PlayStation 3 60GB System

PlayStation 3 60GB System
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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We got our hands on an XBox 360, a PS3, and a Wii on launch day. Each is good at specific tasks. Here is a fully unbiased review of how the PS3 performs as a next generation console unit.

To start with, the PS3, like the XBox 360, supports full high definition. The Wii only supports a lower resolution. Since the Wii has a much lower price tag, that is a fair trade-off for people with a tighter budget. Gamers for whom a very high level of graphic detail is important will have to pony up for that ability.

Along the same lines, the XBox 360 supports the HD format of high definition DVDs for movies, while the PS3 supports the Blu-ray format. If you haven't been following the whole format war for high definition DVDs, I have several articles on the topic on my gaming site. In short it's like the VHS/Beta wars when the VCR first came out. Is one better than the other? Will one format win out as the sole survivor? There's no way to tell. People will argue vehemently that one is better than the other. From a gaming point of view, the PS3 has the Blu-ray BUILT IN meaning every game can have 50 GIGS worth of game information. Think MASSIVELY huge maps, types of characters, etc. The XBox 360 only uses "regular" DVDs as its base game holder, which is about 7 GIG. That is much smaller. You can buy an add-on HD DVD unit for about $100 (shop around they're there at that price) but the storage is still smaller than Blu-ray about 30 gig.

People will argue about graphics until they're blue :) A lot of this comes down to how a specific game company *uses* the ability of the system. Looking at graphics on a tetris-like game will be much different than viewing the graphics of Oblivion or Gears of War. I found 360 graphics amazing on Oblivion. I equally found the PS3 graphics quite impressive on Genji's cut scenes (no enemy crabs in sight). Since both are high definition, I think that both have the same potential in real life terms. Both really shine in terms of fluid motion, precise detail and realism. I've seen it on both systems, on certain games. I've also seen junky graphics on both systems. Both are much better than the Wii.

How about sound? All of these can plug into your stereo system. My boyfriend and I are both musicians. We have decibel meters and other sound-sensing tools. All three systems can create amazingly complex sounds, music, and in general a "gaming environment". Again I think it comes down to specific game makers, how they choose to use or not use that ability. It also comes down to how much you the gamer spent on your stereo system :)

Speaking of sound, I do have to comment that our 360 is quite loud when it runs, despite our many attempts to help it be quieter. The PS3 right out of the box is MUCH quieter. Score 1 point for the PS3.

On the general operating system for the units, all three consoles are going for more of a "general use entertainment system" presentation. The XBox has customizeable tabs that let you download new games, manage your environment and so on. The Wii also has channels that let you organize your gaming world. The PS3 has an interface almost exactly like that of the PSP, complete with cool drifting smoke waves in the background. You choose which area you want to work on game, music, internet connection etc., and drop down to alter whatever feature you're interested in.

So on to the on-line aspect, which most gamers are now fully interested in. Where the XBox 360 makes you buy an external connector for wireless, the PS3 has that built-in on the 60 gig model. The 20 gig model still requires an external connector (these run about $100). All will let you plug in a cable if you're still running a wired household.

[UPDATED JUNE 2007] Back during launch, people thought 20 gig was great and that 60 gig was overkill for a gaming system. After all, the XBox 360 had 20 gig as their top end. Now, only a few months later, Sony has discontinued their 20 gig as "too small". XBox has the Elite model with 120 gig. The difference is as that gamers are converting their focus from audio storage to video storage, and high def video at that. People are downloading and enjoying movies and TV shows on their consoles. It's something to consider, if you will be doing that with your console.

How does the online world work on the PS3? The XBox definitely has the advantage here. Until this generation, *only* the XBox had a thriving community in their live world. The XBox 360 connected right into that XBox Live world, and they boast a *huge* community of gamers who actively gain points, play online and form virtual worlds. The PS3 and Wii both have to play catch-up at this point. Even if they have better interfaces, it's a matter of converting over all those players who have clans, familiarity and high point collections on the XBox world. Imagine if a new MMORPG came out right now that had fantastic graphics. Sure it might be wonderful but will you really get all 800 trillion WOW players to drop their world and characters and friends to convert, especially if it costs more? It'll be a hard, slow sell.

My summary? I definitely think all three have great games and that all three are worth owning. Of course I'm in a position that I *can* afford all three, which many people are not in. For example, I *love* the Zelda series, and I *love* the Final Fantasy series. I would be hard put to tell a person "you need to get Zelda instead of Final Fantasy". I would want the person to have both, because both are great for different reasons. If you really truly can only save up for one of the three consoles, it isn't going to come down to which console is "best" for all players in some sort of a global way. It is going to come down to which console is best for YOU based on your specific gaming style.

