Resistance 3

Resistance 3 - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $59.99
Sale Price: $10.48
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I am not one for horror movies, scary movies, FPS shooters that feature zombies in game after game (I'm looking at you Call of Duty) or that sort of thing, so after I got my PS3 I never found myself that compelled to pick up either Resistance FoM or Resistance 2. However, reading the previews and watching the trailers for Resistance 3, I found myself very much interested. Having played a great amount of Resistance 3 single and multiplayer I can report that I am very glad I picked this one up.


This game is not as beautiful or graphically amazing as Killzone 3. However it does look quite good. The textures, the lighting especially make this game look incredible. From an artistic standpoint, this game looks just simply incredible. The guns look detailed, the textures are deep, the character models are quite good but the environments are what will capture your attention the most.


Because the environments are so beautiful and captivating, the game does a phenomenal job putting you into a role as one of the last survivors on earth. You can really buy into the idea that you're at the end of a war that has gone terrible. The music, the graphics, the sound effects all effectively present what happens.


Most notable about this game is that it gives a shout-out to older FPS games by allowing you to hold more than 2 weapons, in fact you can hold as many as you like on your weapon wheel. You also must gather health packs to revive. It reminds me of the first FPS I played which was Star Wars: Dark Forces. This is a good thing. I hate having to drop weapons on the ground to pick up a new one, the simple weapon wheel system (like Assassins Creed) works well. It is a pleasure to switch weapons to make the tactics you need available to get the upper hand. A shotgun is an excellent weapon when you're being surrounded by zombie alien hordes, but a sniper rifle is most effective at distance. The bulls-eye allows you to hone in on enemies even when they're moving and you're firing elsewhere, which is helpful for grasshopper aliens. The augment (shooting through walls) gun is effective particularly to find out where enemies are hiding.


The music and sound effects are sensational and help add to the atmosphere and feeling of the entire game. The music is well composed and sometimes the silence is more dramatic and intense than the music itself.


The multiplayer is quite buggy particularly here within the first week, but considering the beta and two giant updates to R3, I wonder why it is so full of errors. Much like any other modern FPS, multiplayer supports a leveling up system as well as a class system. As you level up you may create your own class and you can choose your own combination of guns, power-ups, grenades and so forth. Any upgrades your purchase for one class is available to all other classes (unlike KZ3) which is good. Besides the glitches in multiplayer, the game feels a little off balanced because certain players with upgraded guns & power-ups particularly in combination really over-run other players at lower levels. However, I find this to be a similar problem to various FPS multiplayer leveling up systems. It simply takes so long to accumulate the points to purchase new abilities, guns, powers, and so forth.

Overall, this FPS is a phenomenal addition to your PS3 game collection especially if you enjoy First Person Shooters. The single player is dark, gritty and creepy and the multiplayer despite its flaws is a fun sensational experience.


The more hours I put into the campaign and multiplayer the more I have come to appreciate the art design of the game. While perhaps R3 doesn't do anything that other FPS haven't done before, it does them well, it does them with a great post-apocalyptic style and great level design. One complaint I have is that there are a few levels where the game encourages you to be stealthy, but the game doesn't always give you the tools to do so. It does a good job trying to creep you out with aliens in abandoned-post alien-end of the world as we know it places all across America. Its' story is grim and though you don't know the main characters you care about what happens to them.

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Im really glad I picked this up! Im a huge fan of alternate history, so the Resistance series is one that always tickled my fancy.

There have been a lot of changes art style wise when it comes to Resistance but I think theyve finally hit the nail on the head with R3. Very Grapes of Wrath with a Science Fiction flare. I love it and would be glad if this art style remained for any other upcoming games in the series!

The game overall was amazing but THE GUNS. So satisfying and fun to use! You'll want to go back and play the game again JUST to lay into some Chimera with your trusty Bullseye in hand. Not only that but its a great feeling to have the weapon wheel back and better than ever! Having your entire selection with you at all times. Swapping weapons during the numerous combat situations constantly being thrown your way.

