematic feel as evidenced brilliantly by its opening scene and chapter as well as numerous times during the game in cutscenes and gameplay.

They show off their abilities by purposely trying to show us different settings than the previous games. The London Underground is wonderfully designed, the Colombia streets are populated and lively, a temple found in Syria has a wonderfully cinematic design, etc. They also show off their ability to render fire, sand, some excitingly trippy hallucination style sequences where everything is warped, and a fantastic (if slightly out of place in the overarching story) swaying environment on a ship. Another nice touch is some levels occurring during day and others at night.

Character acting has again improved as much between this and the last game as the last game did over the original. Faces are fuller and more expressive (Chloe's face is major evidence of this). This game looks so good family members will stop to see what I am watching and so entertaining they then wind up sitting down to watch me play.

>Gameplay 4.5/5 Drake's Deception has everything you loved about the first two games, only more finessed and perfected. Enemies are now slightly smarter and diverge on your position quicker (though in some ways I'd argue this makes them easier to take down, no more pin downs). The weapons system has been updated and tweaked (anyone who played the beta knows aiming is more particular, but you quickly adapt). Drake now grabs weapons automatically when out of ammo, another nice added detail.

The best new feature seems to be the updated brawling system. In what reminds me of the recent Batman Arkham games, Nate can now evade, counter and take on multiple opponents. It's all great fun and plays well. The ability to dive underwater becomes well utilized in later chapters. The new ability to ride a horse is simple but works well, think of the jet ski from the first game only updated, you sort of just steer and shoot. Another nifty new detail is the ability to throw back grenades, though you have to time it well.

Having finished the game I will say objectively that any faults to be found are in gameplay pacing/mechanics. All games I've experienced have a sometimes clumsy quality to gameplay. On occasion you press a button and it doesn't do what you want, that's just part of gaming. In Uncharted this manifests itself when sometimes trying to reach for a specific ledge, it can look like Drake is doing calisthenics.

The other issue is more subjective but this game seems to have less prolonged gun fights (which I always enjoyed) and more of the game plays itself in a sense. Another reviewer said it best noting that the game holds the players hand more this go around (press square now, circle now, etc), this may please some but will definitely aggravate others looking for more challenge. Though this may be due to my having a better handle on the gameplay by this third installment it would still be nice if some new/larger challenges were added to compensate for those who have learned from the previous entries.

>The story 5/5 I won't give anything away but well crafted stories are a key reason for the popularity of this franchise, this entry doesn't disappoint in that regard. The actors perform great as always, so many nuances brought to the characters. This game takes the world of the previous games and expands on it. If the second game was a continuation of the story from the first then this game is an opening up of the characters, their world and the story being told.

A wonderful backstory for Nate and Sully is crafted and played out and a flashback of sorts is handled in a respectful way when it could've felt cheap or forced. There is a very Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade feeling here. This game has the mix of action, humor and romance that previous games had with strong emphasis on emotion in some key scenes (and for those concerned I felt Elena and Chloe's respective returns were well handled and logical continuations).

Another possible criticism though, the villain in this entry is formidable and compelling but when you finally reach the ending I don't feel she is as well utilized a final boss as either Navaro or Lazarvic. The villains overall are also not well explained, not that they have to be, some mystery is always nice, but how this one guy appears and vanishes almost magically at several points I'll never know. Then there is no real boss showdown. There is also a character, Charlie, who is fun but severly underdeveloped and largely used only for story purposes. These don't detract from the game at large but I mention them as I hope they aren't issues that will magnify as further installments are released.

>Online Content 5/5It was adding the online content to the sequel that propelled this series to a new status within the gaming world and here it looks like they aim to keep that status. So far it looks like all the fun of the Beta without most of the bugs or any of the restraints. Everything seems to run smoother and it feels more like playing Uncharted 2's online content, though perhaps this is because I'm more used to the updated mechanics after playing the full campaign? Anyway, you get more customization, more options, more everything.