If you're on a really tight budget and just want something better than the previous generation, go for a Wii. It's cheap, the graphics are better, and the remotes are great fun. It has Zelda :) If you have a larger budget and really want the high definition, you're now choosing between the 360 and the PS3. You really do have to look at the specifics of each, and think seriously about your gaming style, to see which matches you best. If I were to make a flip summarization, if you really love online gameplay, I'd go with the XBox 360. Its years of head-start really give it a robust environment here. If you are looking for more of a home-based one-machine media center for your MPs3, photos and huge world gameplay, I'd go with the PS3. It definitely has the advantage on large scale games.

Feel free to email me if you have more specific questions, or for screenshots, graphic descriptions, or interface information on any of the three systems.

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After months of mulling it over, I decided to go with a PS3 over an XBox 360 or a Nintendo Wii. The reasons that I did so were as follows:

First, the PS3 is technically superior and more powerful than either the 360 or the Wii. Because of that, there is nothing that the 360 or Wii can do that the PS3 cannot do. And all of the advantages for the 360 (better game lineup and networking) or for the Wii (novel game play) could be overcome by the PS3 given the right amount of time (the PS3 game lineup for next year looks impressive, the networking should improve and the EyeToy coming for PS3 should counter the Wii's advantage).

Second, the PS3 60 GB gives you more for your dollars (even though it will take 600 of them) than the other systems. It includes a BluRay player, a 60 GB hard drive, a memory card reader and WiFi networking. If you tried to build an XBox 360 with the same specifications, it would end up costing you $300 more than the PS3. And the Wii is incapable of meeting these specifications.

Third, the PS3 is reverse compatible with most PS2 games preventing my PS2 library from becoming obsolete overnight.

That said, when I bought the system, I was a bit apprehensive given all of the criticisms that I had heard here and elsewhere. I did have high hopes for the system given its specifications but was afraid of buying the next NeoGeo. After a couple of days of playing, I can say that my expectations have been exceeded and my fears have proven to be unfounded.

I have had the system set up and playing for two days (not continuously of course) on a Samsung 720p/1080i 50" plasma screen with an HDMI hook-up. (Note: There is NO need to buy an HDMI cable over $20. Sony and Monster will try to sell you HDMI cables for almost $100. HDMI relies on a digital signal either you get it or you don't. I bought a $9 cable from an online retailer and have been doing quite well with it.)

I have played Resistance, Fight Night, the Grand Turismo Demo, the Genji demo and the MotorStorm demo. I have used the WiFi connection to play online as well.

The system has its pros and cons but the pros far outweigh the cons.


Breathtaking next-gen graphics. The Grand Turismo High Definition demo shows off the power of the PS3. When playing GTHD, you almost forget that you are watching a computer animation the cars and track look entirely lifelike (the spectators not so much). Fight Night shows off impressive flesh reconstructions, lighting and details (e.g. the sweat on a fighter's face, the skin ripples on a knockout punch).

Hassle free wireless networking. There have been some drops but for the most part, the WiFi keeps us downloading and gaming as much as we need it. It provides a web interface and easy access to the PlayStation store and other PS3 users.

Peripheral possibilities. With four USB hookups in the front, the possibilities are many including a PS3 EyeToy and SingStar game.

An impressive 2007 lineup with Tom Clancy's Vegas, Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto and a variety of other games coming out, the future for the PS3 is bright.

Extensive hard drive space. There is no need to skimp on demos or downloads.

BluRay player opens up next gen DVD to our home theater system.

SIXAXIS controllers open up the possibility of a fusion of traditional gaming with motion sensitive gaming.


Surfing the web with the PS3 WiFi connection is an exercise in frustration. I don't plan to surf the web on the PS3 anyway and this is more of an annoyance than anything else because the network and PlayStation store run quite smoothly on WiFi.

The smooth, plastic casing is a fingerprint and dust magnet. (Really not a big deal at all).

Overall, the PS3 is a solid system with spectacular potential in the hands of the right software developers. It only gets 4 stars for fun (as opposed to 5 overall) right now because of the limited game lineup (which may not be fair since this is a review of the console and not the lineup but a console is nothing without its playable games) but with time, those 4 stars should become 5.

Buy PlayStation 3 60GB System Now

If this isn't true, amazon will definitely honor a refund. I just talked to customer support and they told me that if this is a mistake, I will be able to withdraw my order. Thank you Shehini from customer support!!!!

Read Best Reviews of PlayStation 3 60GB System Here

First off let me explain my setup.

I have a Samsung DLP 50'' that supports full 1080P.

xBox connected via HQ component cables with optical and PS3 via HDMI

I have had an xBox 360 for about 3 months (my first venture away from Sony) and a PS3 for 2 days.

I consider myself well versed on technology but by no means a savant like some of the posters at AVSforums.

The only thing I won't be able to compare right now (but will add it as soon as I get my hands on one) is the 360 HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray for video playback.

See Summary at end if you don't want a detailed review


Both systems are solid next gen systems but both do come with their faults.

Overall I think the PS3 has greater potential given the undeniable advantage of built in Blu-Ray for games vs. the standard disc format the 360 is designed for. However that potential clearly hasn't been tapped yet. The fit and finish of the 360 is ahead of PS3 at this point.

