Watchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete Experience

Watchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete Experience
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I purchased this package and in my opinion it's a pretty good deal, especially for the price Amazon is selling it at.

Yes, the game is pretty much a button masher, but for a 40 year old dude like me, that's fine; I don't want to spend hours learning mutliple button combinations and special moves. I played the PS3 demo and enjoyed the atmosphere of the game.

The Director's Cut of the film is on 1 DVD and the game and additional features from the film are on a separate DVD.

The special features on the game disc are the same ones included in the 3 disc Blu-ray set. The only thing you don't get is the digital copy, which would be in standard definition only anyway, so no big loss.

*Here is an interesting point with this set* The bonus features on the game disc will play on your standard Blu-ray DVD player! I tried it in my Samsung unit and the menu comes up and they play perfectly.

So, if you think you want both parts of the PS3 game and the director's cut of the film, I think this set is an OK deal. As a small bonus, you also get a poster featuring Rorschach and Nite Owl and a fold out Watchmen Timeline taking you through key points in the Watchmen storyline. Neither is very impressive, but they are exclusive to this set as far as I know. The case is a standard 3 sided fold-out with a disc on the left and right panels and a slot containing the inserts in the center.

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The Watchmen have come home, and if you are looking for the best package to purchase for Watchmen: The Director's Cut and own a PS3 then I highly recommend the Watchmen: The End is Nigh Complete collection.

The games included are the two brawler games released as down-loadable content. These games look absolutely awesome, but the all brawn and no brains style of game included is only passable. The proceedings start off rather awfully as you begin with just a simple fast but weak and slow but painful punch combination, and a simple but rather useful dodge. Things get a bit better as you gain more punch combos, brutal finishers and throwing moves, but the action is never truly elevated over the 'walk in, clear a room then rinse and repeat' formula established in the first level of the game.

Non-Watchmen faithful will probably find the games mockingly awful, but as a Watchmen fan I found myself to be a cheap date for this game. It was just short enough to keep me playing, and was a perfect palate cleanser after digesting the all beef buffet that is the Watchmen movie.

The Director's Cut Blu-Ray is like a bundle of Watchmen goodness that keeps on giving. It is the Everlasting Gobstopper of Watchmen viewing. Not only is the possibly too epic for the theater cut of the movie much more of a pleasure to watch in the comfort of your own home, but it is filled to the brim with extra features that are actually worth viewing for a change.

Zach Snyder's 'Extreme Experience' might sound like it was named by the PR people for Mountain Dew, but it is a great way of getting a first hand walk through the Watchmen. It is like having Snyder in your house telling you all about making his movie, and the love that was put into this film by all involved really shines here.

I watched both versions of the movie in one hour segments, and I can already tell that it is going to be one of those movies that I will watch over and over again.

The Blu-Ray version of Watchmen: The Director's Cut is a good enough package alone that it does make buying the 'Complete' version a bit of fanboy overkill... but overkill is part of being a fanboy! Both this version and the standard 'Directors Cut' of the movie get a huge thumbs up from me. On it's own the game would be sub-par, so I would not recommend the 360 version which only includes the 2 episodes of the game.

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This is a great package overall, for starters you get the blue-ray movie with all the special features etc (which in and of itself is the price of the game) and on top of the movie is the game. The game itself acts as a prequel to the movie, with movie scenes based in comic form. The special feature of the blue-ray and the game fill in many gaps in the making of the movie and the concepts of the book.

The game play starts out slow, Nite Owl and Rorschach start with very basic moves but quickly works into a great variety of attacks and defensive moves that has the characters taking on hoards of people with relative ease. Each character collects tokens and find hidden areas for their upgrades. It is a challenging game with some decent replay value, the controls are easy but the camera angles, not so much, but if you can get over that hiccup then the game is a nice look at the Watchmen's world and some of the altered parts of it that made the history of their world so radically different from ours.

Overall, I'd say it's a good deal and great buy.

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I originally purchased Watchmen on Blu Ray for around $21 and this was only a few bucks more. For the money, you get everything you get with the Blu Ray release plus a 4-5 hour beatem'up game. Its pretty simplistic, but a fun way to waste a few hours, that's for sure.

The graphics while good, are a bit on the drab side, the collission detection is a little lacking, and sadly, the story is non existent.

As for the movie, I really liked it. It fits well with the comic and was entertaining.

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When I first found the Watchmen Video game in PSN over a year ago I figured it would be a fun and engaging game. I even read a story about it in EGM which pretty much put it out there to be a great game with engaging game play and a bit more back story on one of my favorite characters, Rorschach. After playing through the first game, I found myself horribly disappointed. Being the fool that I am I still bought the second game in hopes of a slight improvement, what I found was pretty much the same game, just a few changes in scenery.

My biggest problem I had with this game is the game play. It plays exactly like one of those rail fighter games from back in the early playstation and playstation 2 eras. Kind of like fighting force, but much worse. Fighting plays the same through the entire game and earning new combos doesn't change up the fighting too much. Almost every time you take out an enemy you're treated to a 'slow mo' finisher move that seems pretty cool in the beginning but tends to get old after a few levels. I personally enjoyed the first 2-3 levels, because the game play was light and while repetitive, seemed enjoyable. My biggest problem with the original God of War was roughly the same. The game would be fun and but it would get really repetitive really quick. If you do end up purchasing this game, I suggest you take it a few levels at a time, maybe per week, to ensure you actually get some kind of enjoyment out of this game.

I figured hey, they're going to throw a wrench in the works and make this game more challenging or interesting by introducing game play elements into the mix, right? Wrong. The game play throughout this game follows this distinct formula: run 20 feet, fight gaggle of bad guys, run 20 feet, more bad guys, run 20 feet, bad guys, repeat 10-20 times, cut scene, ect. They do throw in puzzles like flip the switch on the perfectly accessible wall to open the door (sarcasm). These two games are more or less the same thing through and through.

The story for either game is pretty forgettable chase down the bad guys ordeals with slightly interesting endings. However these endings don't justify in any way the slogging through the horrible repetitive game play. The graphics on this game are stunning; you can really tell where all the time making the game went. It was difficult for me to really find anything in the graphics department to complain about. Everything looked very crisp in the environments, and character animations were well done.

To sum it up I found the game play in this game lacking to an extreme. Where the game is absolutely beautiful scenery wise, it's almost impossible to really get past the extremely repetitive game play as well as the not so good plot. If you love the Watchmen and can't get enough, maybe the story is worth slogging through. If not, your hard earned money may be better spent on a game with a more engaging game play and story.

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