TNA Impact

TNA Impact
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $19.95
Sale Price: $10.68
Today's Bonus: 46% Off
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TNA and Midway have ramped up the hype machine for "TNA Impact" for months. SpikeTV, in fact, devoted an entire episode of its "Game Trailers" show to the game. As a big TNA fan, I was already excited for my first shot at controlling Samoa Joe and AJ Styles and all on my PS3, and the Spike special put my excitement over the top. The graphics looked unbelievable, and I was encouraged by quotes from some of TNA's younger talent on the game's playability -the title of this review is an AJ Styles quote from the special.

Unfortunately, I have yet to figure out what AJ was talking about. I see that other reviewers like the gameplay here, but I cannot stand it. Kicking out of pins is absurdly difficult, there is no apparent rhyme or reason to how much damage is inflicted by different moves, and the number of moves available is extremely limited.

Because the game developers had AJ, Christopher Daniels, and Joe as the models for designing the gameplay, everybody in the game moves like them. Even giant sacks of worthless sludge like Scott Steiner can flip out of a fireman's carry for a counter, climb the Ultimate X cables with ease, and leap over the top rope to the arena floor. Where is the realism in that? Similarly, why does a punch from Steiner dole out the same amount of punishment as a punch from Alex Shelley and why is Sonjay Dutt as tough as Kurt Angle? Every character in this game is the same. There are no character ratings for traits like endurance, strength, speed, etc. It's all very bland.

Finally, the story mode is full of holes. You spend most of your early career wrestling jobbers created with the game's horrendous "create a wrestler" mode, and they get introductions such as "a man who lays his body on the line for you" and "a man who has left a trail of destruction in his wake." Give me a break. While some of the skits in the story mode are entertaining (Eric Young trying to hit on Christy Hemme is hilarious,) the whole Suicide story is awful. "I don't remember who I am, though I just told you the story of how I used to be TNA Champion before I got beat up by LAX. I guess I'm supposed to be a wrestler."


Finally, Ultimate X is the only gimmick match in the entire game. There is a falls-count-anywhere mode, but since every single match in the game is no DQ and no countout, and since you can't go beyond the immediate ringside area, that barely counts as a different mode. You will find no "six sides of steel", no ladder (or King of the Mountain) matches, no hardcore or "Monsters' Ball" matches, nadda. That gets pretty boring afte ra while.

The game gets an A for graphics, a C+ for gameplay, a Bfor fun, and a Dfor features. Unfortunately, Midway only hit a single with this one, leaving TNA fans waiting for that home run.

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This game came in about two or three days after I ordered it. It was BRAND NEW! I thought it was going to be used but I was wrong. For the price I can't complain

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I got this game, because I thought it would be cool to play. I watch TNA wrestling and I am a huge fan. It only seemed right for me to get the game and try that as well. However the game isn't that great. It has hardly know characters to choose from. The moves are almost impossible to do unless you play all day everyday Not to pleased with the game. In fact it just sits there and I don't play it. However none of this is the sellers fault. The game came quickly and it was nice and cheap. Just not a great game is all.

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The graphics on this game are great, probably the best in all the wrestling games, the gameplay is repetetive but pretty fun. You need to go throught the story mode to unlock all the wrestlers & the story mode is extremely hard & can be very frustrating. I had to go to a website that gives you tips & hints on how to beat each opponent. If not for that I wouldn't make it very far in story mode cause opponents reverse near every single move & it's too hard to kick out of a pin, so if they cover you the match is basically over. Once you beat the story mode & unlock all the wrestlers the exhibition is pretty fun. The biggest problem with this game is it's almost impossible to kick out of a pin attempt. This game also didn't have any Championships & lacks gimmick matches. The main match available is the Ultimate X. I'm glad I bought this game used for $10 I wouldn't pay more than $20 for it.

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Guitar Straps - Pink Skulls / Flowers (2-PACK)

Guitar Straps - Pink Skulls / Flowers
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: Price Unavailable
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It's not a game! But it's a great product! I recommend! Good quality!

It fits well!

Your guitar will be better to carry!

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I hated the straps that I received with the Wii Fender Bass and Guitar. They slipped off constantly (not fun mid-song!), and were boring black. These are basically normal guitar straps and work great for playing Wii instruments. The opening will stretch eventually (especially the top one), but the knob for the Fender guitar and bass unscrews and you can screw the top section down, keeping it nice and secure. These look GREAT with the pink Fender bass and the periwinkle-blue Fender guitar. (I also have the "Police Line DO NOT CROSS" pack, which I use on my Gretsch guitar.) You can sling them super low, if that's your thing, too. They're also really inexpensive and high quality.

Buy Guitar Straps - Pink Skulls / Flowers (2-PACK) Now

Need for Speed: Shift

Need for Speed: Shift - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $21.53
Today's Bonus: 28% Off
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I can't for the life of me figure out why someone who (in general) likes driving games would not like this game!


The graphics are eye popping and run smoothly throughout on both my PS3s (80GB fat and a 120GB slim).

The sound is top notch, especially on 5.1 (or better?) systems.

Driving can be challenging or easy and is highly configurable to let you decide which is best for you.

There are a ton of different cars to master that all drive differently (as it should be).

You can upgrade each car with engine, suspension, braking and other technical improvements.

You can customize the visual aspects of each car if you're into that kind of thing.

You can be either a precision or aggression style of driver and you earn points for both along the way

There are many different racing styles represented (standard, manufacturer events, drift for example)


At release, there were some bugs but they have been addressed now as far as I can tell.

This game melds elements of arcade and simulation racing which may put off hard core fans these genres.

The Need for Speed series is a tale of two franchises really and that is why the widely differing reviews I think. If you are a fan of NFS: Hot Pursuit and other "cops and robbers" racing games, then you will likely not like this game because there isn't a cop in sight. You are racing on tracks and other closed courses and not in city streets with other civilian cars running around. If you need to see flashing red lights in your rear view mirror, or just have to run down a mother and her baby carriage then look elsewhere.

What this game is a pretty simple I think. It provides you with all the best elements of actually racing in environments designed for racing, plus the ability to tweak your ride to a reasonable level. This is where simulation meets arcade to me because while games like Gran Turismo allow you to tinker until your knuckles bleed, NFS: Shift dumbs all that down a bit so you can just concentrate on driving and having fun.

Bottom line is this; If you want an all out utterly realistic simulation, this ain't it. If you want chase epic scenes, running from the cops and driving crazy fast amongst the general population, this ain't it. But if you want to just have fun while driving nice cars on actual race courses with limited tweaking -then this is the ticket. If you can accept what this game brings to bear, you will enjoy it.

