Transformers the Game

Transformers the Game - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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But this game sucks.

I'm a diehard transformer fan and a PS3 fan as well, but i would hate to lie and say this game was anywhere close to good because it's so close to being the most awful and annoying game on the PS3-EVER!!

The missions are boring, simple and not planned very well. (This game was definately rushed, because it had alot of potential.

I thought i was the only one having sound problems, but after reading other peoples reviews it seems like i'm not alone.

The controls suck! especially when you're driving. Talk about understeer and then a sudden oversteer makes the mission absolutely annoying. I dont expect it to be a grand turismo, but the programmers making this game were very confused on wether they wanted the driving to feel simulated or arcade-like...

Trying to drive, and trying to lock onto the enemy is frustrating as hell.

Transforming is cool, but it gets old when everything is so damn frustrating.

A.I is horrible. Talk about dumb enemy robots!

Activision, from my point of view, makes decent games. Not great games but decent. But this one is a total failure in my book.

I'm glad i rented it, and i'm hoping you do too before buying it!

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This is a fun game. It's not very complicated, but there' enough for Transformers fans to keep you entertained for a while. As a comparison, this game is very similar to Simpson's Hit & Run. There are plenty of side missions and things to do that provide a good change of pace.

The game does come up a bit short in a few areas. The camera never seems to be pointing where it needs to be. The Bonus material is weak (especially the photo gallery). The instruction manual is bad and a lot of things are left up to you to figure out.

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Here's are the positives:

controls relatively easy to learn

your weapons and health automatically recharge over time

you can REALLY and TRULY destroy just about anything in the game (my favorite so far: wiping out Decepticons by swinging a ginormous swordfish!)

think of this game as a really good Mech game (compared to what else is out there), with strong similarities to Grand Theft Auto III's go-anywhere-and-blast-anyone gameplay, including the driving-around-the-city part. My advice is to screw off on doing the missions (going where they tell you), and instead just drive / fly around crashing into cars and buses and launching missles at the helicopters, etc. GREAT button-mashing fun (a la what I would always do late at night on GTA).

Here are the negatives:

no multi-player

limited number of Transformers (I want old ones!!)

the graphics are decent, but not as shiny-beautiful as other games (like Heavenly Sword, etc.). Still, they are not bad...

some people have said that the game is relatively short... well, I guess that depends on whether you play games for 8 hours a day, or more like 1 hour a day. I think it's a fine length, and I hope for a sequel with the OLD Transformer vehicles!!

some people have complained that when using HDMI, they aren't getting any audio. My advice: buy a digital audio cable and run it through your receiver. Hopefully this will help. (works fine with my Dolby Digital).

Overall, at the very least, give this a rental, and just spend half-an-hour driving around blasting things before you just this game. You will see that fun factor.

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My son plays this game frequently. He enjoys it more than most of the other games he had. I would recommend for children who have a good understanding of how their console controller works because it is action heavy and can be difficult if the kid is unsure which buttons to use.

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its ok. you can play as your favorite transfomer on the good or bad side. and also has good graphics

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