>Conclusion > Game of the year? You better believe it. Certainly if you are new to PS3 or debating the commitment this game makes it well worth it. You don't have to have played the first two for this to be enjoyable (though I suggest both based on their own merits and to make this story even more enjoyable). While some game studios dream in the recesses of their mind only to wake and find it vanity, Naughty Dog are dreamers of the day. They act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible, and in making Drake's Deception, this they did.

The game is 22 chapters of greatness and should be a good 8-10 hours on the main story depending on player ability. Then there is the treasure hunting/trophies and acclaimed multiplayer to ensure you get well worth the $60 price tag. Overall I'd say this game could be critically rated at the worst 4.5/5 but as a fan I'll say anyone else who enjoys these games is going to rate it 5/5, no doubt.

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Greatness from small beginnings is the phrase that starts out this story.

Uncharted 3 takes us to a whole new world of treasure hunting like never before. In this game, not only do you play as Drake, but as a young (child version) Drake as well. The story jumps back in time through out the game, where we learn how Drake and Sully met and become friends. A new woman is brought into the picture. This time, she's a former love interest of Sully and not Drake.

Rather than starting out the game in the middle of nowhere like Uncharted 2, this time you're in the heart of Europe in a British pub. But just as in past games, you are quickly jumping from location to location throughout the world. Each scene remarkably done and visually stunning.

On thing I really like that's different in the Uncharted 2 storyline is this time there's less issues with your team mates turning on you. In Uncharted 2, people on your team were often taking off, and you lost your allies as quickly as they joined you. In Uncharted 3, your team of 4 sticks with you and works together. Your not getting abandoned because you partner ran off with the bad guys, even if they were just pretending to be on their side.

The story is just as compelling as it has always been. Uncharted 3 plays out like a blockbuster movie, only you get to control the moves. Climbing, running, fighting and shooting your way through everything you can imagine, Uncharted 3 has managed to even out do their last game. As usual, while playing you also look for treasures throughout the game to collect. You have your journal again to help you solve puzzles as well.

Online game play is set up by using a pass code that's included in the games case. Once set up, you have game play options such as:

Team Deathmatch


Team Objective

Three Team Deathmatch



Co-op Arena

Co-op Hunter Arena

Co-op Adventure

The online game play benefited quite a bit from the open beta testing. The online matches are smoother and have less issues than there were months ago when they first opened the testing. I played quite a bit during that first month and can definitely see much more fluidity in the online game play movement versus how it was during beta.

This is not a game you will want to rush through. There is so much to see, treasure to collect and story behind it all.

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I have noticed anyone saying anything bad about this game is called an "xbox fanboy" or the reviewer gets insulted.

Everyone has the right to their opinion and I happen to agree with the negative reviews about this "game".

This game was recommended to me by a friend and I had never played any of the Uncharted games before, but this game just seemed like very bland and repetitive gameplay. The chases especially drove me crazy after a while, it was like enough already.

New age games have all kinds of cut-scenes and very deep storylines, but its like you watch a little and you need to play through a little bit just to get to the next part so as opposed to it being like interactive it's much more one dimensional. This is the same type of complaint from everyone who gives this game negative reviews because it's true. The difference is some people enjoy this type of gameplay, I like many others personally do not.

The story is very good and so are the scenes and at points I found myself wanting to fast forward the gameplay just to watch the rest of it as I couldn't care less about playing it and in fact preferred not to as the gameplay was not that fun and seemed more like an interruption to me.

With a story like this and the way its setup the gameplay really is not necessary.

This game is very reminiscent of Tomb Raider with the puzzles and adventure and everything which is great, although I find it to be much slower paced and I found the gameplay is too forced and as I already mentioned feels almost unnecessary. There is no strategy involved or skill really you just need to make your way through to get to the next scene.

In any regard this game is certainly not worth 1 star like others have given it, but I just found it very slow and boring to play, but the story and cut-scenes are very good and anyone who likes a game like this will certainly love it, but if you are into more fast-paced arcade style games this is definitely not the game for you.