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I purchased the game after going off the IGN review (9.0 out of 10). I would not rate it that high personally. The game takes getting used to. I admit to liking the NFSU games, but knew this one was different and closer to a GT racing sim than the earlier titles. Anyway, I think that the game performs well in some areas, not so in others. The load times are ridiculous. The same questions come up on each time you start the game. With the HD in place there should not be such long load times between races and saving. There is no menu option that I see to quit mid-race. Hopefully the cars will be more stable and easier to control at high speeds as you advance through the tiers. The BMW M3 on tier 2 is way too loose even after all upgrades. I probably need to do more tuning but it's hard to keep on the courses. I suppose this is to lend to the more realistic simulation but it's frustrating at times. Drift mode is an adventure; I've never been great at drift racing but the initial impression here is that it's almost prohibitive in it's difficulty. I haven't found the right balance of throttle and brake yet. It seems overly sensitive compared to the previous titles. While it shouldn't be totally easy, it takes a lot of getting used to and I find it annoying at times.

The courses are pretty awesome although many have already been done in the GT series. The graphics are very good. I have not noticed the high speed blurring as mentioned in other reviews, maybe because my car tops out at 150 or so. We'll see when we get into the high end cars if it is noticable.

I typically don't do the online racing because of the issues with rewarding aggressive/dirty tactics in all online play so I can't speak to that experience yet.

I think it is a disservice to gamers that EA did not make it compatible with the racing wheels out there. How does anybody make a driving sim that doesn't work with a wheel controller?

In spite of it's flaws (maybe they are my flaws, not the game?), I am enjoying the game so far. I am giving it a 7.5 after limited game play. Maybe when my skills improve I will look at it differently. Not a bad effort.

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Ok where should I begin? This game fancies itself as some kind of a perfect cross between a sim and an arcade racer, but the truth is that it totally fails to accomplish this goal. It seems that being stuck in the middle ground isn't doing this new NFS installment any favors and let me explain why. Individuals who like arcadish racing games will find this title a bit too difficult for their taste, since some sort of driving physics, albeit exaggerated and inaccurate, still exists and the car is not exactly easy to control. Hardcore sim fans will be thoroughly disappointed as this game is just really not much of a driving simulator at all; physics does not feel realistic, speed feels artificially exaggerated to" enhance the action experience", finally, besides top speed and acceleration, cars do not feel all that much different from one another. Overall, the physics of this game does not even come close in comparison to something like GT5 prologue.

If all this wasn't enough, there is the graphics, which really does not seem all that sharp, as it appears to have been tuned down to prevent frame rate issues. Furthermore, the gameplay was not very impressive at all, as it is an extremely linear progression, which does not allow much freedom whatsoever. Last, but certainly not least, there are compatibility problems with Logitech G25 steering wheel. The wheel feels off-center with a huge center deadzone (I tried playing with the options and didn't help) and finally the force feedback is all messed up all this adding up to a pretty terrible driving experience with otherwise the best steering wheel on the market.

Overall, this game is stuck in a non-sim/non-arcade land, which really makes it hard to be appealing for fans of either genre. In certain ways it is similar to GRID, but does not have the same impressive graphics, innovative features and crash sequences and so in other words, it brings nothing new to the table. The final nail in the coffin is delivered through its sloppy integration with the Logitech G25 steering wheel, which turns a pretty crappy racing experience into a truly horrid one.

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I have yet to wreck my car so bad that I couldn't drive it any longer on NFS:Shift. It is a much better sim than any previous NFS game. The arcade mode is still there in that you can use any car ahead of you to slow down into a corner. Get behind? Drive like a maniac and then slam into the cars ahead, sure the hood will crumple but you will blast them off the track and if your good you can then run ahead on to the next set and slam into them. Its like a mix of a demolition derby and a racing sim.

There are a ton of redeeming qualities in this game though, so dont think its all bad;


The cockpits of these cars look very authentic. I am a fan of Top Gear and have seen every car in this game on that show several times (except the Camaro) and the cockpits here look identical. When you drive a car it tallies up the miles you have driven it which is cool to say you have driven a few thousand miles in car X. It makes you want to keep a car longer just so you can become more proficient.


Not bad, many of them want to kill you and they will try to run you off the road. Which can help you get ready for online races because they will do the exact same thing.


Very accurate but indestructible. Drive a Zonda or Veyron into a wall at 200 MPH and it will only dent the hood slighlty and may break the lenses.

I can only compare this to another driving sim even though its an off road rally game. Comparing this to Dirt 2 and you will see some glaring issues. First off in Dirt if you hit a wall or even a hay bale at speed you may risk ripping a body panel off or even the wheel; ending your race. In Shift you can slam into anything you want and it will keep on going.

Issue 2: the gravel is impossible to turn on. I realize hitting gravel at high speed means you can not turn as sharply but in Shift you hit it at anything over 20 and you will hit the wall.

Issue 3: The car customizing is really difficult to do. Want to do ralley stripes on your car, it can take 30 minutes or more to get them all in place, hit a wrong button and all that work is gone.


>> Wonderful car models

>> Drive some of the rarest cars on the planet

>> Accurate cockpits

>> Cool animations when you hit things


you have maxed out your upgrades.

The controls are similar to GTA, which is a good thing as the controls are fairly logical. One nice thing is that you don't have any annoying "checkpoints" of earlier racing games.

The game does a great job of providing variety in races. You can race "manufacturers challenge" where every driver gets the exact same car (that way nobody has an advantage w/their vehicle). You can do head-to-head challenges between two different cars. There are also lap eliminator & time eliminator races that are thrown in as well.

Almost all of the major car manufacturers are on the game; Nissan, Toyota, Aston Martin, Chervolet, Ford, Lamborgini, Audi, Mercedes, etc. The only major brand that is omitted is Ferrari. That's too bad as I'm a huge fan of Ferrari! Ostensibly, the licensing didn't work out as I can't see the makers of the game simply forgetting about such a major manufacturer of exotic automobiles.

If you like racing games, then more than likely you will like this one. Sure, the laws of physics are toned down in the game, but to have more realistic physics would be to degrade the playability of the game. This is at once one of the most frustrating games I've ever played, and at the same time it's one of the funnest games I've ever played. You can drive with the precision of Mario Andretti, or you can be so aggressive that you make NASCAR drivers look like downright courteous operators. In short, it's everything a racing game should be!

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First, let me say that this game has its share of technical problems. So why do I give it 5 stars? I'll get to that in a moment. Let's get the bad stuff out of the way first. Load times are rather long, and as you get farther into the game, they can get really long. There's a bit of frame rate slowdown occasionally, but it's not at all common. However if there are 10 cars ahead of you and 5 of them are having a massive collision, the frame rate can drop to 0 for a second, and next thing you know you're 100 yards farther down the track than you were before. The sound can cut out on occasion, requiring you to quit the game and restart it. Again, this is rare. There's also a problem with the replays if you're using a steering wheel, the replays cause the wheel to turn, which in turn causes the on-screen menu to start cycling through its options, creating an annoying clicking sound. In the past, a couple of tracks had terrible slowdown problems, causing the game to run in slow motion. However, they've fixed this with a patch which you can download for free.

