List Price: $59.99
Sale Price: $10.80
Today's Bonus: 82% Off
To be blunt, this is probably the worst PS3 game to date.
Even the packaging itself was crappy. The pictures on the case were grainy and pixilated, as if they had been enlarged and printed off an early 90's printer .
Graphics The graphics are comparable to those of a poor quality PS2 game. There is no realism, it all seems so thrown together and it is quite obvious that very little effort was put into the graphics.
Gameplay Its all about the kill moves. Period. That seems to be the only thing in mind when the gameplay was developed, running up to an enemy and pressing the X button so marcinko could stab somebody. Don't get me wrong, the kill moves had potential to be both incredibly graphic, and highly satisfying, but they fall short. Again, the pathetic graphics make the kill moves more silly than anything. The AI NEVER notice you coming, so you can run right up to them-no sneaking required (or possible for that matter), and the enemy never hears you, sees you, or even seems to be performing his guard duties, they just stand around with their back to you so that you can stab them. And the hand grenades he uses are ridiculous, its almost comical to use them. Instead of a hall-clearing, shrapnel throwing, enemy killing explosion, you get a flash and a pop that rarely takes down enemies. There is no imagination in this game. It's a -follow the dotted line, kill unsuspecting enemies as you go, off the rackgame. It is pathetically short and has zero replay value. Blind fire is a joke. Well, accuracy in general is a joke. My accuracy in most shooters that I play tends to be better than average, but in this game I couldn't hit anything, and it wasn't from lack of trying. And when you do hit an enemy, it usually takes more than a few hits to bring them down. And I'm sorry but if you shoot someone, ANYONE, in the chest with a 7.62 mm round from an AK-47, they are going to die, or at the very least stop shooting at you. The Koreans in this game can take a double tap to center mass and still keep coming, like little north Korean terminators.
Sounds -I've never heard so much unnecessary swearing in my life. You cant go more than 30 seconds without hearing some incredibly foul language. Every hand grenade, most kills, and every time he gets shot it is a string of profanity that would make most rappers blush. Its just constant "F-ing F-ers, Go F-ing F yourselves you F-ing Communist F-ers" And it seems to be a cornerstone of the game itself. In the second level (if you really can call it that, it only takes ten minutes), as I approached a fast-rope that was clearly the only way into a building he said "like the ex-wife used to say, if I go down, I get in", and then proceeded down the rope. To which my response was simply "Wow."
The gunfire itself is mediocre, I've never fired an AK-47, but I've heard plenty of them, and the ones in this game are more firecracker than assault rifle. The PS2 game "Black" had far more realistic sounding weapons, and "Medal of Honor-Airborne" for PS3 recorded the sounds from authentic period weapons, tanks, artillery, etc, from various ranges. Their effort was clearly heard in the game and made for much better realism.
The replay value is nonexistent. For $ you should be able to play every penny out of it, but after two hours you're done with the entire game, and likely so pissed off that you just wasted two hours, that you'll trade it in or sell it immediately (at a huge loss I might add. Gamestop was only offering $ cash/trade for it three days after its release). Rainbow six vegas 2 is an example of a game with considerable replay value. Or for that matter GTA4, its down to $ give or take, and how many hundreds of hours can you play that game?
This game should not have even been released. I consider it a crime (theft/fraud if you will) to charge people money for this game, let alone $! I feel that the developer/publisher should issue a formal apology to anyone who purchased this game, and offer at the very least a partial refund. My review does not do justice to how terrible this game is. For perspectives sake you should rent it and play it for as long as you can stand, at least that way you'll only be out $.
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I am not ignorant, nor naive. I do realize this game is one of the worst reviewed games in recent memory.With that said, I do agree with most of the flaws this game is being held accountable for. However, I feel they are being greatly embellished, at least some of them. The gunplay and hit detection are sketchy, but not dreadfully bad like most would lead you to believe. Infact, this aspect of the game is hovering around mediocre, in my opinion. I've experienced better....but also worse.
The graphics and level design are outdated, and rather uninspired. The gameplay is straightforward, with basically no variation. The story is forgetable at best, and completely absurd at worst. The cover system can be more of a burden than an asset, and the enemy AI is less than brilliant, to put it politely. Micky Rourke attempts to put his best foot forward, but the material is so insipid.
So....this must be sounding like a negative review, huh? Allow me to actually highlight why i enjoyed this game, regardless of it's glaring flaws. Even though it's an outdated "run of the mill" shooter, it is a pretty darn fun one at that. I enjoyed progressing through levels, and mowing those commie's down. While the language is certainly vulgar, I was never the less ammused by it most of the time. The takedowns in this game were cool, though over the top. There are many different ones to perform, so this never really got old for me. I am not going to claim that this game should be considered award worthy. I am merely suggesting that perhaps it isn't quite as bad as some have stated.
1. A variety of brutal takedowns that are fun to perform.
2. Mowing down commies, and insulting them while doing it is pure bliss.
3. Simplistic control scheme, levels are fun to replay.
4. Micky Rourke does a decent job, even if he doesn't have the best material to work with.
1. A two hour campaign does not justify selling this game at full retail price. It does have online multiplayer, but good luck finding anyone to play with you, considering that just about everyone hates this game with a passion. If this were sold for $10 bucks on Xbox Live/PSN, instead of the full retail price of $60 when it was initially released, I think you would have seen less hatred directed towards it.
2. Dumb enemy AI has rendered stealth rather pointless. Sneaking up behind them is easy, since their backs are usually towards you anyway!
3. Only six missions to be found here. Pretty bare bones stuff too. I would have liked to have seen more variation.
4. Visuals and lazy level design will not impress anyone.
Closing comments:
Rogue Warrior should have been a cheap downloadable title, and that is it. The content it offers, does not justify spending more than $10 bucks. I bought mine for around that, and don't regret doing so. I had some fun with this game, and I do realize I am one of the few.I bought this based on a couple cool still shots from the game and the fact that Mickey Rourke was voicing the main character. What a piece of garbage this game is. I honestly can't believe a game like this got put into production. Zero skills required. Zero fun. Zero playability. This game is wretched trash. Don't even rent it. Don't even read another review on it cause this game isn't worth any more of your time.This was fine at the beginning, but basically all you do is shoot at the enemy while Mr. Marcinko constantly comments with the same stupid phrases throughout the entire time. Great if you just want to "shoot 'em up" and curse like a drunkin sailor but other than that, i am sure there are other games more challenging. Oh well, i gave it a chance .. Can always trade it in !!! Hope others enjoy it more than we did.There is nothing and i mean nothing about spending your hard earned cash for this game. Things like the lack of great graphics, a bad plot make this game seem like it was rushed to market. All the powers that be should be FIRED. I cannot get my money back, i warn you do not spend one thin DIME on this crap. P.S ZERO STARS.
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