Its not a perfect game though. Some of the character models for prominent characters you'll get up close and personal with aren't the best. This along with the in-game cut-scene lip-syncing can be pretty bad at times which took me out of the experience to make me cringe slightly. And I really wish the ending had a little something more to it. Its a fine ending but would have liked something of an ending monologue to really drive it home in my opinion.

These small annoyances, however, were completely forgotten in a matter of seconds as I was thrown right back into that great gameplay.

I would go on but I wont because Im going back to play it on superhuman difficulty

Amazing game, 9/10 for me!

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With the 3rd installment of Resistance we are introduced to a new protagonist, Joseph Capelli. With the ending to Resistance 2 showing that the war has only just begun, does Resistance 3 have the muscle to make it a notable title? In short, Yes!!


This is where Resistance has always shined, and the 3rd installment does not disappoint. There were plenty of tweaks done to the game design that I feel improves the game over the previous title (Resistance 2). Returning is the weapon wheel as well as my personal favorite, health packs! That's right, no more regenerating health (except if you enable it via cheats). This gives Resistance 3 a bit of an old school feel to it that I enjoyed. Resistance 3 will take you through the campaign at a steady pace, throwing you against a variety of Chimera, including some pretty awesome boss encounters. There is plenty of action to go around with some encounters giving you a sense of being overwhelmed. On easier difficulties this isn't to bad, but I could easily see harder difficulties making spots like these put up a big fight; a big plus for those who enjoy some challenge.

Weapons have also undergone some improvements, having an upgrade system built into them. More you use a weapon, the better you become with it essentially. With each tier upgrade the weapon becomes vastly more effective and by the time you are making that final push to the end, these upgrades will come in handy. Controls feel very responsive and weapons feel like the pack a good punch. Overall Resistance 3 feels like a hybrid of Resistance 1 and 2. What didn't work in either game has been removed, or polished up to fit beautifully into Resistance 3. It makes for some seriously enjoyable gameplay.

** I Do not have MOVE so I was unable to test the MOVE features **


When it comes to graphics, Resistance 3 felt a little lacking; especially when compared to other PS3 exclusives. I wouldn't call the graphics "dated", in fact they are pretty good, but there are areas where you can tell some more polishing might of been necessary. Facial animations seem a bit rigid at times, and the environments themselves feel lacking for some reason. I think this had a lot to do with the art style and color pallet the game chose in various areas. Some come across very bland and dry, while others can feel very vibrant and crisp. Overall, graphics is not the strong point of Resistance 3, but still does more than enough to give some visual appeal.

** Due to lack of a 3D TV I was unable to test how good the 3D is for this game **


When it comes to audio I was very impressed. Voice acting was above average, and sound effects were top notch. Weapons sounded great, explosions.. chimera.. it all sounds really good, and helps to immerse you into the gameplay. Story wise I'd say it was okay. Unlike Resistance 1 and 2, where there were some shocking twists and turns of events, Resistance 3 doesn't have that shock factor this time around (in my opinion). Still the game has a solid enough storyline that will keep you very interested as you follow Joseph Capelli 4 years after the events of Resistance 2.


The campaign for Resistance 3 runs around 6-9 hours depending on skill and difficulty. I went through the game in about 7 hours, but I also was playing on Easy. The campaign length feels appropriate plus there are plenty of reasons to revisit the SP campaign. Unlockable cheats can make the game easier/harder depending on which cheats you activate; and there is online/split-screen Co-Op campaign. Adding to the replay value of the game is the MP element, which sadly is scaled down compared to Resistance 2. Despite scaled down map size, the MP element is still fun, although fairly standard to what is out there today. You gain experience and level up the more you play. Gain perks and upgrades which you use to better your play. It feels generic but it can be a lot of fun! Overall there is plenty of replay value here from Co-Op to cheats to Multi-player .