So now the good stuff. Technical problems aside, this game is an absolute blast to play. They start you off with a race in which your driving abilities are analyzed. The game then sets the difficulty level to suit your experience level. You can also manually choose whatever difficulty you want, from casual to professional. And you can set the AI opponents to easy, medium or hard. With casual difficulty, the cars almost drive themselves, you don't even need to use the brakes. With professional difficulty, it's a very good driving simulator, and quite realistic. And you can choose anything in between. So it appeals to just about any race fan, from beginner to expert.

As far as the cars and tracks, there's an excellent selection. Other games may have more cars, but this game has about as many as I could want. A very nice selection of American, European and Japanese cars, from low powered ones like you might actually own, to the most exotic and expensive stuff made in the world. I believe there are about 68 total. There are also two DLC packs, the "Team Racing" pack which is free includes some nice classic American muscle cars. The "Exotic" pack which is not free includes a nice selection of 7 exotic sports cars, along with a new track and a whole pile of extra events to race in. The selection of tracks in the game is about as good as anything on the market. Seriously, you will never get bored with the selection of tracks because there are just so many of them. And it's even got the Nurburgring!

The game is arranged into 4 tiers. You start on tier 1, with the lower powered cars. After you've gained enough experience, you move to tier 2, with more cars and a wider variety of tracks, and then to tier 3 and 4. The 5th group of races is the Need for Speed World Championship, which is a series of about 10 races. There's also a "star" system you earn stars for various things: 3 stars for a 1st place finish, 2 for 2nd, 1 for third. You can also get a star for completing a lap within the specified time, running a clean lap, earning enough points for precision driving or aggressive driving, etc. There are 50 levels total, and each time you make it to a new level you get a prize of some sort. It might be cash, or access to more features. So all throughout the game there are a myriad of incentives to keep you working towards getting better and achieving a higher level.

The best part though is the driving. It's just so fun and immersive. The force feedback you get if you use a steering wheel is awesome you can feel every bump and ripple in the track, and feel the tires losing traction and then gaining it back again. It really feels like you're driving a race car. The sound is also excellent, with directional sounds coming from all sides if you've got a surround sound system. Hit a wall on your left? You'll get a big crashing sound to your left. Collisions also cause your vision to momentarily go blurry and the color disappears, which goes even further to immerse you in the experience. And the cars are an absolute blast to drive. They all have their own unique handling and acceleration. There's no such thing as two cars that feel the same to drive. The physics are very realistic if you set it on professional or even experienced difficulty level. By the end of a long endurance race, I notice I'm sweaty, my arms are a bit tired, and my nerves are frayed. In other words, it provides that visceral and emotional experience that few others can match.

Overall, a great game. My favorite racing game of all time, hands down. I think I've got over 200 hours into it so far, and still having a blast.

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Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut

Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $32.53
Today's Bonus: 19% Off
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Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut is an open world, do anything you want, horror, mystery game for PS3.

To the point then:

NEW IMPROVEMENTS NOTICED: Compared to 360 version I owned:

-Improved, more precise on foot and in vehicle controls.

-Improved Graphics for trees, houses, cars, interiors, exteriors, roads, animals, night and day time, lakes, town, and many minor details.

-York's clothing has physics. His tie will flop as he moves.

-Farther Draw Distance with more clarity, less fogging.

-Expandable mini map while in-game. Very helpful.

-Updated HUD graphics.

-Autosave and standard single slot save (new?)

-Story Additions, new scenes, dialog, etc.

-Less muddiness while outside. Still pixelated though. Lots of visual noise. Frame rate still slows down on occasion.

-2D and 3D choice. 2D has better resolution. 3D is pixelated more.


Join Francis York on his nightmarish journey into the forest town of Greenvale, as he tries to piece the mysterious clues together that can help him find and stop the unexplained Red Seed deaths taking place. Plenty of supernatural demons and surreal moments, many of which are heavily inspired by Twin Peaks.


Left analog rotates York 360 degrees, with a light pressure making him walk slowly, more pressure up to a normal walk. To run, hold L2. Right Analog controls the camera, also 360 and independent of the character's controls, so if you want, you can have York walk towards the camera while looking behind him.

L1 draws your weapon, up down digital pad picks it. Really nicely done. Firing a gun is still stationary and a bit clusmy.

While in a vehicle, you can choose an exterior view, or an interior dashboard view of the car. Get in and out as you please.


Navigate freely in a expansive open world forest town on foot by foot or in vehicle, your choice. There is weather, and a day/night cycle.

York's weaker Hand gun offers unlimited ammo. Weapons break, use them wisely. Some enemies take more than one hit to eliminate.


-Fuel your vehicle. Windshield wipers, lights on/off.

-Shave, clean your clothes or change attire, eat and sleep, etc.

-Investigate at your own pace.

-Lots to see, do, collect and discover.

SOUND: A Twin Peaks like soundtrack, and creepy sounds from the zombie like demon humans that you encounter, with many classic sound FX that remind one of PS1, PS2's Resident Evil series.

If you enjoyed Resident Evil 1 and 2, the Silent Hill games, definitely consider this one of a kind, quirky horror exploration game and add it to your collection.

Now all we need is Swery (writer director) to be funded to create Deadly Premonition 2 for current and next gen consoles, using a modern game engine to create it.

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Deadly Premonition can be a hard game to swallow for the uninitiated. The original released in 2010 and injected the Xbox 360's decidedly westernized library with the spirit of obscure budget horror. Since the controls are somewhat archaic, it often gets misrepresented as "so bad it's good."

The enjoyment found in this game is nothing like the feeling you may get while ironically watching a bad movie, should you be into that. No, this game's story is actually very good, and one that wears its huge Twin Peaks influence on its sleeve. And on top of that it features one of the greatest main characters in any game, ever.

In many ways The Director's Cut is the superior version, despite some framerate issues that I'm happy to report don't hurt the game too much (the only really bad sections occur early on). Thanks to the refined controls and difficulty, combat is far less tedious than before, which makes progressing through the game a lot more satisfying. The enhanced mini-map also gives extra incentive to explore the town and complete sidequests in between missions.

Though Deadly Premonition still contains a fair amount of jank, it only adds to the wealth of charm within. The end result is a ridiculously original masterpiece that hearkens back to an era where the gaming landscape had more room for wildly imaginative budget games, a far cry from the abundance of focus tested blockbusters that are prevalent today.

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Jim Sterling of Destructoid fame once described "Deadly Premonition" as "watching two clowns eating each other," in the sense that such a thing is perverse and wrong, yet hilarious and able to grasp your attention in a choke-hold. While some critics missed the entire point of the experience (IGN, for example), SWERY's sick yet beautiful game managed to carve out an audience in today's gaming landscape, an impressive feat for a $20 budget game.

