Red Faction Guerrilla

Red Faction Guerrilla - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $19.99
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Red Faction: Guerilla is a sandbox game that has a enough unique elements in it that separates it from the recent influx of sandbox titles. The environment is uncommon and and the main character is a revolutionary that actually fights for a cause that isn't. selfish, and he isn't a thug.


Guerilla is designed like most snadbox titles with a unlockable map, safe house, mission objectives and a weak story. You drive around a decent sized landscape using a varied set of vehicles that are different than most sandbox games. The Mars environment is a nice change and the day/night cycle is put to great use to illiminate the barren, mountanious landscape. Compared to most open world games that involve cities, Guerilla's design is very plain in and rather monotonous. Most of Guerilla's innovation comes with the Geo Mod 2.0 Engine that allows you to destroy any man made object with great detail.


Red Factions gameplay is typical of all the recent sandbox games. The unique environment provides a different twist on the missions, while the repetition and weak story continues the grenres shortcomings. Guerilla's gameplay involves expanding a map by completing mission objectives, and furthering the Red Factions cause inside the different Mars colonies. Red Faction'smost endearing quality is that you play as a good man, with good intentions. The shooting is competent, the vehicle controls are good, and the citizen involvement is impressive. The enemy faction known as the EDF (Earth Defense Force) are everywhere, and the moral meter that controls colonists involvement within your actions is an important element. However, the most important gameplay device is the building destruction, and this is what takes Red Faction: Guerilla above most sandbox titles. You can use the destruction element in your favor during missions, and some objecives strictly adhere to destroying everything. This gameplay mechanic is very fun, and nicely detailed.


Guerilla is nice looking for a sandbox game. The environment graphics are nice, and the mountain terrain and sky are detailed and immersive. The character graphics and sound are less impressive, but still convey a decent amount of reality. Most impressive is the sound and look of crumbling buildings. Whether you blow up a foundation and watch as it slowly falls under its own weight,or you plant five charges to a single vehicle and watch as it lights up like the fourth of July, the small nuances of the destruction engine are incredibly impressive. Red Faction: Guerilla boasts a decent symphonic score and the games overall presentation is honorable for a sandbox title.


If destroying buildings is your thing. Buy Red Faction: Guerilla. As a sandbox game it plays well, has good production values, and allows you to play as a character with a cause, but it still comes with the typical sandbox games shortcomings like repetition, and a weakly told story. It is a lengthy and fun game, that still has yet to perfect the flawed trappings of the sandbox genre.

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I love the original Red Faction, I played on the PC and PS2 (pssst it's better on the PC) anyway, RF2 was alright but not as fantastic as the first one, RF has a pretty good story and the humor was great, but both where FPS games, so I was really worried they where going to hack up RFG as it is now a TPS.

Well I'm about 50% done the single player campaign, and have logged many hours of online, I can not get enough Red Faction Guerilla.

Single Player:

This is great, we have tons of fun here. The maps are really nice, very easy to navigate, and very large. There is a great selection of missions ranging from destroying a building or structure as fast as humanly possible to extracting hostages' who are being probably tortured from your terrorist actions as new member of the Red Faction, all with out them dying.

Driving around is actually really fun, I don't normally like driving in a game, but this was nice, all your vehicle options are distinctively different from each other, if you drive a big dump truck, it's slow and is terrible at cornering but you have a massive destructive power, being able to drive it through a building with ease. But if you are looking for fast and small with great handling, there is that to, but at the same time you give up that fantastic crushing capability.

As far as weapons go you can upgrade everything at one of your safe houses after you collect "salvage" I actually liked doing this, it's like my goal to get as much salvage as I can possible get, the more the better. There is really a weapon for every situation your in, and when you run out of ammo, get your hammer out and start bashing everything in sight, you can take out buildings people walls trucks and just about anything that looks like it could brake, all with a little mining hammer. As like most games the more you play the more weapons you unlock and then you can buy them.

There are ammo crates all over so if you find that there are to many EDF (Earth Defense Force, they are the enemy) around and not enough bullets or rockets then just load up and at the same time you can change you weapons selection as long as you have them unlocked.

And the whole moral thing they have is neat, the higher the moral of the Red Faction the more ammo will be in the crate for you to reload with, they also help you fight when they are happy. If you die or a member of the RF dies, you get less ammo and they will also freak out and run away from a fight when the moral meter is low.

Over all the single player is great so far, anyone who does not like it has not played for long enough, it's easy at first but once you get in to it, it's a quick jump to becoming more difficult and hopefully you have collected enough salvage to fight the good fight and free mars from the tyranny of the US government......Umm I mean the EDF, there couldn't be a major political parallel in RFG could there?


I won't spend to long on this but wow this just as fun as single player, maybe even more fun. They replace the run with a whole bunch of different backpacks, like a jet pack, my fav is the Rhino pack where you are able to smash through enemies and walls or both.