OVERALL 90% (9.0 ... A-)

Overall Resistance 3 is a quality title. It brings the entire package to create an enjoyable title, while satisfying the Resistance fans. The game mechanics feel well polished and focused, as if the developer took the time to note what players liked and didn't like. Some areas of the game took a hit; mainly that the graphics aren't top notch, and the MP is clearly scaled back compared to Resistance 2.

If I were to rate Resistance 2 vs Resistance 3, I would say Resistance 3 is the superior title despite the MP scale back. In fact, Resistance 3 is my favorite of the 3 games to date (with Resistance 2 being my least favorite actually). Resistance 3 is a solid game all around in the end. It is worth the price of admission for Resistance fans and console shooter fans alike, and will keep you entertained for quite some time.

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Well, here we are, almost half a decade has passed since Fall of Man came out as the PS3's killer app, and now Insomniac has released Resistance 3, their final game in the series. They've made a lot of changes to the third installment over its predecessors, refining and changing until this final product came to be. I'll be honest, when it comes to shooters, I've always considered the Resistance games to be 2nd-tier. That isn't to say I think the first two titles are bad or "meh," I found them both to be pretty fun shooters (Fall of Man especially because of co-op campaign, R2 was alright but not as good as the first). Still, I've always preferred Halo as a sci fi shooter, or the PS3's other flagship franchises such as Uncharted and Killzone. Well, I can honestly say that with R3, we have a game that finally delivers on the promise of the series. This review will mainly be about the campaign, as that is pretty much all I play games for.

The Resistance series has always had the potential to be spectacular with regards to story. The premise of the series is awesome, mixing a 1950's alternate history setting with War of the Worlds. However, the first two games felt more like militaristic popcorn sci-fi action thrillers, with only minimal exposition and character development to excuse all the action, rather than poignant tales about mankind's indomitable spirit despite staring down the barrel of impending extinction by a vast, advanced alien enemy. This game feels like the latter. Finally, we see just how bleak of a situation mankind is in, with only 10% of Earth's population not killed by or converted into Chimera. We play as Joseph Capelli four years after R2, who has been dishonorably discharged and settled down with a family. Dr. Malikov shows up and asks for Joseph's help to go on a 1000+ mile trip to New York with an ambiguous promise that what awaits there will give humanity a fighting chance to survive. Joseph reluctantly agrees, but mainly for the sake of his beloved wife and son.

In my humble opinion, this is the best storytelling of the entire Resistance series, hands down. Joseph is a great lead character, the kind you sympathize with and root for. For the most part, all character development is very well done, the characters are by and large likable and relatable, and the Chimera are extremely disturbing and fascinating (Even after three games, we still know nothing about the Chimera or understand them, which helps make them so creepy). This is a much more intimate story than what Resistance has ever delivered, and it is all the better for it. It's also a lot more cinematic. That doesn't mean it isn't exciting or that epic set pieces have been left out. There may not be anything to the level of the Leviathan of R2 (which is a disappointment, but makes sense given the tone of the story), but seeing the massive Goliath return, or a stampede of feral widowmakers (think massive leapers) comes pretty close.

The art and sound design cannot go unmentioned either. The graphics definitely aren't on a level of Uncharted or Killzone technically, but they're good enough to deliver on the art design's promise. That's a very good thing. A besieged 1950's rural america REALLY looks good here. Vistas, environments, character models, weapon models, they all add to the experience quite well. The sound design is equally compelling, as the soundtrack is pretty good, and the sound effects are exceptional. You'll never mistake a Chimeran dropship for anything else, and the guttural roar of the various Chimeran types is very well done. It's all very iconic. Everything in the visual and audio department *really* immerses you into the bleak War of the Worlds worse case scenario, and that is high praise indeed. The cinematics, while looking really good, do have some issues such as weird lip syncing issues that can distract.