Fast-forward three years, and the video game industry is in turmoil. Corporate corruption, homogenized sequels, and AAA titles that simply attempt to outdo each other as opposed to being genuinely good games... everything is messed-up, and it seems developers have forgotten what it means to make interactive entertainment. Not Access Games, though, because their massive facelift of their modern cult classic reminds us that there are still developers that give a darn. Somehow managing to improve an already perfect game, "Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut" is what we, the gaming community, need. And I can't think of finer praise to heap on a something.

Before delving into this version specifically, it's important to introduce new players to the events of the game. FBI Agent Francis York Morgan (call him York, though, everybody else does) is sent to the sleepy town of Greenvale to investigate the bizarre murder of a local girl. The method in which she was killed is similar to other cases he's investigated, so he quickly takes over the case. However, things get weirder from there. From "mysterious capitalists" that wear gas masks to futures being read in a morning cup of coffee, and from a killer decked out in a red raincoat to people being turned into freaking tress, this game pulls out all the stops in its attempt to confuse players.

What's most beautiful about the narrative, however, is how many genres it encompasses. It works as a metaphysical drama, as a serial killer murder mystery, as a black comedy, as a romance, as... well, it works on just about any level. It will make you laugh as many times as it shocks you, and oftentimes, it will do both at the same time. Not only that, but the characters are truly memorable. York, the perky blond officer Emily, workout nut George and others will stick with you for years to come, and make you wonder why today's gaming landscape is still filled with such cookie-cutter characters, when such original ones are housed in a game that costs a small fraction of what AAA titles run. While growing attached to these protagonists, you'll laugh, cry and most importantly, be entertained.

One thing that still impresses is the ability to essentially stalk every single character in the game through their daily routine. In an ambitious AI system (where most of the game's budget was admirably sunk), every person in the cast, and even people who aren't part of the narrative, have their own schedules. There are no random pedestrians, no repeated character models; you can follow everybody for in-game weeks, and see their schedules shift over time. It's an amazing system, and one that can give you serious insight into even the most minor of characters.

As far as new story content goes, we have a new intro, outro, and segments that intersperse the main narrative. It adds new framework to the game, and puts everything in a much different context than before: a story being told to a little girl by her grandfather (who is obviously a certain character from the game.) This little twist makes everything a bit more terse, in my opinion, and was a bold direction for Swery to take. Fans are sure to enjoy these characters' interactions, and newcomers are in for a slightly more fulfilling story.

Now, the differences in this Director's Cut are subtle, but they make all the difference in the world. Combat still functions "Resident Evil 4"-style, making players stand in place as they shoot from an over-the-shoulder perspective. However, it works more fluidly here, and the controls are much more responsive. But the largest area of improvement in the combat department can definitely be seen in the melee area; using pipes, knives and even laser swords (yes, they're unlockable)feels like a viable alternative and not a crippled mechanic. Furthermore, the addition of a more pronounced weapon durability meter is a godsend. Overall, the combat feels more fluid and enjoyable, and it's a lot easier to respond when the horrific eyeless zombie-things pop out of nowhere.

On the exploration side, we have some definite improvements. The biggest of these, in my opinion, is definitely the minimap. No longer are you forced to go into a screen in order to navigate the sprawling environment; you can keep up a map to help you figure out where you need to be at all times. Furthermore, York's main control scheme has improved, as has the camera. The quirky agent can finally move freely in any direction, and the camera doesn't annoying snap back to the center anymore. Control-wise, this is definitive version of "Deadly Premonition."

The other big change is apparent as soon as you start playing: the graphics. While it still doesn't look like a big-budget retail title, the visual aesthetics of this game are a definite improvement over the past version. High-definition adds a new level of depth to the game, most noticeably on the new character models. Veins bulge, mouths are lined with teeth, and you can see strands of hair in more detail (especially on York.) Furthermore, the environments are much more detailed; signs that used to clash with their locations now blend smoothly, and building interiors are rendered with the utmost attention to the smallest of things. That being said, I do wish more attention had been paid to the outdoors. Water looks jarringly plain, and some of the grass textures are rather blurry and ugly. Overall, it's a definite improvement, but some issues I wish had been addresses were left alone.

My biggest complaint about the HD transfer, really, is the framerate. Namely, it kind of sucks in some areas. This only really affects cutscenes and exploring areas with a lot things on the screen (expect a lot of pop-in textures), but it's still a noticeable problem. While this is something that could probably be patched out, it's something I take some issue with.

The sound department is a mixed bag. True, we do still have the wonderful, eclectic score and the offbeat, lovable voice acting. That's all still there. But unfortunately, the audio is poorly mastered, and jarringly so. Sound effects are too loud, voices too quiet, and the music not as enjoyable due to the fact that you're trying to listen to the characters. Everything players loved about the game is still there, but handled in an incredibly inept fashion. Thankfully, you can tamper with the three audio tracks to reach the right level, but seeing how this was never an issue in the original, I consider it a flaw of this version.

How does one review "The Director's Cut", then? As a game, it's still everything I fell in love with, topped with some additional narrative bits, and some really stellar gameplay improvements. But as a definitive cut, it falls a bit flat due to the framerate issues and sound complaints. Overall, "Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut" is very much worth buying if you haven't played the original, or if you were a rabid fan of it. The gameplay is better than it's ever been, and the graphics are as good as they're going to get. All others, however, may find that the A/V issues dissuade them from completing their journey into Greenvale's twisted web of intrigue.

"Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut" is like a shot of espresso; there's a definite audience for it, and newcomers should try it if they haven't already, but for others, it might be a bit too dirty and strong to handle.

Game: 10

Director's Cut: 8.5

Overall: 9.25

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It's like a love child of Resident Evil 4, Clock Tower, GTA, and Twin Peaks all rolled into a sweet, sexy little package on the PS3. You'll do yourself a huge favor by picking this up. Just be patient when the game starts, it gets good.

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Unquestionably worth buying, even if you have the 360 version as I do. And be advised: the one star review is a gross miscalculation no doubt the rash, misguided opinion of some Call Of Duty obsessed teenage graphics-fiend with the IQ of a rusty soup spoon. To fault this game for poor graphics is to fault Playboy for poor grammar dude, you're kinda missing the point. More games like this need to be made. Long live Swery65!

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PlayStation 3 5-In-1 Expansion Pack

PlayStation 3 5-In-1 Expansion Pack
Customer Ratings: 3 stars
List Price: $69.99
Sale Price: $59.03
Today's Bonus: 16% Off
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My grandson loves the set, he said the see thru controller is the best! I originally bought the set because he wanted a headset but this set gave him an extra controller and allows another friend to play.

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No where in the advertisement for this product does it say "Batteries required" or "Batteries not included". Consider the added expence before purchase.

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Battery Replacement & USB Data/Charger Cable for PlayStation 3 Wireless Controller

Battery Replacement & USB Data/Charger Cable for PlayStation 3 Wireless Controller
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $2.60
Today's Bonus: 87% Off
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The battery itself is so far working good. However, this unit is larger than the original battery. The original sits on a crate on top of chip. The crate is removable, so I took it off and place the new battery directly on top of the chip. I do not like it and am a little concerned that the chip and other electronics on the tiny board get someday damaged or interfered. The PS3 remote control was a pain in the neck to crack open.