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Uncharted 2 ended up being a smash hit. Perhaps one of the best video games sequels ever produced. It was better than the first game in almost every conceivable way. It's hard to imagine any follow up to Uncharted 2 being half as good but rest assured, Uncharted 3 is just as good as it's predecessor. If you played the first two games and enjoyed them then you simply have to play Uncharted 3.

The story in Uncharted 3 is a bit more rich and defined than the first two games. Nathan Drake is back and this time he's searching for the Atlantis of the Sands. It has something to do with the ring he inherited from Frances Drake. But a woman by the name of Katherine Marlowe believes that ring is hers and it ultimately holds the key to finding this lost city. On paper Uncharted 3 sounds pretty basic, but watching the story in action showcases a strong character driven narrative. In particular players will learn more about the dynamic between Nathan Drake and Sully. The cast is remarkable and charming. And we learn about them not just through the cutscenes but how they interact with one another during some of the moments in between the actual cutscenes. The dialog and banter between them is charming, humorous and sometimes even heartfelt. There are also moments that can, and often do, feel as though they've been ripped from a summer blockbuster. Though some of it is definitely over the top, the character driven nature of the story is what ultimately makes it so good. Like the first two there is a distinct human element at play that makes the simple situation an interesting one.

The cutscenes are aided by extremely good direction and motion capture as well. The characters feel human. But more than that, Uncharted 3 is simply a beautiful game. The environments the game takes place in are detailed and the animations are smooth. The Uncharted games in general are some of the prettiest you'll ever see. But it isn't just that they're visually astounding, it's that their detailed and encompassing. The environments come alive. Other details also stand out a lot. Water or sand is amazing and the way the physics work is also amazing. If there's one thing we can clearly say about Naughty Dog, it's that they'll never skimp on the presentation of a game. The voice acting is equally as good and charming. Some of the best you'll hear in the industry. As you play and watch the characters interact and hear their voices it's hard not to love them. You'll be drawn into their personal hell and anguish, but also their joy. It's all great on the eyes and ears.

Gameplay wise, Uncharted 3 hasn't changed too terribly from the first two. There is a good amount of gunplay, platforming and puzzle solving throughout the adventure and the game does a very good job of balancing them all and pacing things along. The gunplay in and of itself hasn't changed much. You'll find yourself charging from one firefight to the next, taking down the bad guys and picking up their weapons or replenishing your own supply of ammo. You'll also take cover to avoid fire and pop up to shoot when the time is right. You can also enter melee combat which is fun as well given how much it has improved over time.

The platforming sections are generally among the easiest to acquaint yourself with. You'll find yourself scaling walls or jumping from ledges or hanging off objects all in an attempt to keep yourself from falling too far. Despite all the detail, the path is usually laid out for you. This is also true throughout the entire game. You'll rarely get lost or not know where to go next. You'll also rarely find yourself backtracking as a result. Aside from a few of the hidden treasures off the beaten path, there's no reason to really deviate from your destination. And if something should happen where you find yourself stuck, the game will point you in the right direction. The puzzles are pretty creative and simple. You won't find yourself stuck for too long, given that the game will provide hints thanks to a journal that Nate carries around with him.

The game handles all of this well, rarely keeping you in any given situation for long. What is more amusing is how much adventure is truly packed into this game. The second game, in particular, had amazing moments: A helicopter chase across rooftops, an amazing train sequence, a game of cat and mouse with a large tank and a jeep chase were just some of the second game's highlights. Uncharted 3 does a little more. Without spoiling anything, you'll find some of these moments leaving you quite breathless at the spectacle. It's not the situations themselves that are amazing as it is how the game presents them. You'll even find yourself scaling and shooting at enemies firing from above and watching as they tumble forward and fall past you. It's amazing stuff.

