Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $29.99
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I'm not sure what the other reviewer's issue is with this game, but I LLLOOOOOVVVEEEE IT!!! This review is about the game, not a comparison with the old PC versions. I have not played any older Splinter Cell versions so I don't have anything to compare it to. In opposition to what he said, my frame rate was awesome, I could have 10 guys shooting at me and my system wasn't bogged down (either he is a 360 fan or he needs a new game or system). My game never was crawling or bogged down. AND, much of the game is dark, but I would imagine that in real life that's when spies spy, at night. HA! DUH. The only time this game got on my nerves, was sometimes I'd stand behind a combatant and try to grab him but couldnt get the grab prompt to come up because i was standing wrong eventhough I was right behind him. The only thing I would agree with him on, is that the graphics were nothing outstanding. However, I have not played a PS3 game that made me want to purchase it because it looks good. I purchase for play quality, and leave the rest to blu ray discs.

I rented this game from Blockbuster and kept it a few days longer because I didn't want to take it back. Now I have ordered it from Amazon. This is one of those games where you use your brain more than just running around shooting up everything that moves (for that I hear you should buy RESISTANCE). In Splinter Cell-Double Agent, you'll pick locks, use spy cams, steal terrorist information, etc., You start off as a NSA Agent but then while the story goes along, you can choose rather to keep spying for the NSA or betray them for another agency (can't remember the name of it). I thought this added alot to gameplay because it reminded me of those CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE series books from when I was a teenager. You don't just have one way you have to go during the game. You can choose to do some missions (for NSA), some for the other agency, or both (if time allows). This way, it appears that you can play the game through one way, and then go back and choose to totally take a different route and get another outcome the second time. (I'm not sure if that's totally true though as I have not passed the game).

I am playing the game on EASY, i know, like a chicken, and I'm still dying and getting caught spying sometimes. I do this because I don't have time to restart missions from checkpoints a million times. I'd rather just make it simple and pass. I don't have time to play video games like I used to. I thought the controller was set up well and very simple to use. I regularly play Socom and God of War, so I easily adapted to this controller set up. There is also a fun tutorial for those that have never played this type of game and can't figure out what to do or how to use equipment.

Overall, I think this game is awesome. I can see myself passing it, and playing it again (which I never do) just to see if I can get another outcome at the end. I can't wait till it comes in the mail since I have since returned my rented one.

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The play control is very similar to the previous games in the series. The biggest improvement in my opinion is in the depth of the plot. In this installment Fisher infiltrates a domestic terrorist organization. He has to gain the trust of the terrorists but if he's too loyal he will lose the trust of the NSA. This plot twist means that as a player you have to think before you make decisions because there will be consequences based on your decisions, both good and bad.

I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who's into espionage style adventure games.

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I really enjoyed the amazing graphics and very diverse landscapes in this game. I haven't played any previous Splinter Cell games before so I can't compare this one to those. What I can say is the graphics and the story are excellent, and it compares brilliantly with other PS3 games I have played.

The "breaking out of jail" portion in the early stages of the game is really amazing fun, and it just keeps getting better from there. I had no trouble whatsoever with framerates or loading speeds (my PS3 has yet to show any signs of strain or error or anything close to a glitch after one year of blissful use).

I am trying to be objective and think of some flaw in this game but I really can't, hence the 5 star perfect rating. I look forward to trying another Tom Clancy game after this one.

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First off, the good.

The graphics are much improved, pretty much what you would expect from the PS3.

Many new added game play features, most notably the double agent feature where you actually carry out objectives that affect your future missions.

For example, after you plant a bomb on the ship, you can either:

1. Let the bomb go off and not risk blowing your cover,

2. Stop the bomb and have a solid standing with the NSA

But risk blowing your cover.


3. Frame someone else for stopping the bomb and remain in good standing with both organizations.

Of course, the person who gets framed will no longer be there to help you. It's this kind of game play that truly breaks new ground and doesn't make this feel like an expansion to the Ps2/Xbox versions.

Also, new gadgets and features don't hurt this game at all. Interrogation, Fingerprint scanners, Laser microphones which are used to get past voice activated locks. If you liked previous versions of SC, chances are, you're going to love this one. The extra features are icing on the cake.

Now for the bad.

Although the graphics are great, there are plenty of times where the frame rate suffers slightly. It won't get to the point where it's totally unplayable, but even in a building where there aren't any huge explosions going on, it can get a little (just a little) jerky.

Secondly, This game is a lot more difficult than the first installment of SC. I have replayed SC many times over but in this version, you really -reallycannot afford to get spotted.

In some missions, getting spotted immediately ends the mission, you character freezes and there is no opportunity to escape. The "Alert" system is nothing like Metal Gear Solid's. When you get spotted, you don't have a time frame to knock out the guard before he calls for backup. Reinforcements will close in on you immediately, not to mention, you die in about 5-6 shots, which really tests your sneaking skills.


The beginning missions don't fully familiarize you with everything that Sam Fisher is capable of. These missions will tell you that you can interrogate someone for information, but they won't tell you more important things like being able to knockout/kill someone much faster by pressing L2 or R2 rather than sneaking right behind then, grabbing them, and taking precious seconds to drag them into a corner.

Of course, this can be fixed by simply opening the manual and taking mental notes of what the controls do. Just make sure you know the controls before embarking on more difficult missions.

All and all,

Great game play, improved graphics, new features, Innovative system.

If you're looking for a challenge, the new bar set with this version would give the most seasoned Splinter Cell Veterans something to work on (Even on normal difficulty).

However, if you have never played SC before, stick to easy mode or you'll find yourself in a perpetual game of -Trial and Error-

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This game has great visuals and very intense stealth gameplay. I'd recommend it for anyone who is into the stealth genre and I'd also recommend it to people who enjoy either James Bond type games or military games. This game also has elements of RPG weaved into it to make the single player replayable. Just few drawbacks: the game is essentially only single player and unless you have a group of friends with internet connection there is essentially no multiplayer fanbase left. As for the single player campaign, the game is great except, even as a seasoned Splinter Cell veteran, I had a hard time adjusting to the controls on the PlayStation. It took some getting used to but afterward the game worked out just fine. Buy it! Play it! Rate it!

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