Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $16.49
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Just received my copy of the game and played it for about two hours.

If you were a fan of EDF 2017 and are waiting for the reviews to come in before deciding whether to buy the game, then wait no more.

Quick points:

It is faithful to the "original". Big insects, giant robots, big explosions, and you can blow up buildings.

The graphics is on par with the original.

2-player Co-op mode is in tact.

You can now choose different troop types with different abilitiese.g. flight, or shields, or automated gun turret.

Weapons and abilities can be upgraded with credits obtained from battle.

When you get killed, a fellow troop will run up to you and revive you, and similarly you can revive them.

Ants can now tip cars at you.

Ticks will jump on your back and bite.

Online gameplay is quick and easy to start up.

And yes, your troops chant "EDF EDF".

Now stop reading this review and click Add To Cart. The game's awesome!

Update July 10, 2011:

Now that I've finished the game here are some after thoughts:

There are a total of 3 chapters each with 5 missions. So it's pretty short.

The game is still true to EDF.

The terrain is unfortunately not as diverse as 2017. Everything takes place in the city. I miss the subterranean levels in 2017.

Chapter 3, Mission 4 with the giant mother-ant is probably my favorite mission.

The ending was a bit disappointing. Would really have liked to take out the mothership. But I am assuming that will happen in the add-on content to purchase, or in the sequel.

I found the Flying character to be the most useful. His speed lets you evade most enemies, including the annoying ticks. Plus you can go UP if you are really in trouble.

I would probably play it again on a greater difficulty level and to get to play with the more powerful weapons.

Still a good mindless game after a long day at work.

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How can you go wrong? You kill tons and tons of bugs with tons and tons of weapons. There's 15 missions overall, but each one last a good 30 minutes so you'll get a lot of time from this game. Plus you'll want to replay it over and over again to get all the different upgrades for your four different armor classes as well as try to collect all the different guns this game offers.

If story mode gets stale (which it won't) jump into a survival game with up to 5 other EDF and try to survive wave after wave of bugs and giant robots.

It's hard to go wrong with this game, especially since it's only $40. You'd be hard pressed to find another game with as much content for little price.

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**PLEASE NOTE that I did not play this game in single player mode, nor did I try the online multiplayer mode, although both are offered in this game. This review is only for the 2 player, local co-op split screen mode.**

Most retail games nowadays take themselves very seriously, so every once in a while, it's nice to play something that reminds you of why we play games in the first have fun. Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon eschews everything else and gets right down to the core of this fundamental aspect of gaming. The game invites you to grab a friend, grab some guns, and shoot everything you see in this arcade-styled shooter. And it really is great fun!

This is a game that was produced on a modest budget (which is thankfully reflected in its retail price) so one should not expect this game to have the bells and whistles of many other games of this generation. The graphic fidelity isn't very high, the sound can get glitchy during moments of intense action, and the production values overall are a tad constrained. But once you get into this game, none of that matters (more on that later). There are two modes here, the campaign, which offers 15 hefty missions, and a Survival mode, which pits the players against wave after wave of enemies, ala Gears of War's Horde mode and Call of Duty: Black Ops' Zombie mode.

After choosing a class of soldier (four diverse choices are offered) you will enter the mission, where you must accomplish objectives while killing as many enemies as you can. Killing enemies (which consist of a variety of bugs, enemy spacecraft, giant robots, and sometimes hybrids of each of these) gives you points which increase your score, and once your missions are complete, your score is tallied and increases your overall progress through various tiers (aka levels). When you increase a tier, new and more powerful weapons and abilities are opened up to your character. Also, completing missions in the higher difficulty settings adds a multiplier to your score, allowing you to reach the higher tiers faster, which opens up the better weapons. The weapon variety is great and makes experimentation with different weapon loadouts very enjoyable. Also, on the battlefield, certain enemies will drop packages upon death that unlock weapons across all 4 classes. It's all very simple, but it works extremely well, and creates a type of game that you'll always want to come back to and play, even once you've beaten the campaign or battled the seemingly endless waves of enemies in Survival mode.

Playing the game in split screen co-op is great fun. Although you work cooperatively with your partner, at the same time, you are competing a bit for kills, as more kills means more points, which means quicker access to the upgraded weapons. The gameplay can get very chaotic and very thrilling. Environments are destructible, and taking out huge skyscrapers and watching them crumble to the ground to get a better view of enemy spaceships (or for no reason at all) never gets old. There are also mechs, tanks and turrets scattered throughout many of the missions which are great for maximum destruction. As you play the game and things start to get really frenzied, you start to appreciate the fact that the technical aspects of the game aren't so polished, as this allows for some on-screen awesomeness that would surely fry your console if it were a hi-fidelity game. Giant, 300 foot robots smash through buildings like giant wrecking balls with legs. Gigantic spaceships come crashing down to the ground, leaving a trail of destruction that is visceral and blood-pumping.

The game sets out to do exactly what it intends to do....which is let the player get some great weapons, shoot some bad guys, cause some destruction on a massive scale, and have a ton of fun in the process. This is nothing that will stimulate your intellect or change your perspective on the possibilities of video games. But if you are looking for a game that will give you many hours of great, destructive fun with a friend, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon does more than fit the bill.

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awesome game BUT WAIT, edf 2017 is a lot better in some ways. this game has only a fraction of the levels. about 13, which suck because if your like me and want the big guns, then your going to have to mole through hours and hours and hours of the same levels to level up you character to get them, and thats if you can afford them. the character classes are great, although the trooper class acts like a medic yet holds no special ability to even hold one extra medkit, you just run faster and revive fallen mates faster, but seeing how the other classes have special abilities like laying down turrants and using a electrified shield and even flying, this class holds nothin, but other then that its fun, ive played it on and off for like 2 years. im waiting for the original series to come out call efd2024, which should be a lot better then this.

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I've played this some with my son. Too few games bother to allow couch co-op. Even a mediocre game can have some fun moments if you are sharing it with your kids!

Blast bugs. Run around. Cooperate. Good times...

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