Without a doubt the biggest overhaul is multiplayer. Before the versus primarily had you on teams but here you can do a free for all or three teams against each other at the same time. You still have other modes such as the co-op survival mode or a variation of capture the flag. You also still have tons of different boosters to equip. But you can also enter matches with temporary boosters (called kickbacks) which you can get by earning a certain number of medals. They're not permanent but they help for those who may need that small boost. Likewise, for those who want a truly hardcore experience you can always go onto the hardcore battle arena. The maps are also ingeniously designed. Not only are your opponents people you have to look out for, but so are some of the environmental effects. In one level a sand storm rolls in, for instance.

The most rewarding is the co-op experience. Sure you can still go into an arena and do a survival mode and whatnot, but there's actually a co-op campaign here as well. And it's a full blown story campaign, complete with cutscenes and everything. You can team up with two friends and go at it. It's remarkably satisfying and pretty addictive.

Uncharted 3 isn't perfect by any means. Like the first two before it, there's a lot of precision in playing. For example how the game times some of its jumps when say... platforms are falling from beneath you. Or cutscenes that run seamlessly into gameplay. If you're not on the ball you may find yourself retrying certain segments constantly. Some moments can feel like a trial and error practice simply because you don't know WHERE to go immediately and thus you fail until you figure it out. Since Uncharted 3, like the previous two, is very straightforward and linear you generally only have one option out of a situation. If you don't find it fast enough in some of the more time sensitive moments you're done for. In other situations your timing may be off by just a second. Uncharted has always been somewhat of a challenge but most of it comes from the first hand experience. When you play through a second time things tend to flow more seamlessly when you know exactly where you're going and what you're doing. The good news is that checkpoints are everywhere. If you end up failing a platforming section or a gun fight you usually tend to start right next to it. So the game won't punish you too badly.

Uncharted 3 is a great follow up to Uncharted 2. Whether or not the game is better is up for debate. The multiplayer suite certainly is, but for some fans who were truly blown away by Uncharted 2, they have to face the fact that the third game isn't exactly the same leap forward that the second one was. You've got new weapons, a revamped melee system and you can now toss grenades back to your enemies... but for the most part Uncharted 2 didn't have much that needed fixing to begin with. It was a near perfect game, addressing each and every issue the first game had. With not much to address there isn't much for Uncharted 3 to really improve upon. Or add, for that matter. In seems the only part that Naughty Dog strived for more with was the story. And they succeeded. You certainly get a much more emotionally involved story but the gameplay is primarily the same thing here. If you've enjoyed the gameplay of the series thus far, there's no reason not to jump into this one. The story and characters alone make this a must play for Uncharted fans.

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Uncharted 3 is a solid, well-put-together first-party AAA PS3 title. However, I don't feel it's as good as Uncharted 2. That's not an entirely fair comparison, since Uncharted 2 was a masterpiece, one of the best games ever produced from a design, pacing and story standpoint.

The third Uncharted was really very fun, and one can tell the game design was absolutely top-notch. Really interesting and varied environments, can't-put-controller-down pace it's all there. But it just failed to draw me in. Whereas Uncharted 2 had me on the edge of my seat most of the game (especially with Elena's story near the end), 3 was very good but a little predictable. I didn't really care for most of the game what happened to Sully, and frankly the small plot twists were far from unexpected.

This type of game needs, I think, solid character relationships to draw you in. Elena Drake is a great relationship: an on-again off-again attraction of opposites. Once I had extended playtime with her by my side, I was really interested / attracted to her character. Sully? It's whatever. Somehow the character feels a bit too one-dimensional. To me, Kid Drake is a very bad design call the sort of hokey thing a AAA title really doesn't need to have.

And Uncharted 2 was HARD. If you cranked it up to Crushing there were some parts that were nearly impossible. Even on Normal the campaign was tough and long. Uncharted 3 feels a bit short by comparison, and really quite easy overall. Only two or three times did I feel really frustrated in an encounter / gunfight.

I also thought the Tibetan / mountain art style trumped the desert. Guess that's a matter of personal preference, but it does seem as if Naughty Dog had a lot more time to flesh out the art and level design in the 3 years between Uncharted 1 and 2 than in the one and a half between 2 and 3.

Definitely a great game, probably 8.5 / 10 I think, but not a must play game of the generation.

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