PS3 FragFX Controller V.2 SE

PS3 FragFX Controller V.2 SE
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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Firstly I did tons of research before this purchase. I can't stand FPS on console. However all my friends are on PSN so I picked this up because MW2 on PC Multiplayer is sorely lacking, so if I'm gonna play something that I'm not completely happy with I might as well do so with friends.

Here's where the FragFX comes in, I have MW2 sensitivity set to max, and the setting on the "fragchuk" to 3. Smooth as silk. I saw so many reviews about it being crap, aftr a few hours hands on I'd have to disagree. I'd give it 4.5 stars if I could because there are some minor flaws.

1. Doesn't support Windows 7 64 bit (Website says the Pro will as of Jan 2010, I have the v.2 SE and it says nothing about 64 bit. I tried to force it under XP compatability but it wouldn't do it's thing. Luckily my laptop is 32 bit but I still can't seem to get it to update, I'm guessing because the laptop is Windows 7)

2. Feels a bit cheap

3. The R3 button (where a mouse wheel would be) is kind of hard to hit, and the start button is right below that

The good stuff

1. Smooth as silk on MW2

2. The waggle options are great, I use it to bypass my issues with R3 as I have a side to side motion set (which in MW2 is default Knife). I also have the throw motion mapped to grenade.

3. As I'm unable to fully update the firmware, I'm happy to say that the research I did where people said it's crap for MW2 were completely wrong.

Don't bother doing research on the net as most of the bashing or super hyping of this product is done by 1 postcount trolls. As you can see I've had plenty of other reviews that have nothing to do with the PS3.

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So I've been using the PS3 FragFX controller for over 6 months now. I don't bother posting reviews until I HAVE FULLY TESTED THESE ITEMS!

The controller at first did have a "cheap" feel to it. But I gave it's due chance. After 3 hours of play... it was simply awesome! A great solution for ex-PC Game players! I love using a mouse and keyboard for game play and this was the (only) best solution at the time. I soon became very confident in the game play and the reaction time of the controller was top notch!

But here's a negative. The R3 button is way too close to the start button. The R3 button in MW2 is defaulted for knife use. Many times I have mistakenly pressed the start button at the same time resulting in the start menu popping up. As we all know... every second counts in this (these) games and this was and still is annoying.

After 3 months of play, I got the dreaded "auto button pressing" issue. This seems to be the same issue that has been happening with many other users. At first is was just "auto-firing". Then it started pressing the "start button" randomly. And so as a Computer Technician, I don't have it in me to "send in" the controller just to get a different (new one) that will eventually duplicate the same faults in the future. So I did what I do.... I took the thing apart!

Problem solved:

Like many (soft) keyboards, cell phones, and calculators... the PS3 FragFX uses soft plastic "bushings" in between the hard plastic buttons and the controller board. Giving the user the "soft" cushion feel upon pressing the buttons. These soft plastic bushings, after hours of play, simply "pop" out of position internally. It took me about 10 mins to take the "mouse" controller apart. (yes it's tricky) Than I tinkered with the pieces for another 10 mins. Re-aligning the soft bushing into place. Then it took me another 5-10mins to put it back together. Presto! It worked AS GOOD AS NEW immediately!

After 6 months of play, I had to take apart my PS3 FragFX 2 times. About 2-3 months apart. But I'm a pretty HIGH intense player! So I may "beat-up" my controllers more than others may do.

Splitfish will never tell you to open up your controller. By doing so you WILL void the warranty on the unit. So take this thing apart "at you own risk". This pretty much proves that I am in no way affiliated with Splitfish. And I in no way want to "piss them off". Because us gamers appreciate their decision to tackle such an IMPORTANT piece of artillery to my arsenal!! Now I challenge them to improve on their product! Please make the next version better, stronger, faster! Keep it up Splitfish!

(PS I will be testing FragNstein next!! See you in 6 months!)

Buy PS3 FragFX Controller V.2 SE Now

As I'm typing this I currently use Eagle eye and Fragfx 1. Fragfx 1 is still the best choice to emulate a gamepad for the last 3 years. Splitfish terminated firmware updates a month or so ago when the 3.5 sony patch came out leaving us with bricked fragfx1's. Another site Tuact the competition actually helped us fragfx 1 owners out and released a patch so now it works. Very bad business with splitfish but I still give the version 2 se a fair review. Eagle eye is an adapter that allows you to use your own mouse very awesome and also worth checking out I use this exclusively even with the fragfx 1 working eagle eye is great.

Hopefully the video lets you see what I saw but keep in mind this is still much better than a gamepad if you are a serious pc gamer the choice is obvious.

Tested using

Modern warfare 2

Exactmat SPEED side

Razer mamba mouse feet much better glide than stock


Smooth movements all around when zoomed in


Better than gamepad


Slower less responsive than fragfx1 while zoomed in

Deadzones while micro aiming you can see that in video

Splitfish track record of terminating support when sony releases 3rd party block patches

Read Best Reviews of PS3 FragFX Controller V.2 SE Here

This is my 3rd purchase of Splitfish products. Both FragFX V2 controllers have failed. The first in 5 months the 2nd in 1 month. Each had a different issue. The original FragFX worked great for over a year. Company support has been good but who cares. I don't want to wait for a replacement for an item with less than 25 hours of use. Absolute garbage. When it works it works GREAT and helps my gaming.

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The FragFX Pro is garbage, but this is a good product. I used it for about a year to play COD: World at War and Killzone 2. The biggest problems is it's cheaply made. I was pretty rough on mine and it didn't break, but the quality is low. The next problem is the R3 button and the start button are right next to each other. I just stopped trying to knife people is COD because I usually just ended up pausing the game and getting killed. A lot of people who loved this controller are going to trash it because they got burned when they bought the FragFX Pro and want to get back a Splitfish. There are better products out there, but this works as advertised.

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