Update after 3 years: The controller has been working happily to-day. My earlier concern was unnecessary.

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Battery connector did not fit in SIXAXIS controller's circuit board. The key on the battery's connector is too wide. De-pinned both plugs and swapped them, went to charge battery after installation, it did not hold a chargeat all. Only useful part is the USB cable.

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I love this. SO much better then buying another controller. Fit just fine. No problem installing. Then biggest problem was getting the R2 L2 to go back into place.

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the supplied USB cable is very,very low quality,but the price,shipping and prompt service were excellent,so,if I ever need some more of this products,I'll make sure to get it from the same provider

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Thank you for having this available for purchase.

This product was installed with no problems.

Works well with the PS3 controller.

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PlayStation 3 40GB System

PlayStation 3 40GB System
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: Price Unavailable
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I have both the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. I never thought I would buy a PS 3 but after hanging out at the stores to long during the Holiday shopping I ended up buying one. I must say, so far I'm very impressed. Its easy to see why Sony was charging a lot for this when it first came out, this thing is loaded and the fit/finish seems top notch. Compared to the Xbox 360 the PS3 seems very well thought out. The Xbox some days seems like something I built in my basement. The Xbox is so loud when you are playing a game. I can't figure out why MS would think anyone would want to watch a movie through their HD-DVD player as you would have to turn the movie sound way up to block out the 360's fans.

The PS graphics are very very good, and the blu ray dvd is just an added bonus to a very good game system for the new lower prices. Also, its nice to have the on-line game play be free, compared to the Xbox $50 a year. It's not that the xbox is bad, the PS3 is just more refined. I also expect fewer problems with the PS3 than the Xbox. I have only had one issue with the xbox, the tv connector cable went bad, but I know several people who have had 2-3 360's just die on them.

The Wii shouldn't be compared to the PS3 or the Xbox. Its a great game system with the innovative controlers and the easy to play games. Its the only system my wife will play and she never played games before. That is the beauty of the Wii, it truly is a game system for everyone.

So far I see a lot of pro's for the PS3 and a couple of cons.



Blu Ray DVD

Wireless internet connectin built in

Rechargeable wireless controler

Very quiet

Doesn't run very hot

build quality

free on-line game playing


Not many games yet

No hdmi cable included.

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For all of you considering the PS3 this is one of the best choices you can make when it comes to home entertainment. Gaming and multimedia are taken to the next level.

First getting my hands on the PS3 made me realize that this is the largest Playstation conosle by volume and weight they have ever come out with. I quickly realized how sturdy and well made this product is. The plastic that is used is solid and heavy duty. I also realized how easy dust and fingerprints attract to the shiny finish which is both plastic and fake chrome. Connecting the PS3 was the easy part. Unlike the Wii and 360 Sony has left the power station inside the console. Which means you only need one heavy duty plug to connect. From the back of the console you have many choices for video and audio outputs. The standard AV outlet is there which allows you to play with the cables it comes with or to buy component cables for high definition viewing. You also have a optical digital output for full digital sound. New to any video game console is HDMI output. This allows you to have the PS3 in full high definiton video and audio. HDMI is capable of a full digital signal allowing 1080p true high definition picture. It is also capable of unleashing 7.1 high definition sound. So audiophiles should be happy about what this console offers. On the front end you get two USB ports. This allows you to connect various devices like a photo camera, internet camera, mouse, or even a printer. The Sony PS3 has a feature that allows it to be on standby at all times. Which is similar to the other consoles. I will talk more about this feature on the PS3 further in the review.

I would like to cover all the interface options the PS3 accompanies seperately so consumers can become aware of all the advantages this console carries. For those of you familiar with the Playstation Portable this interface is almost exactly the same.

You are able to create seperate logins for anyone who uses the PS3. This allows for each person to go online with their information. Although it doesn't really have many more advantages than that right now it is rather insignificant.

Next is the system settings. This allows the user to adapt the PS3 to their television and sound system. You can adjust the high defention settings to fit the maximum resolution of your t.v. You also have setting for your blue tooth devices and internet connections. The PS3 comes with built in wi-fi which seems to have a strong connection that gives you almost seamless online use.

The PS3 also has a photo viewer. You can download pictures by using your camera and connecting it via USB. I haven't checked to see how viable this option is. Generally you get your standard slide shows although they have a fun feature. One of the features takes your pictures and gracefully places them onto a blank canvas. I think the slide shows are best when you set them to music.

Next is the music player. You can download your pics via CD which is rather quick. I have done this numerous times putting quite a music collection on my PS3. Although Sony has talked about having downloads via the internet which I think would go over very well. You can listen to music while viewing a feature that uses colors and textures. It is your standard music viewer...nothing special there.

I want to talk about one of the most notorious features of the PS3. The Bluray player. Most of you now know what a Bluray player is and does. I have viewed numerous movies on it. I have also viewed these movies on two different hdtv's. One a 1080p and a 1080i. I really did not notice much of a picture difference. After viewing a few movies on the XBox 360 hddvd player and the PS3 Bluray player I really did not notice much of a difference. One thing I have noticed about hd movies is that the ones more than a couple years older have a slightly grainy appearance since they were remastered for high definition. Newly made movies appear crystal clear with vivid colors and tremoundous definition. The PS3 does allow you to view regular DVD's which can make the transition that much easier. The regular DVD movies are upscaled on your HDTV allowing an excellent picture. For many of the new movies it is almost difficult to notice a difference in a DVD picture and Blu-ray picture.

Now would be the gameplay part of the interface. This keeps track of the game disc you may have in the player or also games or demos that you have downloaded. This interface is rather simple and easy to negotiate. One feature that is sadly missing from the 40 gig is backwards compatibility. Although you can still play PSone games, PS2 games are a no go. As far as the games go I have played numerous games plus several demos. The games that are non exclusive like Madden Football are deficent on the PS3 compared to XBox 360 counterparts. The game speed is smooth and polished. The visuals on exclusive PS3 games like Heavenly Sword and Ratchet and Clank is quite impressive. The PS3 seems to create a living vivid environment with the ability to create many textures and surfaces. Game demos like Motorstorm and Gran Turismo HD show what the PS3 is capable of. Amazing graphics and sound quality will become apparent in many of the games this holiday season and beyond. I have also enjoyed the few full games that are downloadable. The games have enhanced hd graphics and are affordable at only $7.99-$9.99. What I have enjoyed is online gaming. With the PS3 you don't have to pay any added fees. The gameplay was seamless and quick and allows you to use a blue tooth headset when playing. I also believe you can use your PS2 headset via USB. The online gaming is virtually the same as the 360.

