Blazing Angels

Blazing Angels - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $18.75
Today's Bonus: 6% Off
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Ok... I just got my PS3 and I'll admit this game is not Resistance Fall of Man, but with my 4yr old I can't play it. So I was looking at other games. I came across this, and the reviews were kind of bad. I think they were mostly looking at the Xbox360 version as for the PS3 is an all new field.

First of all the game is Sixaxis ready and has a simulation mode using the sixaxis. The best example of the sixaxis's ability yet. It almost feels like your really controlling a plane. Next there is third person and first person (which can be switched between during play... how awesome)... This is simply the best flight sim I've seen, a good number of levels along with a wide variety of planes to fly. Also, something rare is the ability to look around in the cockpit with the analog stick.

This game is just fun and feels so relistic to flying a small plane. I have played with a standard control scheme because the sixaxis is way to fun. It's awesome to be doing a nose dive and to pull up on the controller at the last second to come swooping off the ground.

The graphics could probably be a little better for the PS3, but when playing the game your usually to busy to notice.

It's a great game for sim lovers or in general to add to the PS3 collection. Did I mention it has Multiplayer abilities and Online!

The sixaxis is what makes this game.

This comes from a person that has 80 PS2 games and is a harsh critic.

If you want to try something unique try it.

It is definately a rent, if you not into games like this.

The only reason I didn't give it a 5 is because I haven't played all the way through yet and the graphics could probably be more detailed.

Have fun...

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This is my second PS3 game. While Resistance is fun, its not ground breaking. Blazing Angels is a unique game that is a blast to play. I was somewhat skeptical of the Sixaxis functionality before buying this game. It turns out to work great, and this is the perfect type of game for it. This Sixaxis is what makes this game so fun to play. The graphics on an HD TV are pretty impressive as well.

As far as game-play itself, the game has an abundance of aircraft choices, missions, and types of play. Co-op mode is a lot of fun. My only complaint is there is not a difficulty option and some of the missions are extremely challenging (at least in Co-op mode). Single player flying with a squadron of 4 may make it easier.

All-in-all, Blazing Angels is a great game and definitely worth buying.

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Being the proud owner of a new PS3, a copy of Blazing Angels (among other games), a new Sony LCD HDTV and digital connections , I have not been dissapointed in any of those purchases especially "Blazing Angels". The graphics and sound (I play it thru a BOSE entertainment system) alone will blow your mind, especially if you previously have not been exposed to that environment.

Now to the game: It has a short training mode whereby you fly basic older aircraft designed to get a layman exposed to the controller and the game's interaction. Then to the missions; WWII is closely paralleled. While the game does take some liberties with actual facts of the war, it won't disappoint you if you are a student of the war. The game gets progressively harder and in the Arcade mode, shorter alloted times; which is sure to frustrate you as you are learning how to fly, bomb, torpedo and avoid being blown out of the sky.

My experience with the motion sensitive controller has pretty much relegated it to the back burner. It doesn't appear to be responsive enough to turn tight loops with the aircraft. But in all fairness, I have been concentrating on those things that work for me. I'll give it another shot as time passes.

Find the time to play it. It will give you many hours of enjoyment; be prepared to get frustrated, though. Thus far, I am protecting (or trying to) Midway island. But I am also frustrated, as I can't imagine downing all the incoming bombers, before time runs out (I've tried many, many times). Maybe my age is a detriment, though. I am almost 70 yrs old but "Loving it and Frustrated".

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I was looking for a flying game game for my new PS3 and HDTV combo and was thrilled to find that Blazing Angels was already released. It is a challenging game, but with practice (I've crashed my poor planes more often than getting shot down), I've advanced into the game. In 1080p it is really a breathtaking experience. My older daughter likes it too! But now comes the downside it is terribly glitchy. Voice over narrative crackles on and off by itself, important on screen tools appear and dissapear by themselves. Most online forum advice involves lowering the screen rez to normal 480p which defeats the reason for getting a PS3. So anyway, we can play the arcade games with no problem and have fun until we hear the glitches are fixed and have the disk replaced. As for buying now for PS3 -I think it's risky. Ubisoft's online tech support has been no help at all, not that I think that they are being obstinant, just that I think that they don't know how to fix these things yet. As of yesterday, mid Jan 07, there isn't a single PS3 listing in the "Answers" section of the tech support area for ANY PS3 subject!

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This game is amazing. I am especially impressed by it because it turned out to be exactly what I wanted. I love flying games, especially aerial combat, but when it is too technical and all sim I get frustrated. This game finds that perfect middle ground. You can stall, crash, lose control, and so forth... but you do not need the skills of a professional pilot to play it. Any gamer can get the hang of the controls with some practice and it is a TON for fun to fly around. Your plane is not indestructable but can take some damage so it is not like a few shots puts you on the ground. Missions and enemies come in a variety of difficulty levels so both the novice and expert will feel challenged byt different game modes. There are abour 40 different aircraft that you can fly in the game and various missions utilize unique attacks: machine guns, bombs, torpedos, rockets, and even phtos are all skills you must learn. I found the graphics to be pretty impressive, even without an HDTV. The background music is pretty cool, too, and that adds a lot to the gaming experience. I have had a blast with the game so far. I have mainly flown campaign missions, arcade mode (gun down enemies to earn time and pass checkpoints), and duels with aces. I don't think I have had as much fun playing a flight game since the days of Red Baron. You will not regret this purchase! I did not even mention the use of sixaxis control, which is another great feature that is used well in this game. Again, Blazing Angels is highly, highly recommended for the PS3.

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