Demon's Souls - Greatest Hits with Art Book and Soundtrack CD

Demon's Souls - Greatest Hits with Art Book and Soundtrack CD - Playstation 3
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"Demon's Souls is a game that will make you into a man. A scrawny fourteen-year-old, after two hours with this game, will be grooming his muttonchops and ready to ship off on the next boat to fight the Kaiser. If you are already a man, it will make you into some sort of bizarre double-man. What's that you say? You're a woman? You don't want to be a man? Too bad. That's the Demon's Souls way.

You've probably heard that Demon's Souls is hard. HA! Lots of games are hard. Some are even harder than this one. The difficulty is not the point. What sets Demon's Souls apart is the way that it doesn't just kill you, but also stomps on your genitals when you're down. And it will make you realize that that's what you needed all along.

It's a lot like life. Sometimes in life you win, and sometimes the giant armored skeleton stabs your face off because the flying mantis monster you didn't even see shot you in the back with a spike at just the wrong time. And when that happens in life, do you respawn at the same spot and carry on like nothing happened? NO. You go back to the beginning of the level, leaving all your hard-earned souls out there on the pavement, and you fight your way back. And you learn a lesson from the whole thing, because you should have been wearing your Thief's Ring, now shouldn't you? That's life.

The trend in hard games these days is to unlock "Easy" mode for you once you've died enough times. Do you think Demon's Souls does that? Do you think Demon's Souls is so much as aware of the concept of "Easy" mode? NO IT IS NOT. If Demon's Souls even knew we were talking about "Easy" mode, it would come over here and kick the sh** out of all of us. And we would deserve it.

I'll tell you what happens in Demon's Souls when you die. You come back as a ghost with your health capped at half. And when you keep on dying, the alignment of the world turns black and the enemies get harder. That's right, when you fail in this game, it gets harder. Why? Because screw you is why.

Have I told you about the online elements? At any time when you're in Body form, another player from anywhere else in the world can invade your game and murder you to regain his own body, or just to keep you on your toes. This happens when you're in the middle of fighting armies of unthinkable monsters that are probably already three-quarters of the way towards killing you. And no, you cannot opt out of this feature! This is what you signed up for when you agreed to be a man.

When this happened to me -when a guy strolled into my game like it was Taco Bell and exploded my torso, costing me my body and all my progress in the level -was I mad? No, because I was too busy being in awe at how friggin' hardcore the experience was.

Now, don't let this dissuade you. Demon's Souls is a pitiless master, but let it never be said that it is not fair. The game rewards handsomely those who stand up to it, and the greater the challenge, the greater the glory.

What the hell are you waiting for?"

Dredit Ciserus

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This game is nothing short of breathtaking and really reminds hardcore gamers of their roots. Do not be fooled with reviews stating the game is too hard and that it's a fool's errand to try and take it on, as this is nothing short of misinformation from people who gave up inches before tasting the forbidden fruit that is Demon's Souls.

The game is not as hard as it is unforgiving. Just like in Mario Bros Stage 1 that goomba will come walking towards you and kill you in 1 hit, so do the first Dreglings (generic grunts of the first world) wait in ambush to kill you, as many times as it takes until you either figure out the combat mechanic or start planning ahead since you know their coming. And just like that, Demon's Souls goes from being a mindless hack and slash filled with uncountable death's to becoming a masterpiece in planning, counter attacking and being cognitive/attentive to blood stains, other players whizzing by as white phantoms in their own worlds and the slightest signs of possible traps and ambushes.

There are many playstyles which you can assume, but all of them will have you fearing one thing that as gamers with re-spawns, check points and time rewinding daggers have stopped fearing: Death. Dying happens due to carelessness and has consequences. As frustrating as it may be (specially early on), your death's will always be fair and due to YOUR lack of attention. Once you accept this aspect of the game, you will have a truly amazing world with an incredible atmosphere at your feet, with practically unlimited replay value. The difference between a close range fighter, a miracle user, a wizard or a bowman is as clear as night and day, with each "class" (more like gameplay style) offering unique advantages in some stages and horrible disadvantages in others.

It's common that halfway through the game you finally start understanding several aspect that the game doesn't fully explain (character tendency, world tendency, unique weapons, demon's souls, blue and black phantoms etc...) and you may be tempted to start over, but don't! There's nothing greater than starting a New Game+ (which raises the difficulty by 40-50%!) with a character which reflects all of your past mistakes, like a journal with embarrassing stories. This is a character you will probably have played (and died) with hundreds of times, and that's something to be proud of!

Buy Demon's Souls - Greatest Hits with Art Book and Soundtrack CD Now

First off, I am not a gamer. I bought this because it was on sale for cheap. Also, my 7 years old son was playing the PS3 too much so I thought it was my turn to play :-). Wow, this game is awesome. I am glad that I bought this. It was hard-I was killed way too many times, but somehow I enjoyed it. The game challenge kept me going back and back and back to defeat the demon bosses. The online experience is very good as well. Playing against invading players is just too much fun. Yes, I can invade other players' worlds too, but I don't want to be a bad guy. :-) Overall, I rate this game a MUST BUY.

Read Best Reviews of Demon's Souls - Greatest Hits with Art Book and Soundtrack CD Here

Whats to say that hasn't been said about this game?

Its as difficult as its fun. Great graphics, great gameplay. Buy it. Now.

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I must say this is the first game I owned where I actually READ the manual multiple times.. This review won't be long just my likes and dislikes at 25 hours punched in.. The game world is detailed to the core,graphics were top of the line with amazing cut scenes..I died about maybe 30-40 times all together and keep coming back for more..what people don't realize they need to grind to advance,it's almost the same type of strategy with every RPG except this is a tad harder..Multiplayer is fun as it can be,choice to be bad or good and EVEN play as a Boss at a certain level in someone's realm..The only gripe I have about this game are those darn Phantoms that invade with a nutty level above mine..just I had a partner help me on a boss and the same guy invaded me later and killed me..this game takes a LOT of turns and really challenges gamers all over..If you are impatient DO NOT get this game..But if you have a set of n**s and want to give it a try grab it,really a game that challenges time itself..There is so much I can say but I really don't want to run on..20 out of 10 I say..

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