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To be fair this game and its earlier ones were made to bring a more realistic feeling to a WW2 shooter. It is not your typical shooter where you storm through a stage killing enemies by the 100's. You play as a Srg and have to command your squads around to cover one another and flank. The game has great graphics, a good AI, awesome sound effects and a even better story that will challenge and give you many hours of strategic combat. Please understand that most people knock this game because they are used to and I guess are not bored of your average shooter. If you are tired of typical shooters with no strategy whatsoever then I bet you will love this game. Also note that this game focuses alot more on single player then online.
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Pros:Emphasis on tactics (flanking the enemy is important). Team concept.
Graphics are very good. They are not the best that the PS3 has to offer, but very good. Excellent slo-motion effects.
Some historical relevance using a fictional squad within the US Army's 101st Airborne Division.
Good storyline.
Audio and visual bugs (minus 1 star overall).
Online play is available, but not great. No emphasis on team concept online.
Linear play.
Finding a sniper rifle or using standard rifles can make it somewhat easy to pick off the enemy in each mission.
Rambos need not apply for this title. Running and gunning, while possible, makes the game more difficult to play.
Buy Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway Now
At first I was nervous about having to use teamwork to advance in a game, since I'm used to go-it-alone type games, but this teamwork makes for a good game. I die a tremendous amount of times, but I still continue because it's all about strategy, but not to the extremely frustrating point. Graphics are good, gameplay is good and action is intense. Bottom line is that it is doable. Might take many attempts, but it's fun while you try. Can't go wrong with this title especially since the price has been falling. Enjoy.Read Best Reviews of Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway Here
First of all, this is NOT a run-and-gun FPS. Actually, it's a TPS (Third-person-shooter). Anyway, this requires a more slow and methodical play style than your Halo or Resistance type of shooter.On-line play is OK, but the poor controls really kill the fun.
The Good:
Very good cut-scenes. Helps move the story along. And there IS a story, which some may not care about. For me, it kept things more interesting. And despite what someone claimed earlier, you CAN skip the cut-scenes.
Things to do other than just killing Nazis. You've got "Recon Sites" you can visit, which unlock some historical facts about Operation Market Garden. You also have "Kilroys" to find.
Squad mechanics is done fairly well. It has its problems, but nothing major.
Makes you think about the battlefield and how to use cover/flanking/etc.
The Bad
Third Person Shooter. Some people like that, some don't care. I generally don't like TPS, because you always end up at some point not being able to look in the direction you want to look. It's just a problem with TPS in general (the worst was an older Metal Gear game I played on Xbox... the only game I've ever returned).
Poor choice of controls. Why does each game designer insist on using different control layouts than everyone else? Half the games I've played use R1 for primary fire, while the other half use R2. WHY???
No ability to customize controls (related to above). Come on now! This is a sore point for me. It seems fewer and fewer games allow any type of customization of the controls, yet each one has its own idea of which button should do what. Why do I have to re-learn which trigger is primary fire each time I play a different game??? VERY BAD!!!
In Realistic difficulty, you don't have any cross-hairs. OK, sounds "realistic", except if you're dug in behind cover and pop out to shoot, since this is a TPS, you can't see where you're aiming!!! Did anyone actually play-test this thing???
Can't pick up grenades from bodies.
No jumping.
No crawling or prone position.
No melee. All the pics show you have this nasty combat knife, but you can't actually use it???
Poor AI. Your squads don't use very good judgement about using cover to get to where you want them. You sometimes have to micro-manage their route, or they'll run in front of some cover and get killed.
In Realistic mode, you have no idea how many magazines you're carrying. I understand you may not know how many bullets are left in a magazine, but surely you know if you only have one left vs 10 left.
No consistency about what objects you can vault over and which you can't.
Related to above, when running, bumping into the smallest of obstacles brings you to a complete halt. I've gotten killed numerous times when I was trying to run to cover but nicked the corner of some piece of wood or something, coming to a complete halt. You also can't really turn very well while running.
There's more, but I don't want to seem like I'm bashing the game.
Overall, I enjoyed the game (except in Realistic mode, due to the myriad of interface and control flaws). If you can pick it up for under $15 or $20, I recommend it.I really enjoyed this game. I don't spend much time on the PS3, but this is the best game I have bought so far. I didn't really rate COD World At War, it felt rushed and basic, but I loved COD4 Modern Warfare. Although this is a different style of play, I think this game surpasses COD4 due to the need to think about the game, not just run and gun. The graphics are great, the story is good, the gameplay could be improved by more involvement in picking your teams specialities and your own weapons, but I would still rate this a 5!
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