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I had mixed feelings about this game before its release, but after doing some research I realised that this game is different from the previous Transformers games based on the movie...which is a good thing. Fans of Gears of War will really love this game. For hardcore shooter fans, some things may or may not disappoint you. Fans of the animated series will fall in love! It plays out a lot like a CG cartoon...sound quality is very good with the voiceovers being very good drawing you in even more. The graphics look like someone took Gears of War and replaced the COG and the Horde with the Autobots and Decepticons. I know, I know, the Unreal Engine has been done a million times, it does WFC a lot of good though. Although I mentioned Gears of War, keep in mind that there is no duck and cover system. At first, this sort of disappointed me in a way, but after playing it, I realized.....robots don't need cover!!! The game controls like a charm, but takes some getting used to as well. Another thing is, unfortunately sometimes (depending on how you have your controller layout) you will accidently transform when you didn't intend to do so. This can be a problem...especially when trying to navigate platforming sections. Transforming in mid-air not only looks cool, but it also can be used for strategy purposes as well. It is highly recommended that you play the Decepticons campaign first. You can however choose to play the Autobots campaign first if you like. I have not played the multiplayer yet nor have I tried the 3 player co-op so I will not comment on the MP aspect of the game in this review. This game is very fast paced with a ton of action in it so far. Again, if you are a fan of Transformers, this is the game to have..I am not sure how long the single player campaign is, but it seems to be pretty long. Most may want to wait till the price drops, but if you are really thinking of getting the game, do yourself a favor and pick it up. This review is based on the PS3 version of the game. I hope this was helpful to you.
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War For Cybertron. Well what can I say about this except, this game totally blew me away. I'm going to start with the Campaign Mode this offers two unique stories and levels. I like Decepticon side because, I like being the bad guy trying to takeover, or you can be the usual good guy (Autobots) trying to save everything. But you don't have to be good or bad on your own, you can team up with 2 friends online and be good or bad together and destroy some really cool bosses. It takes place on their home planet Cybertron (a stunning mechanical-futuristic place) of course and the best part about it you're no longer big bulky semi-trucks, camaros and normal earth vehicles Autos and Decepts are Cybertronian vehicles which are the same as earth's except they look way better, cooler, meaner and tougher. Now for the best part of the game Multi-Player, this offers a variety of modes Escalationconstant groups of robots attack until the players are defeated, Free-for-Allis every robot for himself, and my favorite Deathmatch-is just like with other shooters two teams go head-to-head to get the most kills. The others are Power Struggle, Code of Power, Countdown to Extinction and Conquest, I won't spoil these for you but I think you'll enjoy them. The character customizing is absolutely awesome, players must make their own Transformer based on the 4 classes, which determines their vehicle form Scout (car), Scientist (jet), Leader (truck), and Soldier (tank) each vehicle functions the same except Scientists can fly. Each allows you two weapons, two abilities, and three upgrades each class has their own set of kill streak rewards, available weapons, and abilities and last but not least you choose the color scheme of your robot. Now for my review GAMEPLAY 5stars controls are great, very engaging and fast paced not for casual gamers, STORYLINE 5stars finally we get the Autos and Decepts history, GRAPHICS 5stars it sounds and looks great, MULTIPLAYER 5stars. Transformers: War for Cybertron 5stars it's absolute genius.Buy Transformers: War for Cybertron Now
I read tons of reviews on this game before I got it. It seemed that in general most people said that it's an okay game but it's not the best ever. They then list reasons that it wasn't good. I just would like to say this game is awesome! It's too bad that it has such terrible reviews from everyone. If you like the 3rd persons shooter game type then this is a game for you. The multi-player is cool. There has been a lot of complaining about the levels being all the same but obviously that is just people complaining. The ability to transform adds an awesome touch to the multi-player. I always hate in game when I re-spawn and then I have to walk for 30 seconds to find anyone else. Well in this one if you are far away you can just transform into a vehicle and go and find some people. If your in danger you can transform and quickly flee the area. It adds a spin on the gameplay that other game has. I would also like to mention that the melee combat on this game is awesome. For all of you shooter game fans out there you all know that the melee can sometimes be lame in the games. But Imagine being a freaking transformer and swinging a death hammer at somebody. Or spinning in circles with and ax. It is an awesome game overall. I am not sure why people don't like it. I don't think that they have actually played it.One thing that I have to agree on that is a little bit negative is that you definitely find yourself with a huge lack of ammo. So you have to use your melee attack a ton but it's pretty sweet too. If you are interested in buying this game I would definitely recomend it. It's not the best game ever but this is a good game.
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Being a Transformers fan for quite some time I was thrilled to find that not only was a PS3 game for Transformers coming out, but it wasn't based off of the perverted and dark franchise that Micheal Bay created to destroy our childrens hearts. After playing this game, I feel that not only has the series redeemed itself in my heart, but has brought G1 to a whole new level. Very good graphics and excellent story, this game is perfect for those looking to remember when transformers was still awesome but also those trying to start a new hobbie altogether. If transformers is your childhood dream, this game brings it to a whole new level.Want Transformers: War for Cybertron Discount?
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT:Epic third person gunplay
Lots of moving pieces and easy transformations
Great storyline, graphics and voice acting
Getting to play for each side during the campaign
The ability to choose between a number of characters in each mission
Terrific weapon types and solid controls that feel awesome once mastered
Many open areas which allow for different tactical approaches
Endless action
Terrific online co-op (up to 3 friends at once, no offline co-op)
Multiplayer that is addictively fun, while not overly complex or unbalanced
Memorable boss battles
My only real complaints would be that the game is pretty linear overall (while there is some focus on tactical gameplay in specific areas of each stage, you're still following a 'Point A to Point B' path), and the transformations weren't incorporated enough to make them necessary (they still offer a lot to the experience, and look and feel fabulous when executed, but mostly you could play without much transforming). But these are very nitpicky things. The game itself is so undeniably good that you won't be bothered by either of these facts while playing.
I was warned that the controls were a bit tricky to get down, but could find no evidence of that here. The setup is very basic if you've played any shooter from the current generation. Mastering certain aspects, however (such as executing a thrust burst after your double jump), require a mild amount of practice. In this regard, the controls remind me of most 3D Mario games (the ONLY way these games are alike); the basics are immediately intuitive, but the more complex moves come with time and never cease to make you feel like a gaming badass when you get them down to an art.
This is one of the best third person shooters currently available on the PS3. The last two games I've taken on have been Batman: Arkham City and Killzone 3, and I'll happily admit that this game is still holding its own in a major way. Buy it today. Even if you're not a Transformers fan, this game will not disappoint.
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