Supremacy MMA

Supremacy MMA - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $13.38
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Supremacy MMA is first and foremost a fighting game, NOT an MMA simulator like UFC and EA Sports MMA. I recently got this game a few weeks ago and it is a blast to play once you LEARN the mechanics. I see a lot of reviews for this game just bashing on the fighting system and I can tell right now those reviewers pretty much turned it on, played a few fights, lost because they couldn't get the timing down right and just decided the game was horrible. I'm here to tell you right now that if you invest the time and actually learn the system the game is a lot of fun. There are a total of 14 fighters in the game.

The Bad:

Straight off the bat I will say one of the glaring weaknesses in the game are the inclusion of the two female fighters. While they are two fighters the only people they can fight with are themselves. You cannot have them fight against the male fighters. Not only are they nothing but small novelties in the game the sting of knowing the fact that it was a huge missed opportunity really hurts. So after all is said and done there really are 12 fighters in the game, which leads to my next small gripe about the game.

Even though there are twelve fighters, a two of them are actually clones of each other leaving you with 'only' 10 fighting styles.

The Good:

While there are 'only' 10 fighting styles in the game I have to say each style does play pretty different. For instance, you have the kick boxers that specialize in combos, you also have karate practitioners who specialize in counter attacking, and boxers who have fast attacks and use angles to dodge and counter their opponents just to name a few. And this is where Supremacy MMA really shines. Every fighter has both advantages and disadvantages. It's these things that help determine exactly how you will play your character. If you're a boxer, you will try to out punch a wrestler and avoid their take downs at all costs while the wrestler will have to find a way to close the gap and take down the boxer and hopefully grind them out on the ground. Each style of fighting plays different and you have to find a way to force your opponent into fighting the fight you have an advantage in.

Melee attacks are assigned to the square and triangle buttons performing punching and kicking respectively. Holding up or down while pressing these buttons will change the elevation of these attacks. The X button is used to clinch. Holding up or down during an attempt to clinch will also change the level of the clinch you put your opponent in. Blocking is handled by holding up or down on the analog stick depending on the level of the attack in any position whether it's standing, in a clinch, or on the ground. The circle button is used for parrying. This is where the game play gets interesting. Just about any attack in the game can be parried. You can stop an opponent from any attack, clinch attempt, throw, or submission attempt BUT the timing for each is different. Some parried attacks will leave your opponent open for a vicious attack or a submission attempt depending on your fighter's play style. Sure you can try blocking some of the melee attacks but holding the analog stick up or down will just leave you vulnerable to submission attempts or throws.

The submission game is also a little interesting. Once the submission is executed both players will have to wiggle the Right Stick to either complete the submission attack or escape it. A meter is filled as you wiggle the Right Stick. THIS is where a lot of reviewers give this game a lot of flack. What they didn't understand is 'adrenaline' can be used to complete or escape out of a submission hold. There is a meter under the life bar that builds up as you attack or parry. When in a submission attempt or escape the player has the option to press L1 to use some adrenaline to help them. By pressing the L1 button you get a 50% increase in submission meter to help you escape or complete the submission attempt faster. No adrenaline? Then you're out of luck and you'll have to rely on the wiggle of the Right Stick only. Hitting the X button is also the same as wiggling the Right Stick, by the wayanother thing a lot of reviewers have also missed.

At any time, as long as you have some adrenaline in your meter you can hit the L2 and R2 buttons together and go into adrenaline mode. In adrenaline mode your fighter gets an increase in attack strength, an increase in defense, and a wider window for parries. If any of your opponent's body part is red and they have no energy left AND you attack that part of the body to finish them off while in adrenaline mode you get to see a slow motion, more emphasized knockout or if its an arm or leg submission a slow motion bone break. While these animations are cool. The novelty does wear off if you're playing alone but is whole lot fun to watch if you're playing with a bunch of friends.

As you guys can see, there is a method to the madness in the fighting engine. Each aspect was well thought out and implemented. Mashing buttons in this game will not get you anywhere. As a matter fact when I play my buddies, button mashing leads to defeat 99% of the time.

There are quite a few options the game gives you when you are playing by yourself. You get the 'play it now' mode where you just jump in and pick your fighter and pick an opponent and just fight. There's the survival mode and battle royal modes. Finally, there's the Supremacy Stories mode which you pick one fighter and play through their storyline. The stories take you through a series of fights and gives you a back story on each fighter. These stories are presented through animated 2D cut scenes that are done very well. I am impressed with the art style they used to show these scenes and some of the stories are just downright depressing. You have a story of a fighter who has drug problems to a fighter who is just looking for his brother. These Supremacy Stories are definitely worth playing through at least once. There's also the basic online mode however, there just isn't anyone online playing this game at this point. Buy the game and give it a try, people! =P

Now, we have the multiplayer aspect of this game. While the single modes will last you quite a bit it's playing against your friends where the game is really fun. Me and a few buddies have been gathering together about once a week to play this game and it is surprisingly fun. Nothing can match having a human opponent next to you where you can verbally interact with while punching his face in or breaking his arm in half.

Lastly, I want to talk about the tutorial mode or lack thereof. While there is a training mode the tutorial mode is horrible. The help it gives you is virtually non existent. With training mode, however you will be able to learn some moves. The best way to learn the game, though is to just go to play it now and jump in the fire and learn the aspects of the game play. Trust me, while you may suffer a lot of losses you will learn the game and get a lot of enjoyment out of it. It took me a bunch of losses to finally learn the parrying aspects of the game and the properties of each attack but it was worth it. If you invest the time the enjoyment you will get out of the fighting engine will be immense.

