Saints Row 2 PS3

Saints Row 2 PS3
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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This title is a must own for coop fans who wants a robust customization system with solid gameplay mechanics. Missions range from standard flair revenge to, "lulwut!?" Apparently another reviewer does not understand that a game about violent Gangs is going to have profane language and might need to learn what ESRB rating system is about. Foul language is part and parcel of this franchise, so giving it a 2 star has to be as stupid as walking up to the leader of the Third Street Saints leader and giving him the bird...

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This game is a whole lot of fun. If you enjoyed the GTA series, this is similar but goies further with weaponry, music, driving, and also gives you the ability to manage your gangs activity. Probably not a good game for your kid to play if they are younger than say 14. It's a blast!

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one bad thiing about this is during the campain mode the characters swear at least 2 times per every3 minutes.a good thing is when you customize your character you can change how it walks ,talks and just about everything else.

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