Lastly I will cover the online features of the PS3. On the interface online is a big part. From the browser to having friends and checking your mail. Of course the largest feature is the Playstation store. Which is obviously not very unique. The 360 has a market which could be considered the pedigree for consoles. The Wii is limited to just classic video games. The Playstation store is decent right now with very numerous items to download. You have games, demos, and movie trailers. The store will continue to grow and has a nice feature that allows you to dowload PSone games for the Playstation Portable (PSP). After dowloading it to your PS3 then you transfer it via USB to your PSP. Also a very intriguing feature that I think is really amazing is called remote play. When your PSP is integrated into your PS3 you have the ability to view and listen to stuff on your PS3 anywhere in the world with your PSP. All you need is a wifi connection. I have tried this feature out and it's really enjoyable. I was able to view movie trailers and listen to my music on my PSP. The feature is nice although it is supposed to work when the PS3 is on standby. It did not work for me then. Only when the PS3 was on and set for remote play.

There are also two features that are becoming more apparent for owners. Folding at Home is a beneficial program that works with Stanford University. The program runs when your PS3 is idle. What it does is run computations that help scientists work for many cures to diseases. A beneficial plus to the PS3. I can vouch for having my PS3 on nonstop 24 hours a day 7 days a week for many months without any problems. Secondly I want to talk about HOME. No not your real home but the PS3 program that will be available early 2008. This program will be a virtual online social interface allowing you to meet numerous other PS3 players. I have been allowed to participate on the Beta version and I must say this has extreme potential.

2008 will be an exciting year for PS3 owners. The experience is already excellent with over a dozen very good games. The PS3 will have over a half dozen superb games releasing next year. Games like Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy are just the beginning. If any of these games suit you it would be an excellent reason to own a PS3.

In closing I will say without a doubt the PS3 has been quite an experience. I feel the $400 is well worth it for the features you get. Wifi, Bluray, HDMI, and of course the game playing.

I believe many of you are on the fence and trying to justify a large scale purchase like this. The games are here and the experience is superb. If you want a wonderful living room centerpiece that will provide numerous hours of use the PS3 is the way to go.

Buy PlayStation 3 40GB System Now

All the news I read said 60GB was the only way to go if you wanted a PS3 with backward compatibility. Therefore, I rush into nearest BestBuy to get a 60GB when I saw online news said 60GB was sold out in most of retail stores on 11/02/2007.

I was not very happy when I realized my new PS3 was running HOT and LOUD, believe me it was very LOUD. I exchanged it for another 60GB next day. This one was a little better, IMO; however, it was still running HOT and LOUD. I went to Target, and got another 60GB. This one was not any better. I told myself this had to be a design flaw but I would give it for another try. Therefore, I returned it and bought another 60GB from Target again. Four out of four, they were all running HOT and LOUD. I gave up at this point, and returned the last one purchased from Target. At this point I almost wanted to learn to live with the noise since I enjoyed the Blu-ray so much and had some fun playing those demo games.

I went online and did some more research. I found 40GB should consume a lot less energy than 60GB and 80GB. IMO Energy = Heat; therefore, I was in BestBuy again on 11/10/2007 with my family and bought a 40GB. Installed it in the evening, watched a regular SD DVD and left it on over night for downloading. WOW, it ran much quieter and it was even running quieter than my HR20-100 (a DIRECTV HD DVR). Off course, I return the last 60GB I had the following day.

My decision metrics:

1. Can I watch movies with the PS3 running so LOUD?


2. How important is the backward compatibility to me?

I can keep my PS2 connected to TV, still; however, I should move on and focus on PS3 ONLY for game playing.

3. Do I need two more USB ports and memory card slots?

Not such a big deal.

4. Is 40GB big enough?

I DON'T care.

I would buy another PS3 when it starts using 65nm processor rather than the current 90nm in the near future. Now 40GB is the only way to go IMO. I hope my journey to a 'QUIET' PS3 can help you make your decision on your future purchase.

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By now, everyone knows the details of the system. I had to chose between the 40GB and 80GB system. For me, it was easy. I don't need any of the extra features of the 80GB system. (limited PS2 compatibility, extra USB, card reader, Motostorm game etc.)I also didn't need the 80GB because I upgraded the 40GB HD with a faster 120GB HD, and it only cost me an extra $55. The 40GB system also has the 65nm Cell Processor. So for less than the 80GB system, I have a faster, quieter, cooler, and more energy efficient 120GB system.

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A hands-on review, going over:

-What's included in the package and their purpose

-Actual PS3 performance and load-times

Note: This review was for the outdated 60-gig version, but the functionalities and features demonstrated in this video do not differ from those of the 40-gig version, except the extra USB ports and Memory card drives)

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HexoLight 4000

HexoLight 4000
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: Price Unavailable
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First of all, because this information is not available ANYWHERE ELSE on the web trust me, I looked here are the dimensions of one pod: 4.75" wide, edge to edge. 5.5" wide, corner to corner. And 5" deep. I have no idea why that's so difficult for anyone else to provide, so there you go. You're welcome. Now, on to an actual review...

Initial impression, right out of the box, these things look and feel cheap. As another reviewer commented, they do not slide together smoothly. Some connections are too loose, others too tight. Also, the clear plastic covering the LEDs is also entirely too thin, and positioned in the wrong place; it's behind the "silver" (it's plastic, but painted to look like metal) frame, instead of the front. I think that was a poor decision.

And, the cords are too short, needlessly limiting the flexibility of arrangements. You might think you could arrange the lights in "any" configuration, but that's not the case. If you wanted to put all four lights in a row, for example, with the control box at one end, you cannot do that, as each wire is only long enough to span the width of two pods. Therefore, whatever arrangement you choose, the control box needs to be in the center.

My initial quality impression was clearly not a good one, BUT, that's because I hadn't turned them on! Once these things are doing their thing, I have to say, they are awesome, and ridiculously fun. I cannot believe how much I enjoy them. They respond to music fantastically, and even though I had bought them specifically for Rock Band, but I find myself turning them on even just listening to CDs. I like them so much, I've mounted them on the wall. They look great, and now that I'm not actually touching them, all signs of their cheap construction have become almost entirely unnoticeable.

I bought two sets of four, and I'm glad I did. I'm actually considering buying more! They do have their flaws, and I felt it fair you be made aware of them, but nevertheless, they're definitely worth buying especially more than one set!

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At first my Hexolights 4000 came in broken but after few emails with customer service i got my problem fix and they were good enough and gave me I extended for the lights.... Great Great company they got my business back. Thank you.

Buy HexoLight 4000 Now

Disappointed no more...... Rock Gear customer service is the best!!!! After experiencing problems with our initial purchase on Christmas day Rock Gear stepped in and solved the problem. I have never dealt with the most helpful , reliable and trustworthy company in my life. They fulfilled their promise to make things right in a very timely matter. Thanks for people like you, you guys truly make the world a better place. All I can say for now is that Rick Ralston Rocks!!!!!! Thanks again!!!!