Menus for 360 are much cleaner than the PSP-like PS3 menu screen.

From an actual physical appearance they are equally an eyesore.

Funny both systems want to be considered home entertainment hubs yet both deserve to be locked up in a closet. Microsoft why on Earth did you make a white box? How many people have white in their Home Theatre components? I suppose I could buy a face plate but don't feel I should have to pay extra to make something not look like a cheap piece of plastic. As for the PS3 I have to admit that I have this lying flat but this is by far the ugliest piece of my home entertainment setup. First off the base with the fan is both shorter an not as deep as the player itself giving it a very ugly boxy look which is only accentuated by the cheap silver material (everyone uses brushed chrome today).

But luckily looks are everything...


I'll start off with a review of games I have played on both systems since well that is why you buy a gaming console.

Games I have played for both would be Madden 07 and NHL 2k7

Games I have played just for PS3 Resistance.

Games I have played just for xBox Tiger Woods 07, GOW, Splinter Cell DA,

Dead Rising, Prey, WSOP, and I'm sure I'm missing a few.

I primarily play sports games and like as real to life gameplay as possible. I don't need the over the top hitting or ridiculous goal scoring. I prefer sports games that give you a true sim experience.

Madden 07 Edge graphics and gameplay PS3 / PS3 has slightly better graphics (just more realistic) and much better gameplay. Granted this is something 360 can catchup to next yr but for now a simple thing like gang tackling which has been sorely missing in football games gives PS3 a big advantage in my book. The player physics are much smoother as well, no more catching a ball and going backwards 5yds which is a huge problem in 360. All the menus or lack thereof and sound is identical to 360 which is a bit dissapointing.

NHL2K7 Graphics edge 360 gameplay big edge PS3 The graphics on 360 vs. PS3 are more detailed and crisp (for instance you can really see the jersey threading on the 360 moreso than the PS3 although you won't complain about the graphics on either.

But gameplay is another story. The PS3 version has much more realistic gameplay. You can actually turn the hitting down to a realistic level and I actually lose to the CPU on a regualar basis which is great. They also tightened up the fighting physics so that you aren't facing the wrong way half the fight. And yes the Sabres have their new uniforms (something every other console missed)

As for Resistance of Man I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of the 1st person shooters but I thought it was OK, graphics were not as good as say Splinter Cell DA or GOW and the game didn't have that WoW factor I was expecting which GOW certainly delivers.

From what I have seen thus far I would give the graphical edge to 360 and gameplay to PS3.

***Ancillary benefits***********

Where 360 has a huge edge is what it does outside of playing games.

xBox live is great (you get what you pay for) and very easy to use.

The PS3 menus are very bland but also easy to use it only took about 10 min to get up and running but the online experience just isn't there yet. I love being able to download game demos with the 360 ( Superman looks great)

One key feature of the 360 that gets little to no pub is the Windows Media Center extender technology. Just the ability to stream video from my Windows XP Media Center PC to my TV via the 360 is worth the price of admission alone. Why no one is talking about this is beyond me.

I can store dozens of movies, on my PC and access them very easily directly from my 360.

As for the Blu-Ray player itself I did watch Talledega nights (or at least as much as I could handle) And am very dissapointed with what is suppose to be 1080P. This looked only slightly better than what my DVD upscaler can produce and not nearly as sharp as regular cable HDTV programming which is only broadcast in 1080i.

Granted this is a small sample size and hopefully will improve but lets just say this won't help quell the negative pub. Blu-Ray has been receiving.


As an owner of both let me preface by saying I am satisfied with both systems. What the PS3 lacks in look and feel it makes up for in brute technology ie. built in Blu-Ray.

Both systems are clearly next Gen. I feel the PS3 is probably set up better to be the system that can carry you for the next 5-7 yrs (lets face it the PS2 had a good run) Simply because of the built in Blu-Ray.

Whereas the 360's fit and finish combined with the Media Center Extender technology give it an advantage today not to mention far superior online experience. Still without the HD-DVD drive for games I don't think this has nearly as long a shelf life not to mention the lack of HDMI will eventually catch up to them.

If you don't care about Blu-Ray and are looking for the best system as of right now, go ahead with the 360 you won't be dissapointed.

If you are looking at this as a long term solution )ie. you don't want to buy another system in 2-3 yrs. The PS3 is probably your better bet.

Now could someone kindly design a next-Gen system that physically looks next GEN!!!!!

Hope you found this review helpful, I tried to be truly unbiased in my review.

Want PlayStation 3 60GB System Discount?

Where to start.....the PS3 is an engineering masterpiece. There are so many reasons why you should upgrade from the PS2 to PS3. My main motivating factors were Blu-Ray (high-definition video) functionality, Bluetooth wireless controllers (better range and response), internal wireless (for online game-play and updates), HDMI 1.3 output with 1080p output, optical audio, and card slots for loading music, pictures, and video onto the massive 60GB hardrive. Seems expensive, but, in retrospect, its really not, there is a lot of value in the price.

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