The game types are the same as you would find in most multiplayer games, nothing new here, just that an enemy can come from anywhere, so essentially no cover, they will just hammer there way to you, and beat you down, as you cower in fear because you're out of ammo with no back pack and wish you picked up the Thrust pack to shoot out the top of the building only to die mid flight from some kid with a rocket launcher.

RFG multiplayer = hours and hours of destructive endless fun.

As for graphics, no it's not like there KZ2 or anything like that, but I just think it leaves miles of room for improvement in hopefully RF4 for whatever they call it. And it seems to be smooth, no jerking around or getting stuck on a corner, just great game play.

My only real complaint is that there is no Co-op campaign, because come on that would be stellar in so many ways, maybe next time.

And I do think if you play online this is totally worth full price.

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I've played and beaten about 75% of the PS3 games out there, even the bad ones. I don't play sports or kids games, but everything else I buy and beat. So I feel I'm pretty good with comparing and rating games.

Pros: It's a unique game, cars are fun to drive, map is cool, making your own holes into compounds and such.

Cons: Sigh. The game is incredibly boring. The story is terrible and completing missions doesn't make you feel like you've really accomplished anything.

Also, the gunplay in the game is pretty bad. You don't feel like you're firing a gun, but rather a rubber-band gun. Boring.

Using cover is incredibly frustrating. You have to push towards a wall, then 'tap' (very lightly) L2. Make sure it's a light tap, because L2 is also used for sprint. So if you do anything but 'tap', you'll sprint out into the open and get creamed. Very frustrating.

The graphics are very average at best...and the difference in the districts is simply a different colored hue/filter. When driving, you can cross over into a new district and all the sudden the environment has a blue or tan tint rather than red. Whoop-dee-do.

The thing that actually caused me the most frustration is this: you choose to mark a place on the map to go destroy and collect scrap metal, but on the way you get interrupted and your buddy calls you and says the guerrillas need help. So you drive literally 5 minutes sometimes to get there and if you die in the fight, you re-spawn at a safehouse. The only problem is that when you re-spawn that mission you died on is gone...or is it? See now you have to pretend like you're driving to a whole other mission before the girl pops on again and tells you to go to the mission you died on. So you get to try again...but oh wait, you have to drive the 5 minute trip all over again! This is incredibly frustrating.

To be honest, I had to push myself to beat this game. It got boring and frustrating really fast. I can see where if you really jive with the style of the game, you can have a lot of fun. But it's not for me at all. I prefer games that are engaging and make sense.

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THIS GAME IS A BLAST TO PLAY!!! Both literally and metaphorically!!!

I will make this very short, BUY THIS GAME!!!

Everything in this game is great! Graphics, sound, animation, physics, controls, and lighting!!!

The story is a little too much to the point but it has to be, 120 missions!!! come on!

I thought this game would ruin the Red Faction title, NO, I WAS WAY WRONG!! I LOVE THIS GAME! If you have destructive tendencies, look no further!!!

Anyone who gives this game a bad review has never played this game or has no life but to ruin titles that deserve the fame that the creators worked so hard for.

10/10 *****

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If you like great big maps and endless amounts of destruction, this game is for you. The Geo-mod 2.0 system works incredibly well, and though I do miss the ability to tunnel through walls/hills etc. as in the other Red Faction games I don't know that it would be particularly useful in this one.

The game play is very good. Controlling your character feels a bit like Mercenaries or Lost Planet, but much smoother. The vehicle physics are also very good, though I've noticed a glitch where smaller vehicles abruptly and inexplicably accelerate forward from a dead stop. It is rare, however and helps as often as it hurts. The ability to stick to walls is kind of useless, considering that 90% of the time you're working to demolish every wall in sight, and the rest of the time enemies are rapidly demolishing any walls you use as cover. Perhaps they could've found a better function to assign to that button.

The story line is ok. Is it on par with Fallout 3? Not a chance. While they worked in a little bit with an "ancient" race descended from the Ultor Corporation of the earlier games, I think there was probably more potential in that particular vein than they made use of. Otherwise the story of Martian colonization is fairly interesting. The use of modern news-media jargon on the bad guys' broadcasting system as they put their own spin on you and the Red Faction's exploits is a nice touch. Story is very much secondary to the action, however and there are some pretty big holes in the plot. You have to wonder why your character quits using the awesome satellite guided artillery, for instance, in favor of driving a tank through swarms of enemy soldiers who could have easily been vaporized with said artillery.

The visuals are pretty good. Of course, the game takes place on Mars, so if you're expecting something other than lots and lots of rocks you clearly need to spend more time familiarizing yourself with the solar system than you do playing video games. The Martian sunsets are brief but if you catch one from atop a big rock in the Badlands its kind of pretty. The character graphics are also pretty good.

Bottom lineis this game fun? Lots.

Is it worth $60? It depends what kind of game you like. If you like open worlds and lots of destruction, then yes. And though I have not taken it online yet there is some good replay value in the single player alone.

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