With 10 different fighting styles to learn and master, a slew of single player modes, and the endless fun in fighting your friends, I highly recommend this game. It's easy for reviewers to give this game a poor score. I can tell all they did was pop it in for a few rounds and just wrote the game off as a terrible one. What I'm saying is give this game at least a try and really legitimately put the effort into learning the system. At a budget price you will be surprised at how much this game has to offer.

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MMA has been steadily growing in popularity for years. It's basically about as popular now as pro wrestling was back in the late 90's. Although these days it's mostly known because of the UFC, it started long before that in unsanctioned, underground bouts. Supremacy MMA aims to recreate that visceral experience, rather than the more straight-laced fights of the UFC (where most opponents hug each other until the clock runs out). Does it succeed? Mostly.

Supremacy MMA embraces brutality. Compared to, say, UFC Undisputed 2010, the fights are faster paced, and every move hits with a satisfying, bone-crunching thud. The fights happen mostly in underground warehouses, strip clubs, bars, etc. The entire soundtrack consists of licensed metal songs from bands like Periphery, Emmure, and Bury Your Dead (with vocals removed). Fighter's faces bruise, swell and gush blood with enough punishment. You can break opponents' bones, and even seemingly kill them. In fact, this game feels more like the recent Mortal Kombat than any UFC game I've played.

The game has a good amount of MMA stars like Jens Pulver, Shane Del Rosario, and Malaipet "The Diamond" Sasiprapa. You can play as any of them in the Story mode, where everyone has a made-up, movie-like narrative that ties the fighters together. The game even features female fighters Felice Herrig and Michele "Diablita" Gutierrez. The only catch is that the two females can only fight against each other, and thus their story mode is very short. Also, they can't be leveled up like the other fighters can. There's also challenges and an online mode.

All the fighters and their styles, like Muay Thai, Karate and Judo, are pretty well represented, and the graphics are good. The animation can be a bit stiff and jerky at times, but it's mostly forgivable. As I said before, this game features an exaggerated representation of the sport, with a much more arcadey feel. At times it even reminded me of the old Virtua Fighter arcade games.

The brutality of the combat can be fun, but it can also be very frustrating. It's mandatory that you complete the tutorial, or you'll have no clue what's going on. It's certainly not a button masher. One thing that really bothered me about the game is that a button prompt will appear by your character's health meter, indicating when to reverse. This is a terrible design flaw, as I spent most of my time in matches staring at the corner of my screen rather than watching the actual fight. If they had made the button prompt appear right in the center of the screen, this game would be much more playableperhaps a patch could fix this. Also, if you are mounted by an opponent, particularly online, that's pretty much the end of the match. No matter what I tried, in online fights I could not change positions. Speaking of online, it's pretty much a ghost town right now. And it lags like crazy most of the time. I tried playing a few fights, and I had to wait up to five minutes to get someone to join. Most times, it ended up being the same guy, and we'd mash buttons as our characters lagged insanely, creating the illusion of a fight fight from Team America: World Police.

Still, the game has enough of a unique brutality and fun factor to make it worth your money if you're a fan of the genre. It takes a bit of practice and getting used to, but Supremacy MMA can definitely be fun when you're in a bone-breaking mood.

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First off, this is an arcade style fighting game. It is not meant to be a fighting sim like EA MMA or UFC Undisputed. That being said this game is awesome. When I first played the demo I was expecting a game that was similar to all the other mma games that I had played, but it was very different and I was a bit bummed. After giving the game some time and figuring out how it controlled and how to play it, it turned out to be a lot of fun. It doesn't take that long to get a hang of the game. The graphics are pretty good and the artwork in the game is pretty legit. I like the style and pace of this game. Each fighter has their own abilities, strengths and weaknesses. It is kinda like street fighter in that sense. The ground fighting is very simple and fun and you can pull off submissions and what not. Overall I have a lot more fun playing this than I do EA MMA. It is a lot more fast paced and energized and the load times are very short so you get to spend more time playing the game. I would say download the demo on PS3 and try it out for a while until you can beat the computer and figure out the game to decide if you like it or not. I for one, love it. =)

Read Best Reviews of Supremacy MMA Here

i love this gift/ game as i think it deserves a true 5 star rating....i bought this for my son as he is a fan of the sport and he loves it. This product I recommend to any parent.

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first of all I was excited for this game I had High hopes for this game I pre-ordered this game and usually a game pre-ordered ships a day early or at least on release date but this game shipped a few days after release date so I didn't get the game right away. so I was really anxious for this game. But this game let me down BiG time and I wish i didn't buy it should of definitely rented the game This game is so cheap and overpriced this game should be only worth 20$ at the most. lets start with the most discouraging tbere is no create a player mode most games now a days have create mode. lets just say that this game could of been big 5 maybe 10 years ago but we already had 3 really awesome mma games UFC 1 and 2 and EA MMA are really good MMA games. when promoting the game they said they were going to have a lot of fighters Not true there is not that many fighters in this game 2 kick boxers 2 muay thai 1 karate 1 savate 2 boxing 1 jui jistu 1 wrestler. so there are only about 10 fighters which is ridiculous plus 2 girls so 12 fighters and that was another thing they built up was the women fighters and there are only 2 women.. The guy who posted the first comment says that this game actually requires skill there is no skill involved in this game it is a button mashing arcade game which is where it belongs in an arcade it would of been more impressive if it was a downloadable game off of psnetwork then i wouldn't of expected as much. there isn't much to the game and even though i named all those styles of fighting there isn't much difference between them the game that does the best on fighting styles is EA MMA but the fighting engine and contolling is better on UFC both of those games have their strengths and Superemecy mma has nothing but weaknesses also each character has it's own storyline but they are short the men's are only 4 fights long and women's only 2 fights long which sucks.

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