Sony PS3 Street Fighter IV FightPad - Ken

Sony PS3 Street Fighter IV FightPad - Ken
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
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This is an outstanding controller. Very comfortable to hold and all buttons are in easy reach. It is already perfectly set up for use with the Street Fight IV & the default button configuration. Moves requiring quarter, half & full circle movements are incredibly easy do, thanks to the floating digital pad. And they can be done consistently. It comes a with handy Turbo button which makes characters like Chun-Li & E. Honda especially dangerous.

My only problem with the controller & its floating digital pad is that it may be too sensitive sometimes. For characters that require charge attacks or precise up and down movements of the digital pad for combos, the Dualshock 3/Six-axis controller is actually easier to use & more consistent.

If you have PS3 then you already have the standard controller & I highly suggest you try out the Fight Pads to get the most out of this game. It will probably come in handy for other fighting games as well. I fully intend to use this pad on Tekken.

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Yes, this makes SF4 much more playable. A throwback Sega six button pad. The d-pad is not quite Sega style but its pretty good for fireballing motions. However, charge characters who need precise angles to execute like Balrog, you'll find your self doing dash lows, when you want to do a dash strait. You'll also find yourself doing dragon punches when you wanted to do the double motion for an ultra. A little sensitive it is.

On the shoulder buttons, they have a nice click and feel to them. Though, I wish the left shoulder was more like a trigger. The positioning kinda stinks. This button gives me all hell with ultras needing PPP. Your lf index finger needs to "curl" to press this button considering your thumb is on the d-pad.

ON the build quality, its a lot better than people have been complaining about. In the beginning the D-pad was a little "clicky" and would stick in some positions, but you need to break in in a bit.

Look, if you are serious about SF, you need a stick. This pad is 3 times as good as the PS3 pad, but 10 times worse than a stick. I opted not to go with a stick because, though I'm becoming a SF nerd, I want to be able to play with a controller for when the guys come over, not an expensive nerdy arcade stick. But I'm temped every time I cant pull off a complex link combo. The thumb is just not as dexterous as your middle fingers. But the stick is cost restrictive, so this is the next best option.

Overall good, but only if you are slightly more than a casual SF4 gamer but less than an aspiring expert.

*******UPDATE 4/13/2010************

*sigh* I really wanted this to work. But 3 months later of 20 hrs per week play time and the controller started sticking in some buttons, randomly cutting off in the middle of heated matches and lastly, button presses registering incorrectly. (PPP started coming out as MP. wth?)

Horrible quality but alas there are no real options other than getting a nerdy stick at this point..

*******UPDATE 6/22/2010************

Ok, I broke down and got a joystick. This pad really isn't worth it if your putting more than 10-20 hours a week into this game I think. It still is an upgrade from the stock pad but the quality is so shabby with extended use. You'll end up buying at least 2 in your SF lifetime and at that point you should have just gotten a stick. (It will take you a month to get used to the stick)

As a final note here...The Pad warrior tourney players DO NOT use this pad. Many of them use the stock ps3 pad. I think that says a lot overall about this product.

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After struggling to do all the old special moves I know and love on the usual "split" D-pad of the PS3 controller and getting my rear handed to me, I decided it was time to go "old school" and return to my Sega roots. I'm so glad I did. This controller is not only slightly faster and more comfortable to play with, but the disc D-pad is far easier to use. Well worth the purchase if you're tired of the idiotic arrow buttons or over-sensitive sticks of your normal controller.

Read Best Reviews of Sony PS3 Street Fighter IV FightPad - Ken Here

On a whim I preordered this controller from Amazon earlier this week. Mostly because I felt that anything would be better than the standard button layout of the Dual Shock 3 controller. I have been using the Fightpad ever since I got it in the mail and it is fantastic.

Every design of this controller is focused for fighting games, the directional pad has a smooth motion to it but with positive feedback. Quarter circle and hold moves are extremely fluid and can be performed reliably, which can't be said about the Dual Shock's dpad. The buttons are in an ergonomic position so none of them are difficult to reach. The system buttons are all recessed so they won't be pushed during a battle, and there are turbo functions to ease pulling off some of the more difficult combos.

I have always been skeptical of Madcatz products but these controllers are wonderfully designed and serve their purposes well. Sadly these controllers are not backwards compatible so they won't work with your PS2 or PS1 games. At least I couldn't get it to work.

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This controller feels great in your hands. Love the click of the buttons, but the D-pad does take some getting used to. It's so large playing as charge characters...can be more of a challenge than usual. All in all though...if you put in the'll be rewarded.

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