Honestly, the gameplay is where the series has always shined, and it shines very brightly here. R3 almost feels like a hybrid (no pun intended) of the first two games. You have many gameplay mechanics from Fall of Man returning here, such as health packs and the weapon's wheel, but you also have the tighter, refined controls from R2 making a return as well. It's a perfect mix of both R1 and R2 that Insomniac has been tinkering with for multiple installments, and finally R3 gets it right. The weapons are as imaginative and satisfying as they ever were, AND there's an awesome new mechanic here that borrows heavily from Insomniac's other flagship franchise, Ratchet & Clank. You see, the more you use a weapon, the more experience it accumulates, and eventually you'll be able to unlock three upgrades to the weapons. A shotgun leveled up once makes it able to light enemies on fire by chance, and a final upgrade makes its secondary fire launch a massive grenade that can light a massive radius on fire. The weapons also undergo aesthetic changes as well with each level. This simple leveling system was incredibly awesome, and really added to the game's value to me. It forced you to use all the weapons in the addicting quest to upgrade them all. Very nice. The AI was also greatly improved over the first two games. Different Chimera types have their own unique strategies, and each feel pretty formidable. I wouldn't say the AI is any better than other FPS franchises though, but still decent.

There is no 8-player co-op mode like in R2, which is a huge bummer, but I have to give thanks for the fact that you can play the campaign with a co-op buddy again. This feature is what made Fall of Man so fun to me in the first place, and it was a major disappointment that its sequel did away with it. It was great playing this with my brother-in-law. We actually played it all in one sitting, which took about 7 hours, a disappointingly paltry campaign lenth. It may not be as inexcusably short as the Call of Duty series, sure, but it's also not as long as I'd prefer from a FPS (I prefer at least 8 or 9 hours and hope for 10+). With such a fun campaign, the shortness is disappointing. At least those few hours are packed with variety and excitement...

Multiplayer: Insomniac did away with the massive multiplayer matches of R2 and honestly, I think it suffers for it. It's not that 16-player matches are bad, but the big player pools of R2 really made that game's multiplayer component unique and frenzied compared to other franchises like Halo or Killzone. Now, it just seems like all the rest in terms of gameplay dynamics. As I said earlier, I don't care too much for multiplayer to make this that big of a problem, but it is worth mentioning. Maps are designed well and the gameplay is great though, so if you're a multiplayer sort of gamer, Resistance probably will please you more than it will disappoint.

I've always loved the idea behind the Resistance series. I've always wanted to consider it a top-tier series, but for various reasons, I could never bring myself to do it. Resistance 3 is the game that has fully won me over with only little reservations. I had a blast playing this game, getting lost in its atmosphere, story, and action. It has its problems, sure, but overall my experience with Resistance 3 was a good one, and one I would recommend to others with only the slightest hesitation or apprehension. I can't say that about the first two games, where I always felt the need to explain qualifiers for. This is a great game. Buy it, go on a wild, compelling journey, and be the resistance.

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A Single Player Campaign Review using Dualshock 3. Does Not Cover Move Controls or Multiplayer.

Although borrowing elements from both its predecessors, the machinations of Resistance 3 storm through the failings of former titles. It is not an understatement to say that from the ashes of Resistance 2, this 3rd installment rises like a phoenix. Resistance 3 not only succeeds in recreating the mythos of an apocalyptic alien-infested 1950s America, but in crafting the most enjoyable FPS campaign experience I have had to date.