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they do fire up based on sound beats. connection is easy wish the wires connecting the lights to the pod were longer it is an issue when you try to allign them in a staright line. the power chord for one of the lights did not work but was promptly replaced by amazon. if they could work out the wire lenght problem I wld give them a 5 star but otherwise they are what they are.

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Great value for money, works for home parties and etc., works well with bass, and very customizable! The wires connecting the pod are a little short.. but by using telephone wire to extend the wires, I can place the pods anywhere in the room I want! What else do you want?!

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Playstation 3 HD Component Cable

Playstation 3 HD Component Cable
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: Price Unavailable
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I don't know why PlayStation dropped the ball and does NOT include component cables with the console to begin with. Xbob360 Elite offers a 2-in-1 Component / AV cable so you can go either way depending on your needs, PS3 should've done same thing. If you want component cables for PS3, Madcatz are good cables.

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What I thought I was ordering was a Madcatz-brand gold-plated PS3 component cable, like the one in the product image.

What I received was an obviously cheap knockoff cable with no brand, plain connectors, and a plug that almost wouldn't fit into my PS3. False advertisement at its finest.

The quality of the image when using this plug is terrible. You can literally see each individual color as a separate band ghosting across the screen.

Don't be fooled: you're not getting a high-quality cable for six dollars; You're getting a knockoff that you didn't order.


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My new TV has the HD Component inputs instead of the analog component inputs which are the cables that came with my PlayStation 2. Using the analog component (Yellow Video) I attempted plugging the yellow into both the green and blue of the HD Component inputs, the picture came through when it was plugged into green, but the quality varied from okay to unwatchable. With the HD Component connections the picture quality is always great!

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Good high quality item. Does what it's supposed to do. Using this on a 1080p 56 inch LCD and the quality of the picture is almost as good as with the HDMI cable.

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I needed this cable to push HD video to my projector that I have mounted on my ceiling. The cable is well built and does the job perfectly.

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Guitar Hero Smash Hits

Guitar Hero Smash Hits - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $24.70
Today's Bonus: 38% Off
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If you are like me and got in to the Guitar Hero franchise only recently, then this is a game you should definitely get. It gives you a chance to play some of the songs from the older games that you missed with the added bonus of being able to go at those with the whole band.

However, if you have played these songs before, there probably isn't enough to justify buying this. The only truly new features is the aforemented full band play on these songs and the expert+ feature on drums that allows for double-bass pedal playing. This is really cool to be sure, but hardly enough to justify paying for a whole new game with songs that you have experienced before. It does seem that the songs MAY have been amped up a little in difficulty and any game that includes "Play With Me" by Extreme as a song to play with is certainly not ALL bad.

With all that being said, the song list is a little light on songs that I would consider to be truly "smash hits". If you are a vet of the franchise and are considering this I would wait for a price drop. If you jumped in a little before World Tour, I would likewise wait for the price drop. Otherwise, if your first step in was for World Tour, this would make an excellent addition to your library.......especially if you sprung for the entire set. In the end, the question you have to ask yourself is "How much do I love Guitar Hero?" Chances are, if you are reading reviews to help you decide, then you should hold off.

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...but the dearth of reviews should tell you all you need to know about online play.

The Good:

The song selection is pretty strong. I don't really know why someone would say there are only "3 or 4 good songs." I'll admit that my tastes aren't always geared to the actual songs on the game, but it's fun to play nonetheless. My only gripe is that the selection of songs from Guitar Hero 3 is way too large. GH:3 was a PS3 game, not a PS2 game. Using up five tracks for this seems like overkill and filler I hate doubling my library of songs.

I like the new note charts. "TTFAF" expert becomes infinitely more playable on the GH:WT guitars due to the tap/slider feature in the intro (it was pretty tough to hit that first note with your elbow in GH:3). Some songs feel awkward, though; is there really any reason that "Take It Off" by The Donnas should rate so highly? The difficulty is incredibly artificial.

The trophies are fun, but really, really difficult (100% the mosh on "Raining Blood"? Come on now).

The Bad

Aesthetically, this game is really, really tired. Little effort was put into sprucing up the graphics, and the characters are the same stock losers as always (OK Lars Umlaut is pretty cool). There are no guests.

The online play is an utter joke. I guess this is what happens when an idiot company runs their franchise (and, probably, the entire genre) into the ground by releasing 100 games in a year. It's not like sales for this one have been off the charts, but again, that's no surprise (even Activision sees the writing on the wall why else would they give away their next sales nightmare, "GH:VH"?). You'll be lucky if you find anyone online. Heck, even when I bought the game, there was no one online.

So, all in all, if you're a fan, and you haven't played these songs, you'll like the game. It's not great, but it's still fun.

Buy Guitar Hero Smash Hits Now

Come on... it's guitar hero.... if you like the game, you'll like this. It's great to play with friends so make sure you have more than one guitar..

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this is a fun game no doubt about it but alot harder than rock band. i got the game for through the fire and flames really but havnt played it that often anymore. why? because i grew tired of rhythm games but its still great!

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Yet another gaming classic in my book that I recollected recently. I very much enjoy the Guitar Hero titles, as well as even a few of the Rock Band titles, but I always enjoyed Guitar Hero a little more. This one takes a bunch of the most favorite songs from between Guitar Hero 1 and World Tour and combines them together, and the majority of those chosen are great songs! There were some songs in some of the scattered Guitar Heroes before that weren't all that good or, in the case of some select songs on World Tour, make you think wtf were they thinking putting these songs on here. Most of the songs in Guitar Hero games are pretty awesome though, and this one is a collection of many of the greats! If perhaps you have never played this installment of Guitar Hero or are maybe new to Guitar Hero, this is a great one to start out playing...though if you're looking to get the drums and such too, World Tour. Fun stuff.

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Playstation 3 320GB HW Bundle - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Playstation 3 320GB HW Bundle - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $374.97
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If you're looking to buy a Playstation 3 and Modern Warfare 3, then this bundle is a match made in Heaven. The stand-alone 320GB PS3 system retails for three hundred brand new, while MW3 is sixty. So it's like getting a free game, but that's where your benefits end. The console is your basic PS3 (not that that's a bad thing!) and the game is the standard edition. You still get one controller and no HDMI cable. And unlike last years PlayStation 3 160GB Call of Duty: Black Ops Bundle, there is no free map pack voucher. In fact, the only thing custom is the box!

Now in this product's defense, the other bundle PS3 320GB Uncharted 3 Bundle is no different and I have yet to find an aesthetically customized PS3, at least officially from Sony. The Playstation 3 is a great machine nonetheless, and I highly doubt you will be disappointed. Just know what you will be receiving if you spring for this bundle.

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I ordered this for my boyfriends birthday, and over nighted it to where I work.

It arrived in great condition, with everything the description says. Great price for game, controller and console.

When he saw it he was way excited.

The only thing that I recommend when you buy it is to make sure you have an HDMI cable for Smart TV's.

