X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Uncaged Edition

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Uncaged Edition - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $39.99
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Okay we all know that good "Movie Games" are hard to find. Once in a while one is done right ( I, for one, loved the punisher game for the ps2) and this game is one of them. Wolverine is a lot of fun to play. There are a few lines from the movie so if you don't want to spoil anything then I suggest you wait until after to play the game. If you have seen the movie..well I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I was expecting it to be ripped straight from the film but there were a lot of differences and fresh story to play through. Comic fans will enjoy the various Wolverine costumes, cameos, and references to other characters. The game does live up to the Mature rating. The cut scenes are fantastic and there is a lot of action! I have only rented the game because I am usually weary of adaptation games, but already I have spent well over six hours playing...and I have only had it since this morning. I have found it to be very addicting considering I usually only clock in an hour or two at a time with most games. This could also be because I am desperately trying to get to the end so I can get the Deadpool trophy. I am disappointed that there isn't more of Wade in it but I suppose if I had it my way it would be nothing but The Deadpool Show! I have not finished the game yet so I do not know exactly how long it is but so far I am having a great time impaling enemies on spikes, solving puzzles, slicing through mountains of limbs, earning trophies, and enjoying the story. The only reason I gave it four stars is because I have had a few glitches while playing ( bodies and heads floating after being cut, and one time a cut scene didn't kick in so I had to go back to the last checkpoint.) Overall great game if you are a fan of Wolverine!

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I had a great time with this game, but I tend to rate my games on more than one play-through. After all, what is the point doling out 60 bucks on a game if it lacks the second or third time through?

Overall, the game is really well made. The graphics are solid, and the gore is a nice touch. However, it takes more than some flashy graphics and flying blood to make a good game. Especially today, the game needs to EARN its sixty dollar price tag. To be honest, the game really IS well made. The controls are easy to pick up and barring a few annoying tendancies, such as being mid-combo and combo-ing yourself right off a ledge, the game allows you to hone your feral senses. It really IS like playing Wolverine. The voice acting is excellent and the "puzzles" are just challenging enough to give you time to pause and think.

That being said, this game has almost NOTHING to offer you once you beat it. It reminds me alot of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Once you unlock the alternate costumes which amounts to a handful...... there is nothing else. Just more of the same. I have been down this road before. The Force Unleashed was a fun game the first time through, now sadly it collects dust. To be honest it takes more than trophies to keep me going. Either the game has to vary enough each time through that it allows you to at least pretend it is bringing more to the table, or it has to be SO much fun each time through that you don't care that it's the same. Unfortunately, it is a pattern of kill a group of baddies, run to the next part, kill a group of baddies, kill a new type of baddie, run to the next group, rinse and repeat. Occasionally it is broken up by some pretty spectacular boss fights such as gunships or just very BIG baddies. I hate to go against the grain on this but I do not consider this to be a 4 or 5 star owner. It is a 4 or 5 star renter. A very well-made game with plenty of action to satisfy your bloodlust, but until this game hits the twenty or thirty buck mark, I'd recommend renting it when the need for violence takes you because on that ground, you'll find few better than this.

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Okay, it's common knowledge that most movie games suck, however, every rule has it's exception. Wolverine Origins Uncaged is one of them. Let me start by saying that while the game doesn't offer the diversity of games like Zelda or Bioshock, it is one of the best hack 'n slash games I have played in the past several years.

Some people may try to comepare this to God of War, but it's actually a lot more like Ninja Gaiden 2 as far as the style of combat goes. Now it's true you don't have multiple weapons to choose from, but does that really matter, this game allows Wolverine to DISMEMBER enemies with his claws! Warning, if you are a parent, I really would not recommend this one for your 9 year old son. The rumors are correct, Wolverine does decapitate, dismember and disembowel enemies with his adamantium claws. Also, when Wolverine takes damage, it shows and it also shows as it heals. Players can also upgrade wolverine with increased claw damage, healing factor, and multiple combat and rage attacks.

Fun game, new enemies every level, challenging, but not impossible, overall good solid game. I really haven't found anything to complain about yet.

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This is a game that is surprisingly good. It is probably one of the best movie-tie-in games ever made. But those games tend to trend to the abysmal. The game follows the plot of the movie in loose way but features characters and events not portrayed in the movie.


1) Extremely fun and engaging combat system.

2) Wolverine's abilities seem accurately reflected in the game. The regeneration system works well. You can see him heal in front of your eyes. The claws damage most enemies as you might expect.

3) RPG elements are fun. The upgrades work and you do become more powerful as you progress.

4) Excellent voice-acting and plot.


1) Some repetitive boss fights. It gets pretty tiresome jumping on big dudes' backs and stabbing them in the hump.

2) Incredibly frustrating timed platforming with controls that are subpar for platforming. (For example in good 3d platformers such as Assassin's Creed 2, or Prince of Persia, trying to jump off a platform and mistiming the jump results in your walking to the edge and stopping, or catching yourself. In this game you just walk off the edge. Also, most platforming in this game seems to require double jumps, which is tuned overly tightly, making it very difficult to execute.) Overall the platforming seemed nonsensical. Wolverine can leap 30 yards to stab an enemy, but without that enemy his range seems to be 5 yards.

3) Some poorly spaced checkpoints which force you to repeat long tedious sections in even of failure. Although for the most part the checkpoints were pretty decent.

4) Somewhat subpar graphics for a PS3 game.

Overall, the game was pretty awesome for anyone who is a wolverine fan. It also is fun to replay, with the exception of the platforming parts.

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In the world of "movie to video game" disasters, we've come to steer clear of new movie games. After watching Wolverine in the theater, I knew that this game had potential, it was just a matter of whether they would harness this potential or destroy another good idea. Let me be the first to say, I was pleasantly surprised at how great this game really was! From start to finish, this game had me hooked!

First off, let me start with the controls. I have to say that this was one of the easiest games to pick up, pop in and start playing. From the beginner moves, to the rage moves, the controls are very easy to learn and master. Personally, there is nothing worse than a new game that takes 5 hours just to learn how to move your character.

The graphics and "screen play" type action sequences are great! The game is your basic "flash-back, flash-forward" type scenario. It keeps in line with the comic books and movie (so that is a plus), but also has some other plots to keep the game fresh. The game does live up to its mature (M) rating though, so keep that in mind if you are considering this for your younger gamers. Plenty of gore to go around in the Uncaged Edition.

As for game play/time, it took me a little less than 10 hours to beat the game on medium difficulty. But please keep in mind I spent a lot of time wandering for items to achieve the trophies for this game. If you are looking at this game because of trophies, it will take a minimum of two play throughs for the platinum (once on medium and once on hard, maybe another play through for straggling trophies you may have missed).

Overall, I loved this game! From the cut scenes, to the puzzles, to the slicing and dicing, to the trophies and the pure enjoyment of the game play! If you are a big fan of the Wolverine comics, you will love this game! If you are a fan of slice and dice games, you will love this is as well! Or, if you are just looking for an action/adventure game with some killing, then this is the game for you. Enjoy! I know I did.

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