I own an extensive collection of shooters for the PS3 (Call of Duty entries, Call of Juarez, Battlefield 1 & 2, Bioshock 1 & 2, Singularity, Killzone 2 & 3, Crysis 2, Orange Box, FEAR 1 & 2, Resistance 1 & 2) and the Resistance series has always felt like it came up a little short. Resistance 1 had an interesting premise and a neat selection of weaponry, but the characters and storyline felt dry and gameplay was very by-the-numbers. Resistance 2 integrated boss fights, but removed the weapon wheel while adding the overused regenerating health feature. Levels for Resistance 2 became more constricted, and several enemy choices were poorly designed (i.e. swarm, invisible chimera). Every sequence or boss was foreshadowed by weapon placement, and was neither difficult nor exciting. Insomniac decided to take an extra year in development to integrate feedback from the community, and it was a WISE decision. Resistance 3 was not a game I had planned on purchasing, but is now my favorite FPS of all time.

From Resistance 1: ARSENAL, HEALTH BAR

Resistance 3 features a clock like weapon wheel wherein each number possesses a masterfully crafted weapon (12 total). All of the older weapons have been retuned or redesigned and new favorites like the Atomizer, Cryogun or Mutator offer an astounding diversity of gameplay options. Sound effects for old favorites like the Marksman are PHENOMENAL and visceral. Secondary fire modes feature extremely useful abilities (i.e. Atomizer's black hole grenades) and all guns are leveled up as they are used to acquire more enticing attributes. Shotguns gain incendiary fire and Bullseye bullets shatter on impact. The best part about the arsenal in Resistance 3 is that all upgrades apply to NORMAL fire. You do not have to find different ammo types, or select between modes. Your arsenal only gets more efficient and deadly as you progress.

Ammo is relatively plentiful, and I often found myself smiling while deciding which weapon I wanted to use at any given moment. Enemies also feature new weaknesses to exploit with accurate shots. Shooting a hybrid in the cooling tank will cause it to short circuit and explode. Blasting limbs can also dismember non-boss chimera. Coupled with unprecedented level design, the finely tuned elaborate weaponry of Resistance 3 keeps every shootout fresh and riveting. This is the FIRST FPS I have played where I hold every single weapon in the same high regard. Even the Bullseye (which I loathed in 1 & 2) is now an absolute riot to use.

The non-regenerating health bar makes its return to great effect in Resistance 3. Shootouts become more intense as you scramble across the field or dash into a shed to find a health booster. Insomniac has found a way to delicately balance your life bar, the amount of health pickups dropped or scattered, and the number or difficulty of enemies. MAN is it refreshing! The sound effects are spot-on and even the color spectrum makes things easily visible during chaotic firefights.


Resistance 3 takes place in America once again. The difference is that every location is unique and multilayered featuring incredible backgrounds and open battlefields. One level pays homage to Chronicles of Riddick (the pit below the prison), but accentuates the atmosphere while maximizing the ability to utilize environment to your advantage. Battling a gorilla-like Brawler in a ghost town as winds bend trees backwards and debris swirls around your head captivated me like no game since Killzone 2. From stampeding Widowmakers on a train to foggy mountainous sniper missions, Resistance 3 portrays America on a whole new level than Resistance 2. The story moves between a multitude of different states, but each features its own agenda, history and design. NOTHING is cookie cutter in this game.

Boss fights are equally impressive, as are the moments leading up to them. Resistance 3 doesn't simply throw a boss out into the mix. Rather, it features elaborately crafted moments that lead up to them. Even old enemies like the Widowmakers have been redesigned for epic firefights. These prodigious behemoths now feature target zones, and feel more like Dead Space than anything found in most FPS games. Does a shootout with a tunneling monstrosity named Satan on a runaway mine cart sound EPIC? Well, I assure is nothing short of breathtaking.


Resistance 3 radiates entropic atmosphere. Music, color-palettes, enemy design, setting and lighting constantly fire on all cylinders. Beyond every claustrophobic tunnel lies a vast network of areas to traverse. Choice on the battlefield was clearly a major conscious decision by developers. Snipe from a window, zip-line to a Steelhead and trample him with a shotgun, jump beyond a pile of rubble and deploy an auger shield as you take out a troop of hybrids. From high to low, East to West Resistance 3's levels give you the tools to unleash vengeance from every weapon you own. More shockingly is that I NEVER ran into one of those invisible walls so prominent in other games. Each and every level was crafted with the same amount of energy and thought. This is only complemented further by the OUTSTANDING sense of pace within the storyline and gameplay.