Buy Playstation 3 320GB HW Bundle - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Now

Had my Playstation 3 40 GB for more than 4 1/2 year and it still works like a charm this very day, but always hated when I had to delete something just to fit something new in. I decided to get the new slim model, I was gonna get the uncharted model but then the MW3 was announced and I swore I would never buy a COD again but this deal was too good to pass up cause you practically get the game free.

PS3 Slim

A very nice upgrade from my fat model, I like the nice matte finish than the traditional glossy for both the casing and the controller it feel nice and just looks great aswell. I though it would be hard to transfer everything I had on my 40 GB to the new system but it was actually very simple and didn't take that long to get it setup to how I had my 40. The 320 GB it comes with is worry free, don't have to worry about running out of room anytime soon. I could not be happier with my slim model


A actually nice game so far, only played acouple of hours and can't complain for a game that was pretty much free to me lol. Game is nice, survival is probably my favorite part of the game but the other stuff is not too shabby either.


No regrets with my purchase, a nice upgrade from my fat model and runs smoothly even after long hours of play. Definate a five star, if you looking for a new PS3 and are in the need of a MW3 game then this is the console for you

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Just what I needed. Bundle met expectations. Love it . Would recommend it to anyone. 320gb more than enough. Cheers.

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This was an awesome deal, great game, and we are enjoying ourselves with this system. I would definitely recommend this site or product to anyone and everyone.

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PS3 DJ Hero Renegade Edition Featuring Jay-Z and Eminem

PS3 DJ Hero Renegade Edition Featuring Jay-Z and Eminem
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $199.99
Sale Price: $129.68
Today's Bonus: 35% Off
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This is a great game, but i have a few things i want to cry about. My biggest issue is the turntable. Its too small. I tried first to play with the default settings, that place the buttons on the left close to the fader, and within minutes my wrist was killing me. Luckily you can change this so the buttons are on the outside. But the biggest problem for me is trying to scratch with the blue button, its so close to the middle of the turntable im moving the whole unit. I was using the stand that came with the Renegade Edition, wich is actually pretty nice and sturdy, then i tried it on my lap and then on an ottoman with pretty much the same results. Its not so bad i wont play, but it can be frustrating. I hope they come out with a bigger one, say 10" compared to the 7" or 8" this one seems to be. So, other then that, I'm really enjoying this game. The tutorial with Grand Master Flash was a great way to get a feel for what level i wanted to start playing at. (im sticking to medium for now) Tons of stuff to unlock, you can customize what samples you want (to an extent) and the music is just awsome. There aro so many great mixes on here its silly. My favorite so far is Bel Biv Devoes Poison, and Cameos Word Up. The carrying case is well made and as i said before is pretty sturdy when converted into the stand. It holds the game the turntable and the legs for the stand. The Jay-Z and Eminem cd has some good songs on it. Was it worth the extra 70 bux? As of right now... yes. As with most limited edition things i buy, ask me in a few months and my answer might change =) but it always seems like the thing to do at the time right? There are 5 levels of difficulty and anyone can play this game. Beginner mode a 5 year old can do while on expert i personally need an extra hand, (stupid fade spikes) Im not sure if this will have the following that guitar hero has but if you ever wanted to be a dj but never got around to it, this is a game i think you will enjoy.

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The DJ Hero Renegade Edition is worth the extra money. The unit it self looks awsome and is better looking then the regular unit. The case, stand, and Jay-Z/Eminem cd is good to. DJ Hero game is fun to play and easy to learn on any level. The song selection is great from all your favorite DJ's. The case is sturdy and will protect your investment. The stand that is basicaly the case turned into a stand after you add the legs is pretty sturdy as well, none of that plastic crap. The stand can be ajusted for any hieight, I'm 6' 4" and it works for me when I am standing. The only problem I had, was one of the legs for the stand would not adjust. Overall DJ Hero is as close as you will get to working the real one's and two's without having to spend thousands of dollars.

Buy PS3 DJ Hero Renegade Edition Featuring Jay-Z and Eminem Now

Very fun game. The soundtrack features many 70's and 80's rock songs mixed with newer tracks. They are all original mixes done for this game specifically. For example Queen "another one bites the dust" mixed with daft punk "da funk" and Gorillaz "feel good inc" mixed with Blondie "atomic". Things I would never have thought of but they work well in this game. If you've ever played around on real turntables (my old roommate was a techno DJ) or think you might like it, you should at least give it a try at a store demo. As far as the renegade edition, it comes with a case that doubles as a DJ stand with adjustable legs. It's worth the money to have the controller at the right height. Especially if you're an older gamer such as myself. A sore neck or back can result otherwise. As far as the bonus cd's.. I haven't listened to them yet. I finished UC2 and am waiting for MW2. This will keep me busy in the meantime. peace out.

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Love the game, it is really a blast. The ease of swap for left-handed users is great too. It was somewhat disappointing the find that this special edition only included two extra audio cd and doesn't offer any gameplay content. Also I felt the crossfader on the DJ table was a bit cheap feeling. One cool thing about the game is the ability to add a PS3 guitar to play along!

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I was surprised how much I enjoyed DJ hero. The renegade edition's stand is a very nice add-on that makes playing more comfortable. The turn table is a high quality accessory that I can't imagine breaking unless you're simply clumsy or rough with stuff.

The Only complaint I have deals with the fade switch. In songs you have to fade the tracks in and out using a shifting switch on the left side of the turn table. This works fine except that when you're playing a song you don't have time to look down so your left hand is set on that switch waiting to shift it left, right, or middle. Middle is the default position but without looking it is hard to figure out where the middle is and you'll often break perfect streaks due to pushing the fade switch just a little over the middle section. There is a slight 'bump' you can feel when you're over the middle but it's not significant and if you're playing a faster song it's super easy to miss. I simply wish they would have made a more defined way to move the switch around. Considering there are only 3 spots it can sit there was almost no reason to make a free sliding switch.

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Guitar Hero Aerosmith (Game only)

Guitar Hero Aerosmith - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $8.95
Today's Bonus: 70% Off
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Overall this is a fun game just disappointed there wasn't more Aerosmith songs included.Could have been much better. ;-(

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This game is great! There are going to be people who complain about everything, so, unless you feel like they do, you will enjoy this game! It is so fun! I have been playing since we got it. My brother, sister, and I play against each other and with each other. I love all the songs on it. I am glad it is not all Aerosmith, that would probably be boring, but there is a mix of Aerosmith and non-Aerosmith songs. I love it!

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I have the guitar and drums, but it seems that the game did not detect them well because every time you try to touch it descordinan buttons.

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I think could be a better set list, but anyway I still love it. The characters are nice and good dificult levels

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I don't understand who would give this a bad rating they probably dont know music or appreciate a great band such as aerosmith

Anyway this game as you complete each song you get see cool videos of aerosmith and play their songs but basically everyoe its worth it and wont regret it

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