Joseph Capelli is a much stronger character than Nathan Hale. He wears the desperation of humanity's bleak existence and the pride of a rebel's defiance through his visage and voice. He fights for a stronger cause than Nathan (the survival of his family), against more overwhelming odds, in more desolate times. The story does a fantastic job of providing continuity between different states by using CGI sequences. Each level carries directly into a CGI movie that returns you to the environment exactly where it leaves off. I was very impressed with how well the development team was able to lead the player from PA coal mines to a level 1 prison to the icy tundras of former NY. High-intensity shootouts are juxtaposed with slower moments of exploration dripping with ambiance. A slow boat ride through a flooded city is erupted by the bird-like screams of a long-legs Chimera. A reprieve at an underground rebel shelter ushers heightened levels of relief after a chaotic chase amongst a crumbling city to secure an explosive battery.

Enemies are unique and representative of their environment, actors are well voiced, and sound effects are impeccable. FINALLY we have a sound mixer who can mix everything to appropriate volumes at default levels. I had no issues hearing music, voices, enemy death-growls or weapon effects layered one upon the other. Enemies are divided into 3 main categories: Regular Chimera, Feral Chimera, and Marauder-like Humans. Journal entries provide insight into each main category of enemies, as well as behavioral differences and weaknesses of the individual enemy types contained therein. A handful of survivor audio logs (similar to Bioshock or Singularity) lie scattered about various levels, and notes provide detailed schematics of weapons as well as explanations of primary and secondary fire. Diary entries are on-par with the illustrations of Uncharted 2. Each and every one is beautifully penned with layers of hand-scribed notes! I was extremely impressed with the fact that everything in this game can be read. Chalk writing, spray paint, handwritten letters everything looks natural and can be read without accessing the overlaying text font.

I must disclose that not EVERYHING is perfect in Resistance 3. NPC human models have an odd glow to them, and do not look cutting edge. Other graphical oddities (non-background) such as the cross-eyed dog in the first base also present themselves from time to time. The graphics and animations for any humans actually look a LOT like Singularity rather than AAA titles like Killzone 3. Animations can be stiff (especially ladder climbing), and faces have a glossed texture. It feels slightly jarring at times considering enemies and backgrounds often look stunning. In fact, the only time I was ever disappointed with the scenery and enemy placement was during the final level. Resistance 3 pays homage to both Resistance 1 and 2 by returning to a futuristic setting within a Chimeran base. Although it works within the context of the narrative, I was really hoping the last level would exhibit the pinnacle of American architecture in decay. With so many imaginative set-piece sequences throughout the 10 hour journey, I also lusted for one last epic showdown against a unique Chimeran Hellhound. The finale does break up the action well, but feels slightly diminished compared to earlier events.

I also ran into a few odd glitches during the game. I once "fell" (clipped) into the roof of a decrepit house while being chased by grims, but the "attic" was clearly not part of the playing field. I eventually jumped and ran against the far corner of the building until I popped back on top of the roof. Another time I lifted a wooden beam so that a NPC could proceed through a cave. My character went through, but the NPC was running against a rock. Re-lifting the beam and trying to push him away from the rock would not trigger him to pass through the area. I eventually just let an enemy kill me and had him follow more closely. Fortunately check points are very plentiful here.

Despite those few slight grievances, Resistance 3 is absolutely AMAZING to play. The Arsenal is Fantastic, the Levels are Expansive and Varied, the Enemies are Intelligent and Aggressive, and the Narrative is Unpredicatable. Resistance 3 is a tightly woven mix of atmosphere, gameplay and story and IT IS SPECTACULAR! (9.2/10)

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